As a woman, I agree with your assessment of the situation. “It is a plea to return to a simpler mindset in which men and women were able to acknowledge that they needed one another.” Amen to that. That sentiment can be extended to the other groups as well.

“Though the problems of this world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”

—Bill Mollison

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I read Todays letter with eagerness Graham. This exact line of thinking has been festering in my mind for the better part of this year. I have witnessed the wholesale gutting of European male power inside the 4th estate of the media, and every other cultural melting pot we have has been spiked with woke feminism and the feelies. Oh yes, the ever present feelings that cause what would be temporary and now seems to be like Elon Musk has described it: the woke mind virus. Scott Adams has recently called it “narrative poisoning”.

I see the woman’s influence over everything. Including a newly stoked fire to protect gay men with incredible psychopathy problems despite the societal collapse it promotes and longs for.

I can’t help but wonder if this all didn’t begin in earnest when women saw how Edith Wilson commandeered the helm of power in the last 2 years of Woodrow’s presidency.

And what a 2 years it ended up being. It reminds me of 2021 and 2022 with the currently presiding surrogate meat sack.

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"surrogate meat sack" whoever is pulling the strings really has caused immense damage. What will the next years bring?

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Hopefully the talk will be a bit less caustic. But there are some real points that need making in your commentary.

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