"information on all able bodied men, including oligarchs and politicians" - Might be helpful in managing the nominal corruption that had existed. Hopefully will be administered wisely.

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''where is Dvornikov’s relevant military experience? ''

Looking back at Russian history, even the most successful generals, such as Zhukov, had the primary tactics of massed artillery followed by mass waves of armour and infantry. Subtlety doesn't come into it. I think that the Russians are going to try to win in East Ukraine through the use of overwhelming firepower and mass numbers. The regime obviously doesn't care about it's own casualties, let alone the devastation caused.

The glimmers of hope are that Russian soldiers are less willing to be sent into the meat grinder than they were under Stalin and that the economy might be stuttering too badly, if even the mobile phone networks start to fail then it might be impossible for Russia to sustain the campaign after a certain point in time.

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Look also at the demographics. Russia does not have an endless supply of young bodies for the meatgrinder. Among deaths in Ukraine, flight out of the country and the destruction of immune systems through Sputnik-V jabs he is destroying a generation.

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I agree and I can't see any actually positive outcome for Russia from this campaign. However, the demographic problems are more medium to long term. I think that Putin is gambling on a relatively quick campaign, grab victory before the house collapses. The longer the Ukrainians can hold out, the more the internal problems in Russia will build up. How long can Putin keep the system functioning?

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"Thanks to cell phone intercepts" - The metadata will allow tracking, but recordings of the calls if made public would expose the evil to the world. The modern world, who could imagine going into battle as you chat with family?

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