Jared Taylor, the founder and director of American Renaissance, who has published me a few times, has a an insightful article on the Unz Review - Women Are the New Thought Police. Women are the heart of the woke movement. There is a gradient among them– unmarried women are the most woke, followed by working married women, with those trailed by stay-at-home moms. This distribution maps to dependence on the government for physical protection and financial support.
There is a psychological dimension as well. Women are more conflict-averse than men. Rather than see an argument play out, they will implore the participants to stop squabbling and be quiet. I have written about how my former family and others shout me down when I question things such as Angela Merkel’s wisdom in inviting a million Africans and Arabs into Germany or the notion that New Orleans residents themselves rather than George Bush might be most responsible for the disaster that followed Hurricane Katrina. Many women simply don’t want to examine the extent to which immigrants are different from ethnic Germans and hence unlikely to integrate, or that the endemic problems of New Orleans and other big US cities might be attributable to the nature of the people who live in them.
The majority of voters are now women, and they have pushed other women such as Christine Lagarde, Ursula von den Leyen, Angela Merkel and Jacinda Ardern into leadership positions. At the risk of being savagely attacked, I will venture that the decisions these women make are more influenced by emotion than had they been made by men, and those made by men are certainly made with an eye to the female electorate in countries such as Canada and Australia.
Men at least attempt to make their decisions based on logic – however flawed. Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine was based on erroneous premises fed to him by yes-men, and certainly to some degree his ego, rather than pure emotion. He has treated the world to a great display of flawed logic trying to justify it.
The decisions to allow the homeless to camp on sidewalks or to give millions of dollars in reparations to Blacks, even those whose ancestors were never enslaved or colonialized, are based on a kind of feel-good logic. Deborah Birx and Rachel Walensky openly state that their decisions about Covid were based on hope, rather than tying themselves in knots, lying like Anthony Fauci has done in an attempt to craft logical arguments.
At any rate, Taylor’s argument that with women in the lead we do not base public policy on logic but rather on sentiment is quite sound. I wrote him and Peter Brimelow of vDARE to see if they were interested in my review of Women After All. They are not; my topic does not coincide closely enough with their message. I concluded our exchange thus:
My main thrust is fertility. As Jared points out so well, woke is simply not reproducing. White women don't much want men or babies. My favorite author on these points is Ed Dutton. Here's my Cliff-notes style review of his recent, little-read The Past is a Future Country. His thesis is that woke will die out because it does not reproduce. Society will not be rich enough to nurture an unproductive, parasitic underclass, and evolution will favor the few of us who have kids despite all.
Your focus is on shorter-than-evolutionary timeframes and the existing political order. Dutton and my observations are that the current political order is very long in the tooth and the tempo of evolution (viz, the emergence of woke) has speeded up. Political and evolutionary history may merge.
To your other point, Ukraine, the Visegrad and Baltic countries don't want immigration from the Middle East and Africa. Conversely, our neighbors have been very gracious in accepting refugees from Ukraine.
My concern is that Ukraine is amassing a great many IOUs. My hope that the West is not able to call them in with regard to immigration. My bet is that the world economy will have finally been allowed to collapse by the time we would be attractive to immigrants. We will, of course, have an army and border guard service adequate to repel them. The question is whether we have the will.
I'll close in observing that it appears that for now we are focused on different issues. I hope my review of Dutton, above, puts him on your radar. See also my video and text reviews of his more widely read At Our Wits End.
Meanwhile, thanks for a great read on Unz. Keep it up!
I am fond of the paragraph in bold above and will use it again. The ability to distill a concept down to its essence and express it simply, as Richard Feynman was noted for doing, is a mark of genius. I posted a complement to that effect on a blog that I follow, Toby Rogers writing uTobian on Substack. He clearly and succinctly expresses the reason that the pharmaceutical companies will never cure our diseases. It is not in their self-interest. They make their money from diseases that cannot be cured. They make money by creating and fostering diseases that can’t be cured. There is no money to be made in curing diseases. Duh!
On the subject of disease, Eddie asked me this morning what was happening with Covid in our woefully under-vaccinated (only 30% with even one does), war-torn Ukraine. I had a hard time even getting the search engine to answer that question. I finally came up with this graph. I would bet that it is not terribly accurate simply because nobody cares anymore. Anecdotally, I have not heard of anybody sick with Covid for many months now.
We can leave it to you in rich countries to entertain fantasies about hobgoblins such as Covid, global warming and gender issues. We don’t have time. We have our hands full dealing with the nasty Russians. We give thanks daily that they are also on your agenda, perhaps the only real hobgoblin there.
Eddie, bored with six grade math even though he is still not doing the problems terribly accurately, has prompted me to talk about the binomial expansion, the Gaussian curve, combinations, permutations and probabilities, factorials, parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas and all sorts of related stuff that will come over the next few years.
In history and geography, we have spent the last two weeks talking about the 5000 years after the emergence of agriculture, before metals, writing, horseback riding, the wheel and other discoveries that dramatically goosed the pace of human evolution and population expansion.
Dates, something that every school kid thinks are boring and extraneous, are absolutely essential. I’m trying to get him to relate inventions, the spread of agriculture, the spread of genes, the spread of languages, and the spread of cultural innovations such as city life and monogamy throughout Europe. They are all interrelated. After having taken a few weeks to lay this foundation, we can get into the period covered by written records.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where I continue to marvel at how quickly a two-year-old masters language and learns to employ it to master her environment. Marianna loves to come to Daddy to go for walks, to be swung high in the air (causing apoplexy in Grandma), and to beg for pieces of mango. On the other hand, come bath time or bedtime she runs to the women. They are not as effective at compelling her to do what she doesn’t want to do.
I'm not sure why you feel men are more logical and women inherently more emotional. Both have all the brain-based equipment for all functions; custom dictates which are acceptable to express publicly, and by whom. Unfortunately, the emotions men find it most acceptable to express seem to be rage, pride and contempt. I would suggest that Putin's decisions vis a vis Ukraine have a lot more to do with misplaced pride in Russian empire, rage at the fall of the USSR and contempt for the west than with any type of logic (which only emerges as a post hoc attempt to create an understandable explanation for his actions). Women in many societies are permitted more expression of the "softer" emotions, which unfortunately opens them to the aforementioned contempt of men (contempt which men perceive as logical rather than an emotional reaction). Expression of emotion does not prevent the operation of logic, however. When either gender doesn't recognize the influence of emotion on their thoughts, we have major political, social and familial issues.
REgarding pharmaceutical companies, there is of course plenty to criticize. They want to make profits, and they often do so by questionable marketing practices, eg repurposing products to mass markets (for example opiates). However, there are plenty of actual intractable diseases and problems in the world. I have yet to see any evidence that they are actually trying to perpetuate or delay solving these. I think, rather, that they are using expensive panaceas for soft targets in the richer countries - obesity, depression etc. - to allow them the slack to respond to real emergencies without going bankrupt.
I guess I am the “man” at my house, because my husband doesn’t want to critically think about any world events AT ALL. I can’t talk about Covid jabs, politics, religious heresy … basically anything that actually interests or concerns me. It’s beyond frustrating.