Some of you tune in just to find out what kind of dope I've been smoking recently. Like old ladies who read the newspaper only to get their knickers in a bunch and send angry letters to the editor. Keep those cards and letters coming! Glad you are reading and buying our brand of soap!
Dope smoking is a pretty good analogy. What kind of hallucinations have I been having? The fact is that reality eludes all of us. This is by design. We in the former Soviet Union recognize that the communist government raised disinformation to a high form of art. My observation would be that you in the West need to appreciate how prescient George Orwell was in foreseeing that this tactic would be adapted in the West.
We might look at the world situation as a giant puzzle. Our mistake is to assume that this puzzle must have some logic to it.
In science, some of the great discoveries of been people figuring out a logical explanation for things that did not otherwise make sense. This would include Einstein's theory of relativity, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and Kurt Gödel's theory about the incompleteness of mathematics. It was very satisfying that these gentlemen were able to create logical explanations to put together facts that otherwise didn't fit together in a single logical construct.
Now let's look at Covid. How does Covid makes sense? It is a puzzle that has us scratching our heads. Let's try a jigsaw metaphor. It's clear that the pieces don't go together to form a picture shown on the box. A more difficult jigsaw puzzle might be simply a bag of pieces that fit together into some pattern. You have to guess what the picture is, but they do go together. I don't think that our Covid puzzle is that either.
You could make it more difficult by jumbling together jigsaw pieces from different puzzles cut with the same die, so that the puzzle came together but the picture didn't make sense. Or you could make it even worse by having a puzzle where some of the pieces, you don't know which ones, go together upside down.
Most frustrating of all would be a puzzle where the pieces simply did not fit together at all. I think that's what we are facing with Covid 19. There are a lot of pieces to this puzzle and they make no sense whatsoever.
What do we do in a situation like that? Do we need to solve this puzzle? To some extent yes, for our own survival and that of our progeny. So let me make an attempt to describe the pieces that don't go together and try to suggest what we can do. How we can arrange the small pieces that surround us, even though there is no logical scheme to the entire puzzle?
Peter McCullough, Peter Breggin and Brett Weinstein have said it out loud. They're trying to kill us. The evidence goes that way. What evidence?
The supposed vaccines don't work and are destroying people's immune systems. Killing some quickly, most by slow degrees. Killing their children in utero, and sterilizing would-be parents. The evidence is stacking up. Read links I have posted.
Development of the supposed vaccines was rushed and didn't follow the rules. Their approval was hasty and perfunctory. Oversight was nil. They include stuff that is not on the label, and the potency of the contents varies widely from batch to batch, hence person to injected person. This appears to be the case for every vaccine in wide use throughout the world.
Some vaccines (Novavax?) that might be safe, and many treatments that are known to be safe, are not approved. The patterns of prohibition vary dramatically by country, with the strongest coming from those where the pharmaceutical companies are domiciled.
The government, the media and the tech giants are trying feverishly to hide this from us. Their lies are open and evident.
There is a longstanding agenda on the part of many elites, among them Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and George Soros, to reduce the world population. They claim that there are simply too many people. Our numbers need to be thinned.
Eugenics has been advocated since Thomas Malthus two centuries ago. His idea was that people would outstrip the earth's ability to feed itself. That has not turned out to be the case. More recently people have concluded that rapacious humanity will edge out all of the wildlife as we put every piece of land to our use. About half of the earth's arable land, the best part, is already devoted to agriculture. Species are under pressure, although the rate at which they are going extinct surprisingly small.
The median estimate of the carrying capacity of the earth is nine or 10 billion, not far from where we are today. The consensus that there are too many people is widespread. Search on Dеpopulation fоr Dummіes Moore. As always, put up with my paranoia. You can't copy and paste.
Although many people in the past have said that we are running out of resources, notably Paul Ehrlich, naysayers, such as Julian Simon usually won the day. He famously made five bets against Ehrlich in the 70s and won all of them, predicting that mankind would, through technology, stay ahead of the race for resources. So far we do have enough energy, and w enough to feed everybody. Past predictions of disaster having been wrong doesn't mean that they will always be wrong.
There are also predictions about the quality of life. We are becoming more technological. Human labor is more superfluous. We no longer need people stocking warehouses, store shelves or loading trucks. We will soon not need people driving them either. Lower demand for unskilled labor results in lower wages, and malaise among the unemployable. We blame the opioid crisis on greedy billionaires such as the Sacklers. We have to recognize on the other side that the large market for drugs is because many find life simply not very satisfying.
There were active eugenics societies in England and Germany 100 years ago. These had clearly stated objectives. They established organizations such as Planned Parenthood to help the hoi polloi avoid having unwanted children. They established college-track courses of study in schools and universities. They cast their nets widely, attempting to identify the smartest kids to move them along. They regarded the Aryans as the superior race and wanted to limit reproduction to people like themselves: tall, blue-eyed, Nordic, intelligent. Unfortunately, these ideal specimens haven't felt like reproducing themselves since Napoleon's time.
Edward Dutton notes in At Our Wits End that the human population has been becoming dumber over two centuries for at least three reasons. First, the more intelligent populations of the world are the least fertile. Number two, within those intelligent populations, only the least intelligent are having children. The only couples who have children at above replacement rate in Great Britain are both on welfare. It is not a recipe for success. Lastly, the native peoples of more intelligent countries are being replaced by immigrants who, by IQ tests, fall among the least capable sixth of those whom they replace. In other words, also largely unemployable.
Quite a few people sympathize with the New Yorker’s 1950s William Steig cartoon below. Animal rights activists like Ronnie Lee favor pets more than people and consider human beings a blot on the planet Gaia. There has been a concerted effort to stop our fertility. For 100 years the elites have promoted every kind of relationship between men and women except a traditional, child-centered family.
Some seem to have gone out of their way to kill people. Bill Gates' vaccine trials in Africa are cited. Anthony Fauci has been accused of putting pharma profits over human lives in AIDS, among other things. Many lifestyle drugs increase profits while lowering public health. The opiate crisis has a genocidal aspect to it - abusers of OxyContin are disproportionately Amerindians and white people and its conspicuously Jews who were pushing it.
We can't ascribe any such motive with the Covid crisis. The jabs are a true blunderbuss. Nobody is exempt. There are no religious exemptions allowed, no health exemptions. Not even pregnancy. They want to to put the injections into everybody. Tоby Rogers on Substаck calls it a Stochastic Democide – random pruning.
The heads of the big pharmaceutical companies are disproportionately Jewish. But you can't call it a Jewish conspiracy - the world's only Jewish nation, Israel, is its most highly vaccinated. They are the first to experience widespread deaths from the jabs.
Likewise, geopolitical concerns don't seem to explain it. How come Russia and China, the major rivals of the West, are jabbing their populations just as enthusiastically as us. It makes no sense. The pieces of the puzzle just don't fit together. Now, do we have to make them fit? What do we have to do to survive?
No author can pull these disparate observations into a single book that will seamlessly make sense, even to him. I am reading perhaps the most ambitious such book I have seen, Stаtes of Emergеncy by Vаn dеr Pіjl. I am getting a lot out of it, but even so find the explanations incomplete. Thank goodness I don't need that. I need only for my kids to survive. Aesop may have been on top of it with his tale of the frog and the scorpion. It makes no sense, but that's how it is.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong men wonder if they are hallucinating, the good looking women might also if they would sit still and listen to the argument – which they have sense enough to avoid – and the above average children hear daily that they are not living in average times.
Graham has been at the forefront of understanding the Covid lies. I have been following him for some time and am impressed by the range of his knowledge. Here is an article which discusses the damage to the US military by the "vaccines."