Russia and Ukraine agree on one thing, so it appears. America, butt out!
With the help of my Ukrainian son Eddie, I got through the speech by Ukrainian Pres. Zelenskii. I did it just to confirm the accuracy of this post on Zerohedge. I know that many of you considered Zerohedge to be right wing, so I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth.
I am impressed at how collected and presidential Zelenskii sounds. No surprise – he played the president of Ukraine on television before he was elected. He learned his lines pretty well. My Russian has been good enough to listen to speeches for quite a bit longer. I have to say I'm equally impressed with Putin's presence as a public speaker. Contrast that with our own. Sucks to be 79.
On the subject of speeches, I just taped RFK Jr.'s speech from yesterday on the Washington Mall. It strikes me as a classic. I am including here Celia Farber's Substack blog on the subject, which for some reason I have as an email but can't get via a link.
She provides a link to the speech, and the mainstream media's dismissive response, which I consider pathetic. Your opinion may vary.
Robert F. Kennedy's Full Speech, Washington DC, Jan 23
And What The Mockingbird Media Chose To Hear
Celia Farber
Jan 24
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s full speech at the Lincoln Memorial, Jan 23,
. Others will follow over the next few days, bear with me.
I’m choosing to focus on RFK Jr.’s talk, and its surrounding dynamics, before I branch out. It’s America talking to itself across decades, across wounds, and across buried deep state atrocities. It’s immensely loaded with all that is not said.
When they still loved RFK Jr., as recently as 2018, they sure sounded different.
A moving interview from 2018, on CBS, titled “His Father’s Footsteps,”
Now Robert F. Kennedy has been designated an official target for denigration and mockery by our dark media. This can be very dangerous, I can attest to that, but I’m not worried about Mr. Kennedy, in this regard. He always leaves them with fewer feathers than they entered with, following any encounter.
This piece
, for example, which left Jake Tapper looking like Road Runner right after the cigar bomb went off.
Why do they take no measurement of their opponents?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. finds facts and carries them, from the moment he finds them. They become what you might call gold-backed, which is to say, confirmed and shored up from many angles, especially legal documents.
He is a lawyer.
He doesn’t negotiate, put some facts down when the burden gets heavy, and move on with only the lighter ones.
A classically minded American constitutionalist, he also doesn’t seek adoration by way of bombast or sending up woke balloons.
They, the Jake Tappers of the world, the peacocks of media, are precisely the opposite: They do very poorly with facts, and turn to moral bombast all the time, but especially when cornered. And their bombast is always all the more fervent when all facts go dead against them.
When you hear them describe how “shocked” “appalled,” “disgusted” etc they are, it means the facts are dead against them. They’ve lost.
I looked for RFK Jr.’s whole speech, to post here today, on YouTube, knowing it would not be there.
Instead I found clips of Smelling Salts Reportage on CNN.
I made myself listen to all
4 minutes of this sonic torment
. When it was over, I laughed. This is all they have? Sitting there on TV and saying “it boggles the mind,” that a very serious lawyer, scholar, and author, gave a talk about freedom, at the Lincoln Memorial? Why should that “boggle” any real journalist’s mind?
One multi-millionaire “journalist” asks two others just exactly how aghast all three are, not over the shocking facts relayed in RFK Jr.’s talk, but at the fact he invokes totalitarianism.
“Kennedy invoked Anne Frank! Jim, call the Auschwitz Memorial for a Condemnation quote!”
They are not even sentient enough to hear that in their own clip, he also invoked the Berlin Wall.
This is what they, with CNN ears, heard:
”At a rally against vaccine mandates in Washington, DC, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. likened vaccine policies in the US to the actions of a totalitarian state, even suggesting Anne Frank was in a better situation when she was hiding from the Nazis. CNN's Jim Acosta discusses with John Avlon and Margaret Hoover.”
Hoover even says with a straight face: “Nobody is making you take these vaccines.”
What planet do these people live on? How much do they get paid to be so utterly, utterly out of touch with the feelings of the street?
Modern media has become nothing but tsk-tsk-ing and moral bullying, in lieu of the five Ws, now totally out of fashion.
Tastes differ, but to me RFK Junior's speech at the Washington monument was an epic. It obviously struck a nerve. The establishment tried very hard to take it down.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the men got dragooned into fixing some kitchen shelves this morning. I got started, but Eddie is far more nimble and more interested, and pretty competent. He took over and finished it up. Zoriana's silly two weeks of exile from school in the day after tomorrow. We can't wait. Oksana and Anna are still dragging tail a bit on account of Covid, but all are on the mend. I would like to credit іvermectin, but I think that this omicron variant isn't all that serious in the first place.