My interest is in raising children to perpetuate both their genetic and cultural inheritance. In that I am a tribal man, as described below. Per Sir Arthur, this makes me expressly not a universalist (New World Order, globalist). It is also at odds with Christianity as written, though not as it was practiced as it gained global ascendancy.
My thesis is that in a world with a shrinking population my children should not have to fight to defend their land, people, and history. But, if they must, they must. I am pleased and proud that Ukraine is defending itself at this very moment. The following passages from chapter 6 of Essays on Human Evolution
Now, if the reader will put down in column form my abbreviated list of "original sins" he will find that in human nature there is an opposite virtue inborn desires or predispositions which produce a contrary result. Against hate we must place love; against egoism, altruism; against cruelty, mercy; against ambition, humility; against pugnacity, pacifism; against lust, purity; against nationalism, cosmopolitanism. It is the duality of our mental make up which has led to the diversity of opinion regarding man's nature. Man, it is asserted, is peaceful; he has also been described as essentially militant. Both statements are true; our verdict depends on which side of the mental coin is uppermost to our view; the man who is a pacifist at one moment may be a pugilist the next. A good tribesman clings to his fellows and tells them the truth; he repels men of neighboring tribes and tells them lies. The real problem which faces us is this: How can the duality of human nature be explained? The evolutionist can offer an explanation which is agreeable to reason; the theologian has to appeal to superstition for an answer.
It is only when we realize the conditions under which the later stages of the evolution of man were carried out that we come by a clue to the duality of his mental nature. Conceive, for a moment, what these conditions were. Throughout all the final stages of our evolution, mankind throughout the whole earth was segregated into small local communities or tribes. This was certainly so during the entire Pleistocene period, which at a moderate estimate endured for half a million years perhaps a million. Tribalism was everywhere down to the beginnings of the fifth millennium B.C., when somewhere in southwest Asia agriculture was discovered, town building and detribalization set in, and the era of civilization began. Tribalism was Nature's method in bringing about the evolution of man. I have already explained what a tribe really is a corporation of human beings entrusted with a certain capital of genes. The business of such a corporation is to nurse and develop its stock of genes to bring them to an evolutionary fruition. To reach such an end a tribal corporation had to comply with two conditions: (1) it had to endure for a long age; (2) it had to remain intact and separate from all neighboring and competing tribes. Human nature was fashioned or evolved just to secure these two conditions continuity through time and separation in space. Hence the duality of man's nature the good, social, or virtuous traits serving intratribal economy; the evil, vicious, or antisocial qualities serving the intertribal economy and the policy of keeping its genes apart. Human nature is the basal part of the machinery used for the evolution of man. When you know the history of our basal mentality one fitted for tribal life do you wonder at the disorder and turmoil which now afflict the detribalized part of the world?
What, then, is the explanation which the student of human evolution has to offer as a final purpose for man's existence? It is not, as the Victorian scientists thought, to permit the individual man or woman to develop his latent potentialities; but to permit a closed society, be it tribe or nation, to develop its collective potentialities of brain and of body as an evolutionary unit. It is only when we make the assumption that evolution aims at the production of societies not of individuals that we come by a satisfying explanation of man's dual mentality, and the constituent elements of human nature.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where weather in the 80s strikes me as ideal, as the Ukrainians gripe about its being too darn hot. Whichever way you look at it, it is beach weather. We will be there today.
We overcome our inherent tribalism to create a community of tribes in cooperation. Perhaps why politicians exploit us by division. But the dualism remains as we continue to evolve, shades of Nicholas Wade.