What a relief – vaxes are merely slipshod. The depopulators. Greenwald on journo ethics
What a relief! Those self-assembling nanoparticles in the jabs appear to be no more than contamination. Vast inconsistency in the slipshod manufacturing process. And we thought they were trying to kill us on purpose. No, maybe it’s no more than accidental.
Both sides agree that Covid is mutating at an incredible pace. The pro-vax shills, Jetelina and Topol, would advise you to fear and fear some more. Find some part of your children’s anatomy that is not yet jabbed and stab them again. Goose your booster..
Igor Chudov is one of the many who patiently explain that, of course, when you give people non-sterilizing immunizations, the virus will mutate to escape the antigens. Which is what has happened time and again. You have to ask (which the establishment never does) why it is the highly vaccinated countries that are seeing wave after wave of Covid. Chudov is not just a voice in the wilderness. There are many, many voices in said wilderness, each focused on a slightly different aspect of the situation. Overcome your stubborn lack of curiosity and search on a few of the following. Not all post on Substack, but that’s where you usually find the most useful links :
· Igor Chudov, above
· Michael Yeadon Substack – loud, early warnings about mRNA from former Pfizer exec
· Robert Malone Substack – loud, early warnings from mRNA inventor.
· Gert van den Bossche Substack – loud, early prediction of Original Antigenic Sin
· Jessica Rose Substack – how vaccines destroy immunity
· Peter McCullough Substack – cardiac specialist, circulation and blood problems
· Bad Cattitude Substack – everything
· The Forgotten Side of Medicine Substack – everything
· uTobian Substack– everything
· Steve Kirsch Substack - everything - and organization
· Joel Smalley Substack – excess death statistics
· Matthew Crawford Substack – excess mortality statistics
· Ed Dowd Substack – insurance statistics
· Michael Capuzzo Substack - statistics
· Stephanie Seneff Substack – the chemistry of it all
· Naomi Wolf Substack – moral outrage
· Celia Farber Substack – moral outrage at the coercion
I’ll add more names in comments as they come to mind. There are a great number. It will be a good exercise to assemble a list.
Next, compare the credentials of the people above with those of Topol, Jetelina, Fauci, Collins, Walensky, Tom Shimabukuro, John Su and the whole Team Covid crowd. You believers in credentials, Greek ‘ethos,’ or arguments from authority, should be awed by the contrast between the mediocre bona fides of the government shills and the sterling CVs and especially vast history of publications of the above. Of course, you won’t check, and thus won’t be impressed.
Will I convince you? No!! Like corporal diseases (Covid, eg), mental infections (memes) have to run their course. People will die. So what? Most of you on Team Covid weren’t going to have children anyhow. Ed Dutton writes that “The Future Will Belong To Those Who Show Up,” which was not on most of your agenda in any case.
The Expose today has a set of links to useful videos introducing us to people talking about depopulation. First is Gonzalo Lira, back from the dead. He has, like The Exposé itself, been spectacularly wrong about Ukraine and Russia. However he is a fount of common sense and useful citations when it comes to depopulaton. By the way, he was (1) forcibly shut up by Ukraine’s SBU and (2) prudently decided to stop talking about Russia last summer.
I had never seen Melinda Gates. The Expose links to two old videos, before she and Bill split. She talks quite reasonably about family planning and birth control. Not depopulation, but the notion that a woman should not have more children than she can care for. If she was involved in Bill’s sneaky administration of sterilization disguised as tetanus vaccines in Kenya, it is not apparent here.
The Exposé also claims that Russia submitted 310 pages of evidence of Ukrainian biolabs to the UN. They say that the American ambassador strenuously denied it. I searched in both English and Russian for those 310 pages and came up empty. It makes me suspect that there is not much substance to them. I would have expected their argument to be stronger.
Subscriber Ed Kammeyer passed on a link that is worth calling your attention to. Patriarch Kirill, whom Edward Slavsquat and I have previously described as marvelously rich and corrupt, seems according to this WSJ article to be a prime instigator of Russia’s war with Ukraine. Truly a man for all seasons.
Here is the opening piece from Glenn Greenwald’s show System Update. Bolding is mine.
