I'm going to get into 5G wireless below. It is a solution to a problem I don't have. 4G wireless seems to handle full-motion video pretty well. That is the most bandwidth-intensive application there is. Why do we need more?
The powers that be are always pushing something new on us with the demand that we absolutely need it. In the 1980s my neighbor Carrie Hunter had a job promoting sustainable development. Although she explained it to me a dozen times I never got it. But it was essential.
People have been explaining global warming since about the same time. I have not gotten any hotter, and despite claims to the contrary I don't see much evidence of it. There are long-term trends, such as rising sea levels, but they predate rising carbon dioxide. But the panic has made billionaires in electric vehicles and alternative energy.
The state of California is spending billions of dollars on a high-speed rail system from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Why? Airplanes work just fine.
Governments have been pushing childhood vaccinations and flu shots as long as I can remember. Why? What's the crisis? Spurred by the fact that Covid vaccines are being forced on most of the world population, people have been investigating the necessity of vaccines that were previously conceded to be essential: polio, smallpox and measles. Researchers have concluded that the cases for these were also trumped up. The levels of disease have diminished greatly, but sanitation and improved living standards seem to account for most of it.
Governments flogged bilingual education while my millennial children were growing up. Huge sums were spent on producing textbooks and training teachers in Spanish. The result is a generation of irate Hispanic parents whose kids don't speak the language of their native country – English.
Fearmongers have been flogging widespread extinctions for as long as I can remember. They claim there is a sixth great extinction underway already. I did the arithmetic in this video and came to the conclusion that despite mankind's appropriation of large swaths of wilderness for farming and livestock, the actual number of extinctions taking place today is minimal. I'm not arguing that we shouldn't protect wildlife, simply that we should use honest numbers.
The fearmongers totally took control with Covid. Many of the vast number of measures that we were coerced to follow are patently absurd. Not supported whatsoever by science. This includes handwashing, masks, social distancing, lockdowns and the like. Covid is a coronavirus. Despite four decades of attempts there had never been a successful vaccine against the flu. Here is my graph again. This time, not only do shots not work against the Covid coronavirus, but they seem to be killing people.
Who is behind all of these ill-begotten, coercive, destructive and poverty inducing measures? Is it simply globalist interests, or is there something more sinister? And a more personal question. Do I have to find the answers in order to know how to raise my children?
I hope the answer to the latter is no. My kids do not need any entertainment that could be delivered by 5G. We do not need to go anyplace that we can't get by public transportation, bicycle, or internal combustion engine. Our immune systems seem adequate to protect us against whatever pathogens we are likely to encounter. Especially, perversely, because others have taken the risk of jabbing themselves with big Pharma's products. Although there are dangers that the manufacturers work strenuously to hide from us, most of them, unlike the flu shots, do seem to work somewhat at preventing diseases.
As for other pharmaceutical interventions, such as blood pressure medicines, diabetes medicines, acid reflux, back pain and such I observe that they can be better addressed with lifestyle changes than medicines. I have written previously that doctors here in Ukraine have diagnosed me with arrhythmia, enlarged prostate, spinal problems and digestive issues. None of the doctors suggested any lifestyle changes. Each prescribed medicines – precisely 5, in every case I can remember – to treat the problem. They learned well from their American colleagues.
For what it is worth, I am taking no medicines at all against the above-named conditions. Here is a photograph of the meds I do take against the laboratory created on SARS Covid 19 bug. I'm not sure I need them, but my research shows they won't do me any harm.
One of you readers sent me a link to this CDC sponsored study showing that ivermectin is worthless. Of course, we know the CDC to be a totally disinterested party. Not! Because they have rejected any study that was not rigorously double-blind, they did this one absolutely by the book.
They left out one little detail. When Drs. Pierre Kory, Zev Zelensky, Simone Gold and others proposed ivermectin (and also hydroxychloroquine) two years ago they described the action of these small molecule drugs. They act as ionophores. They get zinc into your cells where the zinc suppresses the virus's ability to reproduce itself. The protocols put together by all of these people involved several drug combinations such as you see in my photograph.
This gold standard, double-blind, yada yada study sponsored by the CDC did not include anything other than ivermectin. Nobody had ever claimed that ivermectin alone would do the job. Is something fishy going on? Can you trust your government?
All of the above is preamble. German–American lawyer Reiner Fullmich has been investigating the coronavirus situation since the beginning. He assembled a Coronavirus Investigative Committee to collect facts about every facet of the situation: its origins, the patents on the lab developed biological products, the people involved, the funding, the testing regime, the dangers of the tests themselves, the nature of the virus itself, the nature of mutations, the development of the drugs, the listed and hidden ingredients in the vaccines, the vast range of adverse effects, the time frames of adverse effects, the extreme variability in adverse effects from batch to batch, the tie-ins with other agendas such as depopulation, sterilization, and mind control. Just to name a few.
