Yes. That's why I'm glad they printed my article. As a counterpoise.

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Latest article headline from the UNZ review 'Larry C. Johnson: "The Ukrainian Army Has Been Defeated. What's Left Is Mop-Up";. I'm starting to think that the UNZ review isn't worth bothering with anymore. This is jumping into fantasy, wish fulfilment land.

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There seems to be a subtle shift in the news I watch regarding the fact Ukraine may very well drive the Russians out. The next several days might reveal if Putin is tying to resolve the situation.

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I know the Russian Gourmet. It's in a shopping center in McLean, Va. Very expensive real estate, but on the rare times I've visited, I'm the only customer. Not a big Russian community in McLean, or Fairfax County in general. I joke with my daughter that it's a front for the Russian mob. Maybe not a joke. It can't possibly be profitable yet it's been there for years.

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