I need to begin tonight's show with an admission of error. For more than a decade, I have been saying in all kinds of venues, in my written journalism, in speeches, and in interviews, that the most bizarre and surreal aspect of American journalism is that getting caught lying is no barrier to advancement and success. Specifically, I've long said, as long as you lie for the right people and causes mainly to advance the interest of neo-liberal global economic institutions, or do the bidding of the U.S. security state, then, I said, you can lie for as much as you want and it will not have any impact whatsoever on your career in corporate journalism.
But that formulation that I've long endorsed is far too generous to the point of being misleading. Indeed, it's actually untrue to say that getting caught blatantly lying has no effect on one's career in corporate journalism. I was wrong about that. It does have an effect, a very big effect. Namely, the more you lie on behalf of power centers, the more advancement, promotion, and success you will be guaranteed in the world of corporate journalism. Indeed, even that amended formulation still does not go far enough. It is really not hyperbole to say that if you really want to rise to the top of the heap of corporate journalism, lying on behalf of power centers is a requirement. Conversely, if you're unwilling to lie for those power centers, then success in corporate journalism is all but impossible. It's a requirement for the job. It's really astonishing because it's literally true, the journalists who lie most frequently, casually, and aggressively on behalf of government and economic power centers, are the ones who shoot at the top of the corporate journalism ladder.
You can easily trace in real time how the lies that come out of their mouths correspond perfectly to their ascent. The lies are like the jet fuel that propels them to the top. Polling demonstrates that the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 is regarded as one of the worst American foreign policy decisions in recent history. And for so many people…
…including myself, who at the time was still working as a lawyer, not yet a journalist, it was a road to Damascus moment when it came to the systemic failure of the American media, such an inescapable and eye-opening lesson about how the media outlets we were all trained to trust were in fact willing to spread the most unreliable propaganda about the most consequential questions.
We were spending a quiet day at home until 2:00 when we had another, even louder percussion session with Russian rockets. We sat on a sofa downstairs, away from the windows until it was over. The lights are still on at 3:10. We’ll hear later whether our dinner plans are also on. Oksana says more rockets are due in about ten minutes.
The kids and I went grocery shopping this morning. It was unusually stressful. Eddie is a very competent young man, but impudent at times. He keeps butting in when I am talking with vendors, not appreciating that my imperfect language skills will get the job done, and that having his opinion intruded does not whatsoever make the transactions smoother. Kid needs to learn tact. He hears increasingly strong opinions on the subject. Zoriana is simpler. She only wants something sweet.
I should mention again how to comment. In the email you receive, click on the title line. Here it is What a Relief… That will take you out of your mail system, into Substack itself. Once in Substack you will find a place to enter a comment at the bottom of the page.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the temperature in the house is over 70 for the first time in a couple of months. A lot to celebrate.
During the early stages of the phony pandemic, I was sitting by a canal waiting. There is a small park across the water from the place where I had an appointment, and I was quietly biding my time when a young guy in his thirties came along with a puppy who was soon playing. This guy said something in German. I don't speak German, so he switched immediately into English and we got onto the topic of Covid. It turns out that this guy is a chauffer and he has chauffered Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda in the past. He told me that Gates had an appointment with Jens Spahn, the new German Federal Minister of Health in the first week of Spahn's appointment to his office. Gates was there right away to "advise" the new top health official in Germany on healthy policy. The chauffer also drove Melinda Gates on other occasions. He said that she was the hardest person that he's ever met. This driver and I discussed the Gates plan to vaccinate the world, and he said there was no way he was ever getting a Covid shot. This was in the summer between the introduction of Covid-19 and the rollout of the vaccines in the winter. He was skeptical and suspicious, having seen Gates and his ex-wife in person working on their agenda. They did not inspire his confidence.
OK, here is what the Russian Government put out about biolabs, etc: https://russiaun.ru/en/news/271022_nb I've tried to find the 310 page document to no avail. My bet is that the Russians know the full details, because the biolabs were Soviet Union-created, DTRA just took them over and apparently continued their operation, instead of removing them...
There's this - but still no 310 page document - https://azradale.substack.com/p/russian-mil-begin-naming-names-fauci
I still think that it's a convenient pretext, because of the sequence of events predicted by this 2004 article, referencing Foundations of Geopolitlcs, a 1997 work by A. Dugin, which has been followed, bit by bit, with Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Chechnya, Georgia, Donetsk/Lugansk/Crimea - and now the southern oblasts of Ukraine - https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics