I concur with many who say that the credibility of the media has collapsed at an incredible rate this year. Independent media, such as Substack for which I am writing, has exploded. They host a number of delightfully feisty, incisive independent voices. Whereas twenty years ago I was paying I forget how much, maybe $20 a month each for the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, I now pay about the same to a collection of independent journalists whose output I enjoy a lot more.
I do not think that it restricts my field of vision much. Taking advantage of the Internet, these writers include links into a broad range of other sources. One of the things I love is that they will link me to the sources of the propaganda they are refuting. The major limitation is that the New York Times will not always let me look at the nonsense I'm trying to find. The Guardian is a little bit more generous.
I learned this week that a boriqua is a Puerto Rican. Here's a post by a boriqueño who calls himself El Gato Malo. He has been in a good mood lately, projecting the imminent downfall of the entire corrupt media system.
Plandemic the movie was released on May 5, 2020, a scant two months after the United States recorded its 20th case of Covid 19.
The movie starts with a history of Judy Mikovits' involvement with Anthony Fauci. She had worked with the NIH team tackling the AIDS problem in the early 1980s. She had seen how Anthony Fauci and Robert Gallo conspired to steal the discovery of HIV from Luc Montagnier. In fact, those two had unsuccessfully browbeat her to let them see a paper with confidential information that they would use to patent discoveries that rightly belonged to the French.
One and a half decades later she published a blockbuster article in the journal Science claiming that the common use of animal and human fetal tissues in vaccines was responsible for unleashing devastating plagues of chronic disease. This was a huge threat to the pharmaceutical industry. The NIH, the FDA, the FBI and the Department of Justice colluded to squelch her. She speaks for herself in the movie, saying that they forced her out of her job, framed her for stealing confidential material, bankrupted her, had her jailed on charges that were never specified, and threatened to lock her up forever.
She had the details written in a book entitled Plague of Corruption that appeared in April 14, 2020. Very fortuitous timing – just as Covid 19 was taking off. The same players on the dark side, headed by Fauci. There is another set of same players wearing white hats: Robert F Kennedy Junior wrote the forward to the book. The eventual AIDS Nobel prize winner, Luc Montagnier, wrote another. As did Stephanie Seneff, to whom I would shortly be introduced by mutual friend Rob Moore and for whose book Toxic Legacy I wrote the top Amazon review. Plague of Corruption has 7500 Amazon reviews, overwhelmingly positive. Mikovits' importance is underscored by the terrible treatment she gets on the Internet from Google, Wikipedia and the other gatekeepers. They really, truly want to discredit her.
Her interviewer asks her if she is not afraid to come forward. Mikovits says boldly that she had to. If she did not "we could not only forget about our Republic, and about our freedom, but we can forget about humanity itself. Because we will be killed by this agenda." It is a genocide. Many people have long thought there are too many people in the world.
As I write this review of the movie, I have to say there is just one thing with which I disagree. She says that Anthony Fauci and Robert Gallo's suppression of the discovery of the HIV virus so they could steal the intellectual property and patent it had cost millions of lives. That is certainly how it would have appeared in the 1980s. Fauci was a scheming, malevolent man. But according to Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" most people now agree with him, Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis, Peter Deusberg, and HIV discover Montagnier himself that AIDS is not caused by a virus at all. In the end it didn't matter – Fauci used his patents to sell expensive medicines that were both useless and dangerous.
Mikovits says in the movie – remember that this is before the Covid 19 vaccines even went into clinical trials – that mRNA vaccines have never worked and will not work. She said that if they are used they would kill millions of people. Pfizer and Moderna, who use them, seem favored by the NIH and FDA. See the Peter McCullough movie from yesterday.
She also insists in the movie that the Covid 19 virus was nothing that came from nature. It had to have been manipulated in a lab. She identified the three labs that would've done it: Wuhan, the military lab in Fort Dietrich, Maryland, and Ralph Baric's lab at the University of North Carolina. She knew. Judy Mikovits had worked at Fort Dietrich in 1999 where they were trying to teach Ebola how to infect humans. It would not do so on its own.
This movie – once again only two months into the pandemic in the United States – has several clips of doctors saying how they were perplexed by the federal government mandates as to how they report Covid cases. The protocols led to vast overreporting and certainly inexact calculation of who had died of Covid.
The movie has clips of several doctors talking about hydroxychloroquine. They were already angry, questioning why Fauci wanted a double-blind study of decades-old, safe HCQ when he was not offering double-blind studies of the stuff he's doing.
Veering away from Covid 19, Mikovits reports that in the pre-Covid timeframe Fauci had suppressed the use of a century old medicine that would be effective in treating autism because big Pharma had expensive new drugs in the works. That's why she chose her title – Plague of Corruption. The NIH and FDA were not allowing the use of traditional drugs when their buddies in the pharmaceutical industry were developing expensive new ones.
She had clips of doctors ranting about the ineffectiveness of masks, social distancing, hand sanitizers and the whole drill. The doctors said that we need to train our disease immune system. She has clips of doctors assailing Google, Facebook and the media for spreading propaganda.
The movie closes with an ominous clip of Tony Fauci from 2017 asserting confidently that the United States needs be prepared for pandemics because "there will be a surprise outbreak in the next few years."
That's enough for Plandemic. Once again, I invite you to spend 25 minutes to convince yourself that people knew 20 months ago exactly what we were getting into. Judy Mikovits wanted to warn the world. The world managed to ignore her.
Here's another video from 2020 describing how the powers that be would manipulate information and control people. It's short, with good graphics.
Lastly, this early piece by Mike Whitney from the Unz review, from December 2020, just as the vaccines were being rolled out, asks a question to which Mikovits has alluded: "The Covid-19 Vaccine; Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation?"
I invite you, my readers, to look at these documents and decide for yourselves how prescient they were. Consider the fact that in the meantime more than 9 billion doses of vaccine have been delivered worldwide, to something more than 50% of the human population.
Over the next week or so I'm going to be reviewing more of Whitney's copious output on Unz and chasing sources as to how the inoculations work to reduce the population. I was fairly convinced the first time through, but I want to organize my thoughts. This will be the background, the foundational material for my theses on how I plan to raise my kids. I hope that it convinces some of you as well. Even if you have had the shots, there are things you can do to mitigate the effects of the spike protein. If you have not had the shot, I think you should reconsider.
That's the news from Lake We Be Gone, where the men are getting stronger. This is absurd, but I have been putting my feet on pans of hot sand that Oksana brings me with the insistence that it makes a bug go away. Damned if the bug isn't going away! The good looking woman will be insufferable after this works, but after a month of being sick I can stand it. And the kids are having an above average good time.