His group is so productive that it would take more than full time to read everything they produce. I don't need his information to make my decisions. We are simply not getting tested or vaccinated. We are having nothing to do with it. As it has long been implied that 5G wireless was part of the plan, I have been grateful to live in a backwater that will do without. The video I watched yesterday, and to which I link below, reinforces that decision.
Given that government, academia, law enforcement, the judiciary, the medical establishment and the oligarchs are all complicit, Fullmich decided that the best way to make his case was in the format of a grand jury proceeding. He calls it the Grand Jury in the Court of Public Opinion. The production quality belies the fact that he doesn't have vast funding, but his witnesses describe most of the facets of the coronavirus situation.
Yesterday I watched a presentation by lawyer Todd Callender who put together several pieces of the puzzle in a fascinating way. The case he makes seems bizarre. However, an Internet search reveals that he is a well-established international lawyer with expertise appropriate to this question. I hope to recall enough here to encourage you to watch what he says. Please note that the audio quality is not very good – it is worth tolerating.
Many other investigators have reported the presence of lipid nanoparticles and graphene oxide in the sera being injected. Their presence is no longer a matter of dispute. What are they there for? Many have reported that people who receive the injections are immune compromised. Their immune systems no longer rise to their defense when confronted with the normal pathogens we encounter in everyday life. Why is that?
Callender has explanations. Because of the nature of what he sees himself doing – investigating crimes committed by dedicated teams of intelligent criminals – his conclusions may be wrong in part or incomplete in part. The culprits are not going to tell him what he wants to know. They do, however, seem to fit the data at hand. They are well worth considering.
Suppressing the immune system was a prerequisite for these mRNA injections to work. A healthy immune system would not allow them to do what they are designed to do. Whether or not it could be suppressed temporarily is moot. The suppression seems to be about 30% after one shot and close to total after three.
The lipid nanoparticles have been described by the manufacturers as a vehicle for delivering mRNA. Callender says that that is not all. They also carry diseases such as Marburg, Ebola and the like. He contends that the lipid nanoparticles will release their disease payloads when they are loosened by electromagnetic pulses in the 18 GHz bandwidth. Which happens to be one of the bandwidths used by 5G. He predicts that there will be waves of infection by diseases such as this sometime in the future.
Graphene oxide is an interesting compound. It is very strong. The 2 foot long blood clots that embalmers have reported finding in the legs of the people who died after receiving the jabs are tough. They also have interesting electrical qualities, and the ability to assemble themselves from materials included in the injections.
That's enough to convince you either that Graham has gone totally off his rocker or there is something very sinister afoot. Like I say, it does not affect us immediately. We are avoiding the shots. However, as it seems designed to affect all of mankind, it may get around to us in the future. I am staying tuned. Suggest you do likewise. You won't see it on CNN.
It seems I'm on a roll with Disney. Here's Roger Simon on the same theme today.
On the war front, things have been very quiet for two days now. Streamfortyseven repeats Edward Slavsquat's opinion from Moscow that Putin has indeed switched to a plan B. The good news is that it will spare Kyiv at least for the time being.
The Russian hoard of living up to its reputation for callous indifference. The word from the occupied areas in the South is that Russian soldiers are going from house to house robbing everything they can. Televisions, appliances and the like. Russian wives are sending shopping lists by SMS. They want fur coats. Dead Russians have been found with their pockets full of stolen coins, watches and the like.
Even if Putin's Plan B succeeds, he will never win the hearts and minds of the people in eastern Ukraine. Just as Zinoviev wrote in Homo Sovieticus, the subject peoples will have contempt for the Russians. The Russians will continue to feel inadequate precisely because their inadequacy is so obvious to all.
Life here is normal. We met a neighborhood girl on our way to the playground yesterday. Zoriana and Marianna had a wonderful time on two swings that are set side-by-side so I could push both at once. The biggest smiles for the longest time. This morning they are sitting quietly with grandmother while they wait for me to finish with this so we can go out again.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the men are strong, the women good-looking, and the children above average bored. We are waiting for life to resume.
My, my. We can agree on so many points. It remains fascinating to hear of your observations and your daily life. My Uncle of WWII told me of the depredations of Russian troops and how disgusted our soldiers were about their near primitive actions. Apparently nothing has changed much as the conscripts attempt to supplement their income. I noted elsewhere that cases of vodka ought to be air delivered in order to shorten the war.
It is only because we have become so insanely wealthy that we need 5G to allow more users more time wasted on small computers to entertain ourselves. This started when we no longer needed to haul water for daily life, which really wasn't so long ago. That freed many hours to create for some and to become selfish and lazy for others, me in both camps. Imagining all sorts of conspiracies, some of which might be true, is a luxury of modernity. As we age and understand what remains important, those children and their development are critical. Our evolution continues, as does nature.
Kolomoyskyi has about $3.5 billion, he could spring for 1000 cruise missiles at $1 million each, that's $1 billion, and really would put a crimp in Vlad's plans. He might as well, because if Vlad wins, Igor is toast.