The evolutionary explanation. The right’s internecine war. The most delicious hypocrisy.
Lest you think I was too hard on American education in my recent post, have a taste of this article. Comments on Unz Review articles are a mixed bag, but those on this long (6000+ word) piece are as good as the article itself.
Thanks to all who posted comments recently. There are several advantages to an evolutionary explanation of things going to hell.
(1) A look in history tells you that it has happened many times before. The forces of darkness will not prevail forever.
(2) It suggests that the proper course of action is to avoid rather than get caught up fighting the madness. Madness it is, and it is deadly. But it will end. However…
(3) It tells me nevertheless to appreciate and applaud the brave souls who choose to fight on the side of the angels. They are individuals with a sense of community and of morality. They are also mostly free, past raising children. They are fighting for the society that formed them.
(4) It reconfirms my belief that the most important ties are local: family, neighborhood and community.
(5) It reconfirms my commitment to a people who recognize themselves as a people. Ukrainians do. They emphatically are not and do not want to be Russian!
There is an unfortunate internecine war going on between people who would view the chaos in today's world through an evolutionary lens and those who are red-hot to blame somebody.
While I would not be disappointed to see something akin to Nürnberg trials for the perpetrators of the vaccine hoax, I'm not going to invest any time in attempting to see that it happens. In other words, while I appreciate what a great many such as Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. David Martin, Peter and Ginger Breggin and even Alex Jones are doing, I'm not joining them in the fight.
Some of these folks have called Robert Malone and Mattias Desmet controlled opposition - traitors - for not picking up their pitchforks and getting in the battle. Malone yesterday posted this very articulate piece by Desmet explaining where they stand. They are in the unenviable position of being assailed from both the right and the left. To me that is an indication that they may be onto something.
Another voice not heard from in this battle is evolutionary psychologist Ed Dutton. Just reading every book he publishes would be a full-time job. Subscriber Reid Stuart highly recommends The Past is a Future Country: The Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution in which Dutton does the same things I attempt to do, look to the other side of the depopulation now underway.
Dutton disagrees with me on one significant point. He has refused to watch my movie on how human intelligence regresses to the mean. To me this regression is highly relevant. If the Masters of the Universe are attempting, in this putative depopulation, to cleanse the world of substandard intellects so their own progeny can take over, they face a few problems. The first is that their children are likely not to be that smart. Ask yourself the question: where are the children of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos Larry Ellison and others? The answer is that they are doing okay, smart enough, but they are not world shakers like their parents.
Another problem is that their illustrious parents don’t have much time for them. These kids will be raised by nannies, educated by tutors, and shipped off to overrated universities such as Harvard. They are likely to wind up as conspicuous nonentities like Chelsea Clinton or Arianna Huffington’s kids, whom I happen to have known in their childhood. It is not easy growing up in the shadow of an outsized personality.
I did not footnote my observation that birth rates are declining. Igor Chudov follows that thread. Here is his most recent post.
My favorite Internet feline, el gato malo, is once again ahead of the game. With regard to what happens to the less than illustrious offspring of the rich and famous, he notes that a great many of them take advantage of the fact that they don’t have to work to earn a living in order to take apart the capitalist system. It is a continuation of the phenomenon that I noticed when I was in college. I was among the poorest kids at Reed College, and among the only conservatives. The kids who started the Weather Underground, Symbionese Liberation Army and other such 60s organizations mostly came from quite comfortable backgrounds. As did Marx himself.
A twitter commenter calling himself NevilleTheCat has dug quite deeply into this phenomenon, exposing the silver spoon, trust fund backgrounds of some of the most ardent advocates of modern communism. They include Cooper Anderson and Taylor Lorenz, among the names I recognized. As always gato is a delight to read.
Twitter has quite predictably shooed Neville the Cat out of their bird nest, erasing all of his droppings. They could have found no better way to make them live in perpetuity. Yes, the Internet lets you keep the receipts. A delicious irony in this case is that Taylor Lorenz cannot even then he found via the wayback machine. Conveniently enough, it was built by her uncle. Per this article (which I have not fact checked – you readers are invited to do so) she has no history on the Internet beyond what she has approved.
gato has gone the extra mile, providing this link to Neville’s now vanished tweets. I don’t have much interest in this phenomenon, but I am a keen connoisseur of hypocrisy. Oh, man does this reek!
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man is taking a break from reading sixth grade Ukrainian schoolwork. I’m actually getting pretty good at understanding word problems and making out what the biology and geography books are saying. It helps that I attended elementary school back in the day when they expected you learn something, and I did.
We have a trust fund baby in Pennsylvania running for the open seat in the U.S. Senate: John Fetterman. He portrays himself as a working class guy and dresses the part in hoodies and basketball shorts, but in reality, his parents kept him going with a yearly salary into his 40s and maybe longer. The guy never did any real work before he was tapped to become lieutenant governor, unless you count his stint as mayor of Braddock, a still-declining and devastated community several miles from Pittsburgh. That job paid him a paltry $150.00 per year and it’s doubtful that he made any real difference anyway. I’ve read that there is the suspicion that the game plan, should he be elected, is to have his radical Marxist wife take over for him in light of his recent stroke and the subsequent health problems stemming from it. It never ceases to amaze me how the Democrats scheme like this.
So very odd that the rich children who have achieved little for others now feel they are our wise keepers. Perhaps because they may have never truly struggled to build and create they have no idea of what that takes in terms of personal effort. Of course, they along with many of their teachers believe they can guide policy toward some utopia that cannot possibly exist.