This is for Kit. Though the search engines did not return this link to Plandemic, I found it in an old post of mine. It is thoroughly obscured, but still there.
I completed my review of The Next Wave is Brave, by Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch and the other doctors who have founded The Wellness Company.
Reading it changed my mind about vitamins. What they write pretty much agrees with Joel Smalley (Dead Man Talking, on Substack). I’m now taking most of what he recommends in this photo. In addition, following Peter McCullough, I’m rinsing my nose with Betadine once a day to prevent rhinovirus proliferation. So far it seems to work. Zoriana has had a cold for a week and a half and I didn’t catch it.
In fact, I’m pretty healthy. Yesterday I had as good of a workout as any time over the past couple of years. I talk about it in this video from last year.
After a good exchange with Celia Farber about Ukraine, today she posted something over-the-top written by an ardent Russophile. I subscribed to her blog just to post a response, which I offer here. So far not a single like or reply. I may be spitting into the wind. Anyhow, here’s what I wrote:
Let’s start with first principles. This is a war of aggression, started by Russia, fought on Ukrainian soil.
It follows a pattern. Putin started unnecessary wars in Chechnya, Georgia, and Ukraine in 2014. In the last century Russia (sometimes as the dominant power in the Soviet Union) started unnecessary wars with Japan, Finland, Ukraine (Bolshevik takeover in 1921), Europe (taking advantage of Hitler’s invasion on the west to invade the Baltics, Poland and other future satellites from the east, and Afghanistan.
Russia is the aggressor and has often been the aggressor. That’s what NATO is about.
Ukraine, on the other hand, has not started a war of aggression since the 11th century. We stayed sharp playing defense, against Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Hungary, the Tatars and Russia, Russia, Russia.
Compare our record with Britain, Spain, France and Germany. All have more recent wars of conquest than Ukraine. But Russia tops the list.
Ukraine gets financial support from a great number of othe countries. The US, is the biggest country with the biggest defense budget. Russia chooses to spend its rent money from mineral endowments on military adventures instead of its own people. Well and good – Ukraine is smaller and doesn’t have those resources.
The US has traditionally supported small countries against aggression. We did in World War II and Korea.
Russian speaking emphatically does not mean Russian. Fake referenda notwithstanding, the People’s Republics and Crimea were content being Ukrainian.
Speaking English does not make Irish want to be English, Canadians want to be English, or New Zealanders, Australians. Spanish does not make Uruguay want to be part of Argentina.
The cruel irony is that Russia has destroyed the most Russian-speaking cities: Mariupol, Kharkiv and Berdyansk. I have visited these cities. I talked to them easily in Russian. They showed no desire to be Russian.
The only thing making them double down is Putin’s ego. Most Russians, to the extent that they know what’s going on, don’t want this war. Though most are rightly scared to say so.
The EU may indeed be a scam. Russia is offering nothing better.
However mistaken, countries wanted and still want to get into the EU. No country in history has ever wanted to be part of Russia. The reasons are obvious.
You can read the guest post by C. W. Thompson on her site, link above. If there isn’t going to be any dialog, I’ll save my breath.
That’s the brief news from Lake WeBeGone. Eddie is continuing to make progress in his reading and writing. Zoriana, cough not withstanding, is always on roller skates in the house. Marianna is daily adding words to her vocabulary. Life is good.
Nice review on the Russian Bear.
The Russians made Ukraine independent in 1991 and signed an agreement. Protection was promised by various other nations. Regions thus removed from Russian control can not become their own states as part of Russia now. Seems simple. I have no idea if the events of 2014 were organic, but they seem to be and a corrupt President was removed. Do those living in the 1991 boundaries want to be controlled by Russia? Seems they do not given they are dying in support of their nation under their elected leader.