We had a minor kerfuffle in Toastmasters. Our ArtTalkers club came up with the innovation a couple years ago of having a theme for each meeting. Last week's theme was “how to be happy.” I used a back-to-school theme in September.
The Toastmaster’s job is to keep the meeting running smoothly. To competently introduce everybody. If the agenda is slack, the ToastMaster can indulge himself a few minutes of speaking time. In my case I usually like to keep it relevant by commenting on other people’s speeches.
I proposed "How about revolutions? The anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution is October 24. By the old calendar, of course. We have seen political, sexual, drug and many other revolutions since."
I heard from the club president that some people – they are always anonymous in a case like this – were uncomfortable talking about the revolution during a time of war. I should not be nonplussed. The snowflake phenomenon has gone international. Nonetheless I extremely quickly backed down. I immediately suggested we simply forget having a theme.
It still would not die. After half a dozen people had weighed in I wrote "This is what people hate about committees. It is the Toastmaster's prerogative. Consider it DROPPED. Let's move on."
I am instead going to comment on some recent news that will inevitably affect Ukraine. Toastmasters encourages us not to talk about sex, religion or politics. As Pericles said 2500 years ago, “Just because you don’t take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.” Politics pervades our world.
A totally out-of-left-field idea is that for geological reasons we may be in for a very cold winter. Here is a fact that I'll bet none of you reading this blog knew.
The largest volcanic eruption since Krakatoa in 1883 occurred this January. You did not hear about it (1) because it was underwater, off of Tonga, in the middle of the Pacific far from anything, and only killed about three people and (2) because it might undermine the global warming narrative.
How is that? Volcanic eruptions throw a vast amount of particulate matter into the atmosphere, around which clouds form. Tambora in 1813 and Krakatoa in 1883 were followed by cloud cover, poor harvests and starvation, as well as spectacular sunsets worldwide. We saw it happened to a lesser degree with Mount Pinatubo in 1991.
Robert Malone, who seems to have his eye on everything, writes:
"Just as in other large volcanic eruptions, David documents that temperatures in the southern hemisphere have crashed this summer. Furthermore, as these particulates (volcanic dust) have spread across the world - colder temperatures, combined with large snow and rainfall are already occurring. It can be expected that this winter in the USA and the European continent, there will be colder temperatures than usual, more rain and snowfall. Already, Europe has had a colder than usual fall. David also documents that it has become extraordinarily difficult to track these particulates and changes associated with this explosion, as the government(s) appears to be playing “hide the data.”"
This news should be of interest to Ukraine, which is headed into a winter without much electricity. The Russians, despairing of winning our hearts and minds, seem to have rededicated themselves to lording over our frozen civilian corpses.
As to my second topic, the United States government yesterday decided to make the Covid 19 vaccine mandatory for schoolchildren. That’s not of course what they said. The bland news is “The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) adds Covid 19 to the list of recommended childhood vaccinations.”
You might ask, “So what? The federal government does not have the power to force vaccinations. That is up to the states. And it is only a recommendation.”
In practice, the states generally follow the recommendation of the CDC. And states do write it into law. This means that public school children in most of the United States will have to be vaccinated against Covid.
The government’s own statistics, distorted as they are, show that there is almost no benefit and there is substantial danger associated with giving children Covid vaccines. Yet they are being required.
Why must they be required? Because once they are on the childhood vaccine schedule, nobody who is injured by the vaccines, child or adult, can sue the manufacturers. They are guaranteed billions of dollars in profits, and they bear no risk for the injuries they cause.
Who is driving the agenda? Anthony Fauci, who by the organization chart below is three levels below the president as the head of the NIAID, the National Institute For Allergy and Infectious Disease. But organization charts lie! He is the highest-paid person in government, more than the president. And he has made himself rich by making himself America’s medical czar, controlling the AIDS and now the Covid programs. The ACIP does not even report to him; it is under the NIH. Characteristically, however, it is appointed. And Fauci has a lot to do with who is on the committee.
We learn also that since 1983 the private sector is allowed to “help fund” the CDC, NIH and other agencies. Paying those generous salaries. In other words, bribery has long been written into the law.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the WHO, said inadvertently last December "Some countries use boosters to kill children, which is not right." Guess what? He was talking about the United States. Most European countries have since decided that the vaccines are too dangerous to give to children. Most parents in the United States don’t want them, but the United States government is going to forcibly inject their kids.
The United States is being quite generous with Ukraine during this war. I am sure they will ask for favors in return. You have noticed that the US long ago forced its gay pride and AIDS agendas on Ukraine.
Childhood vaccines became mandatory in Ukraine over the past decade or so, undoubtedly due to pharma company pressure via the US via the WHO. The pharmaceutical industry has a lot of money, and Ukrainian authorities are open to bribes. Moreover, they trust and depend on the United States for leadership in the field of medicine.
Celia Farber credits Anthony Fauci with imposing political correctness on the entire realm of science. He would call you a homophobe if you questioned his opinion about AIDS. Her quote is succinct and powerful.
Asked to offer thoughts on Faucl, veteran AIDS "war" reporter Celia Farber pulls back and takes a broad view.
She said:People understand the Arendt concept of the "banality of evil."You have set yourself the formidable task of deconstructing him. Why is he "evil"? (Which is.)
It's not because he is so "banal," so bureaucratic, so boring. That's the drag costume.
In fact, he is a revolutionary—a very dangerous one, who slipped behind the gates when nobody understood what he was bringing in.
