Andy Wakefield, in the interviews I recently referenced, says that one good thing to come out of the Covid affair is a worldwide awakening to the threats posed by “government experts” and elites in all spheres.
He says that the evidence of massive fraud in the Covid injections has alerted people to the similar frauds perpetuated with regard to all vaccines, about which he has been sounding the alarm for two decades and which caused him such personal grief.
It is interesting that his detractors like to claim that he is in it for the money. It appears to me that puts it quite backwards. He was a dedicated, talented doctor trying to practice his profession, out of which he was forced by others.
Compelled by circumstance to do something else, he started to tell his story via film, and has been successful and made some money. You can’t begrudge him that. As a reluctant celebrity he dated Elle MacPherson for a couple of years. More power to him.
One subscriber wrote “I wish you would read the science. Here’s an excellent example.
Please give it a try and let it percolate a bit.” I did exactly that. Athough the publication titles itself “Science Based Medicine” I found the article to be almost nothing but ad hominem attacks against Wakefield. I would suggest that to rebut Wakefield one should listen to what he says and answer point by point. As I did to Katelyn Jetelina a couple of posts back.
Here is a bit from Robert Malone’s Friday Funnies
Malone is absolutely on target. Same with global warming. Looking into that, I reviewed books by a number of experts, among therm the late S. Fred Singer. Here is a The Great Global Warming Swindle, a video he contributed to in 2007 right after Al Gore’s movie. Here is the 2017 Climate Hustle , now for free, and the brand new Climate Hustle 2 about how it all works.
There is a consistent pattern to who takes these scares at face value and who is skeptical of all of them. It generally crosses the spectrum red to blue. Those who value their independence to those who accept being controlled, or more alarming, want to control how the rest of us live our lives.
I find some cold consolation in the fact that Russia faces the same issues. They are forcing the Covid straightjacket on their society as well, and meeting persistent if muffled resistance. Their free speech remains more thoroughly curtailed than ours, though the West is scrambling to catch up.
Telegram is still available in Russia and still, so far as I can tell, not censored. Here is a Russian language (mostly) channel with a name that translates to Victims of Vaccination. The United States has a vaccine adverse affect reporting system, VAERS, put in place a couple of decades ago by the pharmaceutical industry in response to a congressional mandate. Though they made the system as weak as they could, it still shows an embarrassing number of vaccine injuries overall, especially for Covid.
For whatever quirky reasons, the systems in Great Britain, Europe, and especially Israel are better. This has proved an embarrassment to the bureaucrats who are forcing the shots. They are backpedaling and collecting less data, but the signal is clear. In Russia, like China, there is no ambiguity whatsoever. Putin and Xi say that the shots are safe and effective, and there is no system to contradict them. Except for that pesky Telegram. I would commend it to the Russian speakers among my readership. Back posts are hard to navigate on telegram, but a glance will let you know what it’s about.
Back to the indefatigable Andy Wakefield, he happens to have just released a new movie with Robert F Kennedy Jr. of the children’s Defense fund. It is entitled Infertility – A Diabolical Agenda. It is set in Africa, Kenya to be specific, and it involves the conflict between the WHO the Gates Foundation, which pushed vaccines nominally to prevent tetanus but covertly to cause sterility, and the Catholic Church.
It is a story of heroes and villains. They heroes are all black Africans who describe very articulately exactly how the globalists piggybacked a compound that induces miscarriages onto their so-called tetanus shots. The tearful woman in the movie report that they lose their pregnancies after somewhere between three and 10 weeks.
The scientific explanation is that the feature added to the tetanus vaccine causes the woman’s body to recognize the growing embryo as foreign and thus to destroy it, as if it were a disease.
One of the African narrators, Stephen Karanja, ends the movie with the quote “when they are through with Africa, they are coming after you.” The narrator tells you that the relatively young and healthy Karanja recently died suspiciously, supposedly of Covid.
We know that the globalists are concerned that there are too many Africans. As the movie describes, they have been working overtly and covertly on vaccines to lower African fertility for a number of decades. Another short sequence in the movie shows them pushing Depo-Provera on naïve African tribeswomen.
There are reasons for concern wherever one falls on the political spectrum. We should be upset that these white elites are so blatantly taking advantage of the naïveté of people of color and stealthily pushing a Western agenda of depopulation on them. Echoes of Tuskagee and Willow Brook.
We should all be be concerned that as Karanja says, they are coming after us next. He is only wrong about the next part. Though the movie doesn’t go into it in detail, there is a strong depopulation element to the Covid story, and it affects us more than Africa.
Thanks to subscriber Arthur Brogard for his excellent compilation of sources about vaccines.
Those are the musings from Lake WeBeGone, issues that concern the strong man and boy, but don’t trouble the heads of the good-looking woman and the girls.
While I can understand the globalist conspiracy stuff, it seem more about good intentions gone bad and hubris about the effort. Gates mumbling on about his generosity while raking in from his investments using a charitable trust to ensure his lifestyle is perpetual. Other rich folk seem to do the same. HRC's foundation actually did little more than fund her hangers-on as she accepted bribes for her best efforts. The crowd where money is meaningless makes sure to protect themselves from the tax man. Unlike the evil corporate masters, the foundations are a way to hide money without any tangible benefit to society as a whole. They do benefit some portions of society in order to claim to be a charity but inevitably they fund things that create more wealth opportunities. Check out StJude who has no foundation support for their work. They have people on the ground helping others and they are doing the real work. There are other organizations that have direct hands-on operations funded mainly by corporations not the private rich.
For the vaccine stuff, Kennedy's book lays it out in spades. How such corruption can destroy an institution is beyond my understanding except the drug makers have pushed out enough bribes onto Congress. Don't get me started on Planned abortion services.
I am curious. If the globalists think there are too many Africans, why are they so supportive of mass African migration to Europe and why are they so supportive of food aid to Africa? On the face of it, there appears to be some contradiction.