We are at a crossroads in history. Better 100 friends than 100 rubles – case in point. Business calls.
The jab-em crowd is doubling down, mandating vaccines wherever they can. But the advocates of freedom are winning. Most of northern Europe is giving up on control measures, certainly including mandatory vaccines.
Trudeau just looks ridiculous forcing Go Fund Me to withhold $9 million Canadian (7 million US) from the truckers. That's less than $100 per trucker, and the overreach has to be noticed by everybody. It is a blunder on the part of floundering bureaucrats. Great PR gesture opporunity for Elon Musk or Peter Thiel to write a check for twice that.
Money men understand what's going on. More voices are saying, go long on funeral homes, go short on life insurance companies. Make money from the coming die off. What can you do?
I think that the first thing is live in a country that is not effective enough to chase down resistors. In the west, they told us first that the vaccines would not be mandated. Now they are required for holding a job, studying and for much else. They have not yet gotten to the point of grabbing people and jabbing needles in their arm, but since they been willing to do everything else, can that be far away? Actually, they are very close in Austria and Germany. At least to listen to the people in charge, though their grip seems to be slipping
How would they do it? This is where the strategy of putting the microchips in the vaccines may come in. If they can use a handheld scanner to figure out who is vaccinated, they will be able to simply jab anybody who is not yet jabbed. They can use the combination of their databases and physical scanners to figure out who has had the thing and they can police up and get everybody else.
The implanted MAC codes and the other tracing techniques will only be useful if the powers that be are able to command people to enforce them. An army is only effective if the soldiers are willing to pull the triggers. Police are only effective if they're willing to confront the citizenry. That's happening less.
We see the Royal Canadian mounted police confronting tractor truckers in Canada right now. There are a lot of truckers and they seem to be determined. They are nonviolent, although the news is trying to fabricate stories of violence. But the protesters are simply rather strongly making their point that they do not want the vaccines.
The Mounties themselves probably feel the same way. They were themselves coerced. If jabbed, and they may not be terribly thrilled about. As they start to see fellow Mounties here and there fall over and die from the shots, they are likely to lose their enthusiasm for enforcing these laws.
The powers that be have already seen that they could not force everybody. They simply needed the pilots too much. They could not coerce medical workers. Enough of them refused to stay on the job with the jab mandate they authorities had the back down and let them go.
If the Mounties are in solidarity with the truckers and not a whole lot Trudeau can do. They cannot afford to fire every Mountie who refuses to arrest the trucker. So the tide seems to be shifting.
Now what does this mean coming back to the big picture? Even though we may be known to database and identifiable by the MAC implanted codes. If there is nobody willing to hold us down and shove that needle in our arms they can't do much.
This leaves another question. Who will be left when it's all done? What is the endgame? It appears that in the developed world many will be killed. But it should be evident that they will not be able to enforce their dictates in the Third World. Africa is largely spared. So will the world be populated by Africans when this is all over? It's an interesting question. One with no answer, all we can do is raise the question.
The farther we are from powerful Western governments better off we are. This entire vaccination game has been a matter of momentum. The people who want to impose them had to do it before people figured out was going on. It appears that they were not fast enough.
They have vaccinated 61% of humanity. In the worst of all cases they have condemned that half of humanity to lingering deaths as weakened immune systems are unable to defend against cancer, autoimmune diseases and Covid itself. The Old Man in a Chair, Dr. Vernon Coleman, guesses average life expectancy is five years but concedes nobody can predict with any certainty. They have not gotten, and will not get everybody. It's quite sure that one way or another humanity will survive.
What portion of humanity is an interesting question. Who, in the Western democracies, avoided the shots. University students have been jabbed, though more along the coasts than in the red states. They got fewer of the rednecks. They people who traditionally distrust government have had a better record of resisting the shots.
Young children have mostly not been jabbed, and will not be. We can hope that there will be enough surviving adults to take care of them. Chances are, undoubtedly, this will have to go across families. If the worst case scenario comes pass, many will be orphaned. They will become the responsibility of government. However, government is already teetering. It won't have the resources.
We will fall back a century to reliance on family, community and social bonds to raise them. It could result the resurgence of family values. Elsewhere in the world the problem will not be as great. As has been noted, only 7% of Africa is vaccinated. Africa is used to high levels of mortality in the first place from disease and social turmoil. This may be a stronger, but not unfamiliar wave.
Ukraine is only 36% vaccinated (Russia and Belarus about 55% each), and we do have a tradition of family and of supporting one another. As an older guy. I have assessed the network of friends in my own case simply because my wife may depend on others to take care if something happens to superannuated me. I'm quite confident.
Here is an example. We have a neighbor Vadim, with whom Oksana has worked. We are close to his wife Olga and sons Platon and Nikita, friends with Eddie. Vadim makes musical instruments for for Oksana.
We have not made use of the third of an acre that we bought last year. Vadim is interested in beekeeping. He asked if he could use it. Our answer is an enthusiastic yes! Vadim is a productive and helpful guy. He will undoubtedly improve the property as he keeps bees on it. He has asked to put a friend of his in one of the summer houses on the lot to take care the bees. We enthusiastically said yes again, knowing that they will fix up the summerhouse and take care the property.
Vadim has given blood for Oksana's father's upcoming operation. This kind of tie exists throughout our neighborhood. This kind of tie will help Oksana if I get too frail to take care of the family. This society knows what to do if and when people start to be disabled by these shots. Just as they endured the hardships of Soviet times. It is part of the culture
That's the (rather brief) news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man was occupied yesterday talking business, and is headed out the door in an hour to be ToastMaster at our club's 16th birthday. The good looking woman is think enthusiastic that Eddie is going with me to Toastmasters and will probably join as the business group meets for lunch next week. Though it will be hard, I am asking him to be a fly on the wall, not to offer 10-year-old opinions but the simply sit still and observe. It is an above average child the center of whose universe is something other than himself.