What was he bringing in? He was bringing in—as a trained Jesuit and committed Globalist—a new potion that would achieve any and all aims for Pharma and the powers he served. The potion was then known as Political Correctness—now called "woke." Fauci switched the entire linguistic system of American science, from classical "speak," to woke "speak." He brought in Cancel Culture, essentially, before anybody could imagine what it was. It was too perverse for genuine scientists to conceive of such a thing mixing with science, they could not believe it, or grasp it. Like a rape. It was incredibly confusing. That's what I documented, on the ground, that horror and confusion among real scientists, as American science changes so radically before their eyes, to accommodate HIV.
Farber went on: Let me elaborate a bit. Fauci's reign begins in 1984, a year of total change. Everything changes, all of a sudden. Gallo is deployed with Margaret Heckler to make the declaration by US Government fiat that the "probable cause of AIDS" had been "found" and that it was some kind of trans-Atlantic fusion that looked "virus like" on the big screen, but was really neither a cogent virus nor a pathogen. The reason it "flew" to use Nature Bio/Technology founding editor) Harvey Bialy's word, was because everything had already changed. It was understood, without overt commands, that the "gay cancer" that had everybody in such a panic could not be assessed as complex toxic illness with a complex cause. The entire US media understood what to say and not say, and not only because of the allegiance to the shadow government, but because the era of classical science had ended. It ended that day. It would henceforth be a crime against decency to, for example, address anything that could be making gay men sick other than "the virus."
That's not "bad science." That's perfectly executed political correctness. And they are diametrically at odds, in the Biblical sense of good and evil.
What Fauci did was he made political correctness the new currency, of his funding empire. Peter Duesberg was not "wrong" about HIV and AIDS, he was politically incorrect about it and that was how Fauci banished him—sentenced him to funding and reputation death, as though he had done something really bad by dissenting against HIV theory. Stop and think how insane this is. An elite cancer virologist brought over from Germany's Max Planck Institute whose credentials are so outstanding, who was well on his way to solving cancer's genetics ... felled suddenly by a fatwah, issued by this ... Mufti? Who was he to issue a fatwah against America's top cancer virologist? Well, he did. He blocked every federal research dollar to Duesberg after 1987, because Duesberg repudiated the woke ideology Fauci's HIV empire, in a few paragraphs of a scientific paper that was about something else. He sustained the economic and reputational attack/ vendetta for the next 3 decades. Without blinking. It's really an unbelievable story. It would make Americans' blood boil if they knew about it—because almost all have lost somebody in their family to cancer.
Fauci had, by 1987, when Duesberg wrote the Cancer Research paper that sealed his scientific fate, an apparatus that included mass media, psychological operations, public health—this octopus that just straight-up throttled the entire scientific tradition of Western civilization. Evidence based science and the discourse culture that goes with it— gone. That's what he did. It's no small feat. He destroyed American science by snuffing out its spirit, the spirit of open inquiry, proof and standards.
The reason so many outstanding scientists lent their names to opposing Fauci's vendetta on Duesberg was not that they cared, necessarily, about the cause of AIDS; This was, for them, a battle over the very soul of science. Kary Mullis [PCR inventor] broke down crying in an interview I did with him in 1994, talking about it—talking about what Fauci did to Peter Duesberg and what it meant.
The real scientists were horrified. Suddenly a guillotine was present. A new and strange terror. People were "guilty," of thought-crimes like "HIV denialism." Fauci had made political correctness the new revolutionary language, see? And that meant if you were "bad," if you didn't push agenda driven science, everything was taken away from you. And the media cheered. And anybody who didn't was destroyed, vilified, harassed, fired, in a word, canceled.
I will introduce some of these ideas at the Toastmasters meeting, confident that there will not be time to take them very far. The prime topic for discussion here in Ukraine is the war. The Russians are undoubtedly evil. They have cost the lives of 10,000 servicemen and maybe five times as many civilians. Yet there is little concern about deadly adverse effects resulting from the Covid vaccines, which many observers would predict will ultimately number in the millions.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where number one son avidly bugs me to let him watch Denys Davidov every morning and five-year-old Zoriana, not understanding the war but picking up on the emotion, pushes herself in whenever she can. The good-looking woman has gone from apolitical to very political in just a couple of years. And the strong man does his best to stay focused on things he can control, such as getting the butane stove, keeping the larder full, and educating the children.
Finally! It is as if they don't want me to be able to add this comment.....what I've been trying to post for a few days:
Count me in the "knew about it" category for the volcano....back in January! (Malone needs to catch up). We have entered the Grand Solar Minimum: expect more volcanic activity, volatile weather, shifting climates and perhaps the collapse of an empire or two (if history teaches us anything). Is this historical sun cycle the reason the technocratic oligarchs seem to have accelerated their agenda?
In the 1991 Pinatubo eruption, the volcanic plume reached over 40 km above the sky, but in Tonga it was a little less than 30 km and the impact would be about 1/10, according to the Japanese Meteorological Agency's comment at the time. In 1992, rice was rarely harvested and imported from Southeast Asia. What was Ukraine like back then?
Even if the impact is 1/10, the temperature may drop a little. UA is inland so maybe 2/10.
I read an article last year that 65% of the US CDC's budget comes from external sources (pharmaceuticals, chemistry, etc.). If they are wearing money collars, they will do as the funders say.
Japan's health ministry's budget is tax money, but last year critics said doctors on its board were on the verge of failing medical school. When I look at their careers in Japan, I think that's true.
Maybe that's why they can't think for themselves and just follow what the CDC says. This is better in Europe.
When considering the root cause of the drug-related incident caused by mRNAdrug, (1) BigPharma's greed, (2) Fauci's desire for power and money, (3) BillGates' money desire and population reduction psychopath (4) WEF's money desire, (5) Media's greed for money (6) I thought politicians' ignorance and power greed were intertwined.
Those who suffered the most were good ordinary people who believed in Propaganda.
As a former engineer, I have a habit of wondering what the cause is, and I became aware of the dangers of mRNA drugs early on.