Turns out that that press conference was back in 2020: "December 29, 2020

Ukraine press conference explicitly ties Hunter and Joe Biden to corruption

By Andrea Widburg

A video from a press conference in Ukraine is going viral. It is the follow-up to a video press conference that Ukraine released over a year ago, in which members of the Ukraine Parliament demanded that President Zelensky and President Trump investigate billions of dollars of corruption in Ukraine that is tied to the U.S. The newly released video is meant to provide documentary and eyewitness information about the corruption — and the Biden family figures prominently in the story.

The video is long — over an hour — and not all of it involves the Biden family. This post quotes those portions of the press conference that address Biden family corruption. The gist of it is that, while Democrats obsess about Trump's purported criminality, despite the absence of any evidence, their chosen standard-bearer is extraordinarily corrupt."https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/12/ukraine_press_conference_explicitly_ties_hunter_and_joe_biden_to_corruption.html

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I agree 100% with your Gary in London. The Biden Crime Family had been heavily involved in Ukraine corruption, it's not a secret, and truly can't afford Ukraine to win. I believe that's why the "war" started, Biden and his fellow corrupt Democrats NEED Ukraine to remain corrupt and found a way to

1) get rid of Zelensky (who by all appearances is trying to clean up the govt? Investigating Hunter Biden?) so they can work at reinstalling a corrupt leader again

2) make Covid disappear from their obedient follower's minds. While all the reports on Fauci, FDA, CDC, WHO corruption don't make it to tv news because... war.

Just one of my own "conspiracy theories" - which I've been batting 1,000 on the last 5 years. Time will tell.

The corrupt Democrats here screamed that Trump would start WW3, the only president in decades to not start one. But look who actually did start a war.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

While I think that Biden and family, along with others in DC are up to their eyeballs in Ukrainian (and other) corruption, I do not think that they are "compromised" by it. Sure, if for some reason the collective decides to toss Biden they may use that as a pretext, but it will not have been the real reason. The corruption is essentially open now to anyone who does not refuse to see, but there are not enough of those to make a difference politically.

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You do not need to be vaxxed to attend school here in Germany. Also at universities you should be able to test for free instead.

The same applies for restaurants. A free test is required right now. However, law will most probably change by Saturday night.

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Efforts have been made to make jabs mandatory, but not everywhere. Those invasive nasal swabs have also been claimed to introduce graphene. I don't want any part of it.

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Well, Putin is more popular than ever and Russia is in great shape moving forward. It doesn’t need or want anything to do with the west. As the west continues to collapse, more and more people will be clamoring to get out and seek refuge in Russia, the last best hope for freedom anywhere.

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"Germany has outlawed homeschooling, and makes vaccination mandatory to attend public schools." -- is this for real? UFB.

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I had read it, but other posters disagree. It changes, and I would not trust them.

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The first is basically true (but has been that way forever), the second is false regarding Covid vaccines. Measles vaccines, however, are mandatory, although this hasn't really been enforced so far.

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ty graham. so interesting to hear ur experience. curious--why do u believe putin will be replaced?

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The Russian tradition of misdirection and deception has kept the people from the truth for a long time, but the magnitude of the military disaster they are suffering here cannot be hidden. Gives new meaning to the notions of SNAFU and FUBAR. In Russian it is Пиздец. More vile than the Google translator would lead you to believe.

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The tagline for your post list neocons who should shut up: "Cheney, Romney, Graham, the Clintons..." This reads like a list of people hated by Trump.

The "original" Neocon war mongers were Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Paul Wolfowitz, Doglas Firth, Lewis Libby, John Bolton, and Richard Perle who believed the U.S. could get a handle on mideast oil and prevent a continent-wide caliphate by taking control of Iraq. They swayed Bush Jr., who had a personal vandetta against Saddam Hussein.

Cheney's Haliburton was also a profiteering behemoth that reaped billions from the war.

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Liz Cheney as well. Romney calling Gabbard a liar re: biolabs is disgusting. You are my kind of OWL.

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The video from Gary in London is less than compelling. There may be something there, but falls far short of its promises of proof and seems more like a set piece.

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