" in many cases, come from poorer regions of Russia, or parts of Russia that are home to ethnic minorities."

My wife's opinion is that this is because a large number of ethnic Russians simply refused to make war on their close relations. She believes that this also explains the rapes. These "ethnic minorities" seem to have few qualms about committing such atrocities. For such people, "orc" is a perfect label. As I've said before, sending them into Ukraine constitutes a "war crime." As if all war were not a crime. . .

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see? there's the problem, right there on the last line:

“They want us to become like them. They want to turn us into demons. We simply can’t let them do this.”

It starts off talking about the Kremlin. In the end it will be taken, is meant to be taken, as an observation on all the Russian people.

And as such is clearly untrue.

Everything, always follows the same insidious process - seguing from wherever it starts into a blanket condemnation - and 'demonisation' as we see here - of a whole people.

Justifying hatred, loathing, immediate enmity, total war, men, women and children.

'The people', as such, meaning collectively, including those on both sides, almost never figure in the 'discussions', the 'analysis'.

The fact of the situation are very probably the same as always: the people on both sides have been hoodwinked ( gaslighted, is it, now? or that's different ?) and are suffering and will suffer more at the end of it all, regardless of who 'wins'.

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As Scott Ritter has explained, one must dehumanize one's opponents, otherwise it will be difficult or impossible to kill them.

I am likewise tired of the dehumanization of both Russians and Ukrainians. "All Russians are drunken raping murdering orcs!" "All Ukrainians are drunken raping murdering Nazis!" Certainly there are among both groups terrible people. But the majority are simply normal folks who want to go about their lives. They love barbeques, (Shashlik) preferably on the shore of a body of water, singing, and being with friends and family (many consisting of both Russians and Ukrainians).

And what's the end? Lots of dead Slavs, a destroyed country, big profits for the MIC, China in the catbird seat.

I read the propaganda and "news" from both sides, which, without a VPN would not be possible, and it is obvious that one can believe nothing one reads or sees.

Nevertheless, the war is now enjoined. We were shaken by the missile explosions on the morning of the attacks, and now our family is separated, part of us in Germany, partly in Ukraine, praying for an end to this so that we can be reunited.

The war news seems to consist mostly of snippets about how evil and incompetent the enemy is, with not much information about actual progress or prospects of victory. Meanwhile, the rich keep on getting richer off of the blood of the combatants. I see no reason to hope that this will soon be over.

If you want to break your heart, look at the some of the photos of the identification booklets that were carried by some of the killed soldiers. Many show them as young, fresh-faced boys. Imagine the mothers and sweethearts of these young men!

Mayhaps Mr. Putin's reasons for this had some validity. But it doesn't matter now. He should have reacted differently. Now, thousands have lost their lives and property.

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Yes. And there's an incredible dearth of calls for an end. For interest in peace negotiations. For the current state of demands on both sides. For a putting of decisions on peace negotiations to the people.

No publishing of anything that will help.

No leadership from the whole international community of 'leaders'.

It follows exactly the paradigm established with the covid thing.


'we' - ordinary dumb human beings with a desire for truth and fact are not represented in the animations, agitations, machinations of the world.

A mere three years ago I was an oblivious dumb dude, maybe a quarter drunk most of the time even, so blithe, so unconcerned, so happy. Biggest problem - ' Do I prefer Pinot Noir or Cabernet Merlot?' Now I'm a dour, sour, morose and sober individual horrified and deeply depressed by what I've learned over the last two years, what I see around me, what I read and hear.

I need to get over it. I'm just seeing the truth aren't i? It was ever thus. It's nothing new. This is just how it always has been. A fool to think otherwise. Naive. Fool.

So I'm alive. A fool but alive. Not lying dead or crippled in some Ukrainian field. Having this gift of life I guess I ought to pick myself and start try to enjoy it.

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Considering the level of escalation, you might want to consider consuming mass quantities of that Pinot or Cabernet.

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Well I thought what the hell and I'm currently two thirds into a cabernet merlot and have already had one very rewarding conversation/human interchange and am feeling good.

I think I begin to get some perspective on it all. We're just little humans living our little human lives..

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