More points come to mind, which I will include in the Amazon version.

Men who get less than adquate sleep have lower levels of male hormones and lower sperm counts.

Drowsy drivers have more accidents. The frequency of accidents is high in the early morning hours, as people drive to work on too little sleep. The only total wreck this reviewer experienced was caused by a doctor rushing to Sibley Hospital in Washington. He didn’t see that I was stopped for a red light.

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A clear, concise and helpful review.

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An excellent topic and review. Sadly in my dodder hood I sleep in segments ~ 4 hours or so. Generally am wide awake at odd hours so do chores (or read these articles). Then a return for another 4 hours. On occasion, I break the pattern and sleep 12 hours or so. I am retired and single so need no routine. My smart watch tells me period of REM and "deep" or "light" sleep. Deep sleep is rare, it's mostly light with spikes of REM lasting 5-10 min, like deep sleep only more often. OTOH, sometimes it doesn't detect sleep but my heart rate does slow considerably suggesting I did sleep.

In my military years, I found I could go to sleep very quickly in quiet periods. My late wife was always amazed that on airplane trips, I could go to sleep right after take-off. I think it must be a conditioned response from days long ago.

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This is an excellent book! Thank you for the review! As a psychologist, this is a subject that comes up frequently in my practice.

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Purchased and in the mail. Long overdue subject for me

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