An occupational hazard of being a journalist is that you write about many topics on which you could never afford to be an expert. To be successful you have to appear to be very sure of things about which there is no absolute certainty. Moreover, once having taken the stand you find yourself painted into a corner. You cannot change your opinion without losing face.
I have an advantage as an old guy doing it for free. I can afford to be wrong sometimes. I recognize that with increasing senescence I make stupid mistakes, such as calling the city of Dnipro Dnieper yesterday. I hope that the ability to quickly admit errors will buy me some forgiveness.
I received several useful responses in my email to yesterday's post on the history of Donbass. My Ukrainian readers know it better than I do. American reader Mark was here for the presidential contest between Yushenko and Yanukovych in 2004, won by the former after the first election was declared invalid. He had a better recollection of the mechanics of the fraud than I did.
Another email suggested that I left the Holodomor out of my history of Donbass. I did. It was a short history. My recollection is that the Donbass was not as much affected as the farming areas in the Dnipro basin. Stalin's thrust was industrializing the Soviet Union. For that he needed coal miners. He wanted to collectivized farming, and that required breaking the will of the farmers.
Those of you who know better than I about these events, please feel free to comment. Confirming that you are right, and that I have learned something, is a pleasure. I do appreciate it if you manage to do so politely, without implying that I am an idiot.
I also encourage you to post comments on my videos on Rumble. The topics I cover are so global that opinion would probably be more appropriate than facts. In particular, I would like to hear from people who share my personal conviction that the purpose of life is to perpetuate our genome and our culture. The lack of comment would seem to support my observation that most people don’t care. I hope I’m wrong.
The useful links I came across in my reading yesterday include two movies. My Son Hunter documents, IMHO, an unprecedented level of corruption in the presidential family. There have been many embarrassments in the past such as Billy Carter, Ronnie and Maureen Reagan, Chelsea Clinton, and Ivana Trump and Jared Kushner, but this appears to be evil. Treason. I invite your comments to tell me why I’m wrong, though I don’t think you will convince me.
I cannot believe that the movie Safe and Effective is still up on evil YouTube. The link I provide here is to another source – the movie’s producers. It is an hour and a half documentary on the jabs. They are dangerous, the manufacturers and government knew they were dangerous, they have injured a vast number of people, and both government and the manufacturers turn a deaf ear to their entreaties.
To me this is yesterday’s news. As I say in my movie Depopulation, it appears to be part of a larger agenda, one that has already been largely satisfied by delivering the jabs to two thirds of the world population. This is the time for the injected to wait and see, hoping for the best, and the rest of us to batten down and defend ourselves against all forms of government coercion as we prepare our children for adulthood in a significantly changed world.
Putin is perpetuating evil upon evil. In addition to snatching young men who are not part of the mass exodus off the street and sending them to Ukraine as unprepared cannon fodder, he is forcing the Sputnik jabs on them as they go. If this continues Russia will revert to virgin taiga within a generation. May there be responsible parties to come and take advantage of the mineral wealth.
The Western press never mentions the weather in Ukraine. It does not whatsoever fit the climate change narrative. It has been cold and wet since last year at this time. That’s fall, winter, spring, summer and now fall again. The thermometer got up to 95 just once that I recall. We have had solid rain for the last week, temperature in the 40s and 50s.
As the Russians learned in early spring and will learn again, tanks don’t work well in mud. Their soldiers arrived in Kherson poorly prepared even for summer weather. It is not clear that Russia would have winter gear to provide them even if they could get it across the Dnipro, which it appears they cannot. The Ukrainians are making significant advances against them in the South. One can hope that Russian soldiers recognize that their country has betrayed them and have the sense to give up.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the three children were up early and demanded that we watch Denys Davidov before breakfast as he explained Ukraine’s latest successes.
You are the guy for whom I am writing! Thanks.
As a 39 yo father of one, I have found a significant appreciation on your stated life purpose. I read these columns with deep interest because you bring an enormous amount of experience to my world. 6 kids, two countries, two families, one steadfast principled man trying his hardest to make the next gen better than himself. I even have a dozen essays in draft I only wrote because of the inspiration you gave on these pages to Eddie: any Man worth his salt expresses oneself in regular writing.
One of my hardest hitting moments was experienced through reading your words after Putin rolled into Russia, paraphrasing, you listed a list of family qualities that Putin promotes in complete hypocrisy. That on one hand, he has the right message, one that is correct and the western world gravely needs to hear and see the success of again, and then On the other hand, he plots to use violence to complete his (and by default all of Russia’s) vision for regional homogeny. Of course, the later trumps the former.
The paving on that path to hell and all... my point is that I realized your family/genome promoting values end up being all that matters. If you die without children who remember and celebrate your life and embody your values, then history forgets you entirely. It’s a selfish desire, but it’s the most powerful motivator humans have. Why do you think the leftists promote the opposite of reproduction?
Add on top of that an endless curiosity, the fact you sound exactly like other men 2x my age that I’ve befriended, and while you make mistakes, I look at it as your lifelong pursuit of learning. We don’t learn anything when we win. Sucks that we still have to fail to learn.