Simple question. Why don't the truckers go home and simply refuse to carry loads across the border? They have achieved their solidarity. They have exposed Trudeau for who he is. If truckers don't drive, who will?
The trucker community knows one another through truck stops, union hall and other venues. They would certainly be able to identify scabs who drove despite a general refusal to work. In my view they should go home, protect those kids and dogs they brought, and sit on their hands as the Canadian economy continues to reel. Those are my thoughts from far, far away.
We need to take good notes on how the financial repression is being orchestrated. Bitcoin is vulnerable through the exchanges, which are government controlled because of the requirement to touch down as fiat currency – Canadian dollars in this instance – for practical purposes.
Eliminating dependency on fiat will be difficult. Large scale, government taxed and regulated corporations are forced to operate in local money. At some point up the supply chain the truckers' food and groceries have to be paid for in dollars, making the transactions visible. The virtual to physical transformation, securing a person's physical needs, is the point of vulnerability. Government will be able to put its hand in until there is a scheme to create a self-contained world of both producers and consumers outside of the fiat money apparatus. I don't see how it can be done, but many good minds are working on the problem
Another day, another set of provocations. This time it appears that the Ukrainian side is doing the provoking. Civilians are being evacuated from the two People's Republics to Russia to avoid shelling.
Moscow blogger Edward Slavsquаt - I hesitate to include a link, but you can find him with a search engine – is generally scathingly critical of Russia. His very existence belies the claim that Russia does not tolerate dissent. On the other hand, he has a chilling analysis of Russia's motives in this. He contends that Russia wants to administer otherwise unwanted clots shots to these poor refugees from Ukrainian violence. He concludes with the sentence "Is this really 5D chess? All we see is absurdity." That sentence would seem to me to fit Biden as well as Putin.
Attempting to puzzle through all of this, I read the rest of the MH 17 book yesterday and wrote a lengthy review. I find the author to be overly sympathetic to Russia, but appropriately scathing about the United States. He overlooks the vastness of the corruption under Yanukovych and the widespread hatred that was evident in the Maidan uprising of 2014. On the other hand, his critiques of the anti-Russian super patriots have a ring of truth about them.
I don't want to post an Amazon review until I run it past people who know the Ukrainian perspective better than I. After all, I live here, and it would not do me any good to be perceived as pro-Russian. I posted it on this Substack blog without a mailing. The only way to find it will be to follow this link. Experience indicates that no more than perhaps ten of you will do so – which will limit my exposure.
If you do, please, please use the comments section to criticize the review and tell me what I missed. I want to be sure that it is as balanced as possible before I post it on Amazon. I expect I will delete and repost updates of this thing before taking it anyplace, and will probably tone it down along the way.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where men are strong, the women are good looking, and the children are pounding at the door every five minutes waiting for some attention from Daddy. Here I come.
thank you for another great post! your posts and the work of the comedians and keep me encouraged in this ultimate fight for Humanity. Share these posts, and find your friends.