I am sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I have confessed to several errors before, and here is yet another. I was apparently wrong about Bruce Willis. This piece showed up in my inbox this morning, most likely prompted by Steve Kirsch's observations yesterday. Steve makes a great many notes on many topics. This is not the first time he has been wrong, but it should not obscure the vast number of times he is right and nobody will admit as much. Somebody has to be asking the questions. He is the guy.
One reader called me as well on the link I sent about Disney. On that one I will stand my ground. Throughout my life I have rarely watched movies, but the ones I remembered and am letting my kids watch are Disney classics from my childhood. Bambi, Cinderella, Fantasia and the like.
I lost my taste for Disney twenty five years ago. Edmund Burke and other private schools where I substitute taught had low expectations of substitute teachers. Classroom teachers as well. Whem Mme. Bruninck taught me French in the 1950s the object was to have me able to speak French. Substituting at Burke, I asked point blank what their objective was. The department head, certainly now long retired, told me it was to prepare the kids to learn French and Spanish when they got to college. Honest truth.
My instructions as a substitute were to show movies dubbed in French and Spanish. Most often it was Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid. The kids had seen them umpteen times in English and were bored. I don't think they got much out of the foreign language. I would try to skip the movie and engage them in conversation. Most were not interested but I persisted nonetheless.
Not only were the movies childish, but even in the 1990s they appeared to undermine parental authority and traditional values. These insiders from the Walt Disney organization say that there is a much more dangerous agenda afoot at the moment. I am fully prepared to believe it, but won't do anything about it other than simply keep my kids away from Disney entertainment. That is easier to do here in Ukraine than it would be in the United States.
Glenn Greenwald is a righteous man. Here is a link to his Rumble presentation about the absolute, knowing lies that the mainstream media told in reference to the Hunter Biden laptop. He refers to Matt Taibbi's equally caustic post. These are honest men, not whatsoever right wingers. Both began their careers with left-liberal publications. But you would never know it from what is now being said about them.
This goes to my point yesterday about the fact that the United States government has lied so frequently and egregiously that some of us didn't take them seriously when they made warnings about Russia that turned out to be real. Crying wolf has its consequences.
Several readers have written to ask how to help in the war effort. Contact Bob Homans. WhatsApp - +1-207-513-0774 US Office - +703-519-1211 US Mobile - +1-207-513-0774. If you are inclined to donate through Rotary, I will put you in touch with Sergei Zavadsky. My wife Oksana adds this message: "Hi dear! This man I trust! 1 link with a Bank details. 2 link to his fb profile. You may read what he is writing."
1) https://www.facebook.com/skitalec/posts/5316906751674576
2) https://www.facebook.com/skitalec
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where explosions are sporadic and distant; the men remain strong, the women good looking; Eddie is excited about meeting his schoolmates online from the several countries in which they have sought refuge; and the girls just returned from a long walk with Daddy. During which we found a convincing sign of normalcy: a 1½ liter bottle of Coke! And it cost only a dollar – same as before the war.
Disney has a long history of child sexual abuse, going back to the 1960s if not before. And it's true for Hollywood in general, and there's a bought off criminal justice system, which shuts people up. There's a lot of money in that place, and a lot of really evil stuff going on. I've got a friend who works out there, it's a town of insanely rich pedos, sex abuse, and drugs. I'd avoid it entirely, none of it is good. Check this - and note the walk back - https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2016/05/elijah-wood-says-child-abuse-hollywood-running-rampant
One of the “silver lining” aspects of this situation is the blurring of the lines drawn between “right wing” and “left wing”. These terms were always generalizations meant to divide people. The reality is far more nuanced, and I think more people see that now. Personally, I have never fit neatly into any political party. I like to embrace the best ideas of all parties, and reject the worst ideas.