Andrew Wakefield appears to defy the first law of human nature: look out for number one. That law dictates that we direct our efforts toward gaining money, sex and status. Wakefield got himself ejected, sued and ridiculed by angering the medical establishment, government and the pharmaceutical industry. Search for him on the Internet – even with Duck Duck Go – and you find the following
Why would anybody court that kind of abuse? There are certain old-fashioned values that trump naked self-interest. These are taking care of kin, especially children; being faithful to God; being faithful to one’s country; and being faithful to one’s credo. In his case the credo is the Hippocratic oath he took as a doctor.
Following the link I provided yesterday, I listen to Wakefield’s interview with Steve Kirsch in which he identified himself as a filmmaker and recommended viewing his film 1986: The Act. As many of you know, this was the act of Congress that prohibited citizens from suing vaccine manufacturers for injury. The bottom line today is that if you have an adverse reaction to the Covid 19 injections and happen to die, it is your tough luck.
I had watched Wakefield’s earlier movie Vaxxed for free, and expected I would be able to do that with the new one. The search engines made it hard to find the movie in the first place, and I was totally unable to find a free copy. Cheap as I am, I still pungled up $10 to watch it knowing that the money goes to a worthy person.
Along the way I found this video of Wakefield speaking mostly about measles, switching to Covid only in the last eight minutes or so. I took screenshots of the movie of his PowerPoint presentation – truly crummy quality. Here is a graph showing the dramatic decline in the incidence of measles in the United States. He says that is almost identical for Great Britain.
The drop in the number of deaths from measles was dramatic! It fell from 1,200 per 1,000,000 to almost nothing. But wait! There is more!
The graph above ends in 1920, though the measles vaccine wasn’t invented until 1960. Measles had fallen dramatically all on its own decades before the vaccine was developed. The vaccine had nothing to do with its becoming less virulent.
The vaccine was rolled out with the following promises:
· A single shot
· Lifelong immunity
· No adverse side effects
What has happened since 1960? Just about every child in the world has been vaccinated. None of the promises proved out. First, there are side effects, demonstrably autism and autoimmune diseases. Whatever benefits there are do not come without risks.
Secondly, immunity is not lifelong. It protects children during childhood but then wears off. On the other hand, the immunity that comes of having actually caught measles does last a lifetime.
A characteristic that the vaccine developers did not notice is that while measles is usually no more than an inconvenience when it is contracted in childhood, it can be fatal to newborn children and to adults. In other words, childhood is precisely when a person should get an actual case of measles.
Getting the measles shot as a child sets a person up to get a far more serious case as an adult after immunity has worn off. But it is even worse. Mothers who acquire natural immunity by catching measles are able to pass antibodies onto their children, giving them protection in the first year of life. Vaccinated mothers do not pass protection down to their kids in utero or from breast-feeding.
Just as is happening with Covid, vaccinating against measles is leading to vaccine resistant strains. The WHO and CDC spread scare stories all the time about the resurgence of measles. They are absolutely silent about the fact that many of the infected have been vaccinated.
Wakefield makes two other points worth repeating. First, the MMR shot is far worse than the measles-only shot, and there is no need whatsoever for childhood vaccination against mumps. The disease is so mild in children that many don’t notice that they even have it. However, the huckster who developed the mumps vaccine was a good salesman. Merck’s ownership of the mumps part gives it a monopoly on MMR. Like measles, mumps is much worse in adulthood. Far better to get it over early in life.
Second, the DPT shot – diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus – the most widely administered vaccination worldwide, also has a significant incidence of adverse effects. In his interview with Steve Kirsch Wakefield says that there is no vaccine whatsoever for which in his opinion the benefits outweigh the risks.
But we cannot know for sure because the vaccine industry has never, ever, for any vaccine ever invented, allowed a comparison of lifetime outcomes for vaccinated versus unvaccinated people. Such a study is not mandated by government. Wakefield and Kirsch agree that the obvious conclusion is that they know the answer and don’t want others to find out.
I hope there are some contrarians among you readers who conclude that the amount of vituperation being expended on Andrew Wakefield means he probably is saying something worth listening to. Please follow the links.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man thought that he knew a lot about vaccines two days ago but has learned much since, the good-looking woman convinced her mother to buy a bathing suit so all four girls in the family can enjoy the beach weather, and the number one son is doing a good job with his math and Ukrainian homework. I know because I review them both for him, in the process of which I’m learning quite a bit of Ukrainian myself.
Growing up in Flanders in the sixties, when one child in a class (primary school), the mothers would organise a Measles Party. It was a highly effective way to confer immunity on the lot of us.
Vaccines are sacred rituals for the post modern moron. The amount of hysteria involved is the clear sign of delusional fantasy, and in the women especially, of course.