Apr 17Liked by Graham Seibert

There were attempts for a (feline and human) Corona-Vaccine for decades now. They were unsuccesful, because they usually sensitizing against the Corona-Virus immune enhancement.

These effects only showed after some time, when the next generation of the virus came around. For humans that is only shown after some years.

The mRNA vaccine was not really tested in that regard.

But my assumptiuon is that the mRNA vaccines were not really successful in the first place to immunize against Coronavirus, and thus will not have the immune enhancement problem.

All the problems are purely the "side effects".

In a way we are lucky: if these vaccines would have been effective, we would have a big problem for the population in the next wave of Corona. This is was vanBosche is afraid of. But I don't think the apocalyptic immune problems he describes will ever come to pass.

Because people were not given a vaccine at all.

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Apr 17Liked by Graham Seibert

Spent last evening doing some research on Obera and Misiones. It's sparsely populated and has a lot of jungle, a sub-tropical paradise. One video on YouTube is a kind of Miss Obera beauty contest with young women aged about 20 from various foreign countries, including Ukraine and Russia, all of course speaking Spanish. There are a couple of drive through videos of the city as well as videos of a couple of other larger towns in Misiones.

As for Milei, not sure how he is doing. I think it's too early to tell. The right praises him, while the left trashes him. He will be right in the long run if he gets a long run. The problem is that people are impatient and want results yesterday.

A note about Lula: in one of his first speeches after re-election (after getting out of jail), he railed against those who opposed vaccination and condemned those who had not gotten vaccinated. This was after the pandemic was over. He must be a card carrying member of the WEF and WHO which means that Brazil is ruled out as a destination. Milei called Lula an assassin.

I have also watched videos of Paraguay which left me underwhelmed.

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Apr 19Liked by Graham Seibert

Have there been any studies done in the past on how much antigen the human body can tolerate? The shots for Covid19 were made without investigating this basic premise.

I think it is dangerous to use human cells to make antigens without being able to specify the amount of antigens that human cells will make. It is unknown how much antigen can be produced by any mRNA agent for any infectious disease, and the level of resistance is also unknown.

This is a fundamental flaw in the mRNA method.

Therefore, all mRNA vaccines including those for Covid19 since 2000 have failed. The Chinese Communist Party knew this, so they only allowed traditional manufacturing methods like Synopharm.

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