What about the no-brainer stuff? End of life decisions
Two acquaintances went to the hospital in the recent upsurge of Covid 19 here in Kyiv. The first of them is Eddie's music teacher Pani (Miss) Maria. She wrote to say she would be out of circulation for a while. I offered, through Oksana, that we had some medicine for Covid 19. Specifically, it is what is called a is a Ziverdo pack, put together in India, consisting of zinc, antibiotics, and ivermectin. A 14 day course of treatment costs $35, over the counter, here in Ukraine. The hospital neither gave nor recommended any medications. She welcomed our offer. I have not talked to her about what she took, but she wrote yesterday to say that she's feeling better and thanked Oksana profusely.
The second is Petro. When he got Covid he wrote to my good friend Mark in Berlin, author of a book on Chinese medicine. He sent Mark his diagnosis. Fairly serious – he has what they call ground glass in his lungs. This amounts to white spots on a MRI scan that shouldn't be there. He asked Mark what to do about medicines.
Mark wrote to me. I immediately wrote back sending a link to where he could buy ivermectin here. It is getting harder to get, but still not impossible. There are fewer and fewer pharmacies carrying it, and less variety, but it is still available. I also recommended that he take the rest of the Doctor Zelenko protocol which includes zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D3. Apparently the hospital was doing nothing for him in the way of drugs either. He wrote to say he's feeling much better and thanking us for the advice. He is taking the vitamins – no word on the ivermectin. Maybe he learned, as I did researching this, that much more readily available quercetin does the same thing.
The medical community has raised huge clouds of doubt about the two small molecule drugs HCQ and IBM. There is none whatsoever about the vitamins and melatonin. These things are well documented as being both useful and safe. It's criminal that the health authorities here don't routinely advise the people to take them even before they get sick, and certainly put people on them once they are sick. Their failure to do so lends credence to the theory that there is something sinister afoot behind these infections.
On another note, you are not supposed to be able to get on a bus here without being vaccinated. Nonetheless I been able to take Zoriana to the kindergarten without any problem. In fact, we and some of the drivers still aren't even wearing masks.
This morning our neighbor Sasha said that he had been waiting 20 minutes without seeing any buses. Since Zoriana and I only have to go 1 km, we started to walk. Looking back after two blocks, we saw the bus coming and caught it.
I think I mentioned our anomalous bus situation before. We have city bus 117 and also a privately owned jitney bus, the 215K, running an identical route out to our neighborhood. They cost about the same and they don't coordinate their schedules, making the service confusing and somewhat unreliable.
The jitney bus was crushed by the last Covid surge eight months ago. Creditors impounded their three-year-old buses in the middle of a work day, presumably for failure to make payments. At any rate, the franchise went to another outfit. There were only about three riders on a 24 passenger bus yesterday. Today there are no jitneys. It makes perfect sense to me – you can't afford to operate at a loss. So, the evidence of my eyes is that public transit ridership is down. Presumably retail volume is down as well.
As we sat on the bus, I told Sasha that I hoped that the bus drivers were on strike against the immoral vaccine mandates. He took the other side. He doesn't want to be inconvenienced. More than that, he has a fairly consistent liberal worldview. He tends to trust that the government has his best interest at heart and doesn't see anything wrong with the mandate being applied even to people who don't want the injection.
Eddie and I are not going to be attending Toastmasters meetings until this madness is over. They are required to check vaccines for entry into the restaurant and they say that there will be periodic checks of injection certificates if you're riding on public transit. Eddie and I are not going to go to meetings until this is over. I want to show solidarity, by my absence, with the people who are being forced to make an immoral choice between getting vaccinated or starving.
I listened to Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, professor of medical ethics of UC Irvine medical school. He has had Covid, has natural immunity, and is nonetheless on unpaid leave because he refuses to get the shot. He knows this is wrong and he refuses to compromise with his conscience. A very articulate presentation.
In another question of medical ethics, Oksana's father Sasha is in the hospital again. Recall that he was with us for a month this summer for treatment of his kidney ailment. Now his legs are in terrible pain, apparently because of bad circulation, and the doctors want to amputate them.
When I was in Germany half a century ago they used to talk about "smokers leg," an excruciatingly painful circulation problem due to narrowing of the arteries and veins caused by nicotine. Lo and behold, an Internet search describes it exactly. That's what Sasha has.
This is a guy who is in constant pain from one thing and another, can't do much useful, and doesn't have any further goals in life. This is the kind of patient that American medicine in my jaundiced view likes to exploit to the last dollar. We could bring him to Kyiv to simulate the American experience. But, I am staying out of it. We gave money to Oksana's mother Nadia to pay for treatment in the hometown hospital. He might have gotten more sophisticated treatment here, but to what end?
That's the latest from Lake WeBeGone, where the women are good looking – but they are waking up to the fact that they also need to hone their mental skills, because public policy is putting them and their children in danger. The men are strong, and increasingly stubborn, making me proud. And the children are getting in early education in the ways of the world. Rather similar, I suspect, to the whispered education of Soviet era children.
Oksana asked me to provide something brief that she could mail to her friends here on how to prevent and treat Covid 19. The best sources seem to be Dr. Le'ev Zelenko and the Frontline Covid 19 Critical Care alliance, FLCCC.
Оксана попросила мене надати щось коротке, що вона могла б відправити своїм друзям тут, про те, як запобігти і лікувати Covid 19. Найкращими джерелами, мабуть, є доктор Леєв Зеленко та передовий альянс з надання невідкладної допомоги covid 19, FLCCC.
Prevention is the best approach. All professionals recommend taking vitamin D3, vitamin C and zinc. Everybody should be taking these as a preventative measure.
Профілактика-це найкращий підхід. Всі професіонали рекомендують приймати вітамін D3, вітамін С і цинк. Кожен повинен приймати їх як превентивний захід.
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been widely recommended by almost all independent observers, and equally vehemently attacked by the pharmaceutical/government/media interests. They are ionophores, vehicles to help get zinc into your cells where they can prevent viruses from replicating.
Quercetin does the same thing. Because it is not even a drug, and is widely available over-the-counter, the powers that be don't even mention it. In my opinion everybody should be taking it as well as vitamins.
Гідроксихлорохін і івермектин були широко рекомендовані майже всіма незалежними спостерігачами і однаково люто атаковані фармацевтичними/урядовими / медіа-інтересами. Це іонофори, транспортні засоби, які допомагають доставляти цинк у ваші клітини, де вони можуть перешкоджати розмноженню вірусів.
Кверцетин робить те ж саме. Оскільки це навіть не наркотик, і він широко доступний без рецепта, можновладці навіть не згадують про це. На мій погляд, всі теж повинні це приймати.
Planning ahead is absolutely essential. Whether you are taking steps to prevent getting sick, or simply want to be ready to act the minute you or your loved ones get sick, you have to have the medicines on hand. Early treatment leads to much better outcomes in treating Covid 19. Please read the materials below right now and prepare yourself.
Планування на майбутнє абсолютно необхідно. Незалежно від того, чи вживаєте ви кроки для запобігання захворюванню або просто хочете бути готовими діяти в ту хвилину, коли ви або Ваші близькі захворієте, у вас повинні бути ліки під рукою. Раннє лікування призводить до набагато кращих результатів при лікуванні Covid 19. Будь ласка, прочитайте матеріали нижче прямо зараз і підготуйтеся.