Interview with Linh Dinh. More on coronavirus controversy and ivermectin. Review of Toxic Legacy.
2021 07 02
I'm sending this via again. I suspect some of your mail servers have rejected my mailings from protonmail.
I was gratified by the response on to my interview by Linh Dinh. His questions allowed me to lay out my life history and explain what I'm up to now in an economical 3800 words. It inspired 353 comments, the most of any of his "Escape from America" interviews so far.
Thanks to him I picked up about 20 subscribers on my YouTube channel. That's a mixed blessing – now I have to continue to have find things to say. I was pleased to see a great many views of my videos on lifelong exercise and the pleasant women of Ukraine. I am disappointed that few people seem to have picked up on the message that the salvation of Western civilization must be our children. Unless we believe in our heritage and our culture enough to have kids, we are going to die out.
The quality of the comments diminished as the days went on. The last few are an endless litany of anti-gay, anti-miscegenation and anti-Jewish screeds. There are also attacks on Ron Unz, Linh Dinh and me, accusing us of being Russian agents and the like. That's the Internet these days. If you write something sensible, balanced and centrist you get attacked from both sides.
I have to imagine that the news of this interview will get back to my former family and friends in the United States. One of the most baffling aspects of my divorce is that people whom I considered to be my wife's and my mutual friends mostly absolutely refuse to answer my calls and letters. Even if they have nasty words to say about me, I have not heard them. Only silence. This cancel culture is a pretty powerful voodoo.
I do not consider it inappropriate to be curious about how people who were important parts of my life are doing these days. Especially about how their families turned out. I poke around here and there – Facebook in particular – to see who is married, having kids, and getting on with life. So far as I can see, few of our former mutual friends have much to talk about. To put it bluntly, the whole Bethesda culture is dying out. Not having grandchildren. Those they have are certainly not being raised to believe in any sort of tradition passed down from people like me.
I think the conservative credo could be condensed down to the message I give my children all the time: "Don't muck with stuff you don't understand!" With children that means don't put your finger in the light socket or try too hard to find out if a dog will bite.
With larger questions, we can examine the track record of things that were supposed to work but didn't. Leeches and bloodletting were supposed to cure disease. Forced busing was supposed to make the races get along better. The Federal Reserve was supposed to be able to fine tune the economy. Stringent gun control was supposed to diminish gun murder. Head Start was supposed to make kids smarter.
Simpleminded politicians are dictating policy in areas in which the science is vastly complicated. Climate change, GMO's and vaccines top the list. Since they don't understand it – these are difficult even for scientists, who aren't in accord – politicians do what they do best. They take money to support one side or the other. Great fortunes, such as that of Elon Musk, have been made on global warming. Bill Gates hopes that Covid 19 vaccines will make him rich(er). And because that might not be enough, he is going to launch rockets spreading sun-blocking particles high in space to stop global warming. Who asked him to do this? Nobody except people he pays richly to smile on his plans.
The walls seem to be crumbling around the Internet titans that are trying to shelter us from the truth about Covid 19. The more people Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Amazon and others attempt to muzzle, the more the truth seems to leak out. There are so many truths to consider when it comes to Covid! Among them are the lab leak origin, the level of danger, who is in danger, the effectiveness of the vaccines, the short-term dangers of the vaccines, the long-term danger the vaccines, the cheap, safe drugs that eliminate the need for vaccines, the conflicts of interests – a whole smarmy mess. Bret Weinstein, whom I have mentioned before, seems to be right at the center of the efforts to shed light on this affair. I highly recommend that people listen to his podcasts on Odysee, such as this one on ivermectin.
Speaking of which, I have acquired some from a Ukrainian mail-order pharmacy. They sounded as if they would not be averse to sending it overseas. In the US, America's Frontline Doctors also offers sources.
My review of Toxic Legacy, about glyphosate, a.k.a. Roundup, is up as of yesterday. I long defended GMOs with the argument that just as a fire doesn't know whether it's burning pine or poplar, your gut doesn't make fine distinctions among the types of fuel it gets. Yes, but! Along with the genetically modified organisms you get the herbicides such as Roundup that the GMO organisms resist. And they are poison. The European Union has banned Roundup as a carcinogen. Stephanie Seneff doesn't even mention that aspect – its other mechanisms are more dangerous and faster acting.
I am struck by a question as I listen to and read certifiable geniuses such as Seneff and Weinstein. Where are their kids? What motivates them to seek the truth? And I ask myself a deeper, darker question: where do my interests lie?
I am almost a minority of one among people I know in that I place my genetic interests above those of financial success or comfort. I moved to Ukraine with the intention of founding a family that would give me grandchildren.
Bret Weinstein frequently asks the question, what is motivating the incredible push for the Covid 19 vaccines? Is it simply the profit motive, or is it even more sinister than that? Is this a continuation of the eugenics projects of Bill Gates Senior, the Rockefeller foundation and so on? Are they really trying to depopulate the earth? Are these mega billionaires cryogenically saving embryos of their own spawn to awaken and take over the world after us hoi polloi have been eliminated? What is the agenda?
I will never know. We live in uncertainty just as our ancestors did with regard to droughts, plagues, Indian attacks, Moorish slavers and every other form of pestilence. Our recent freedom from danger and discomfort was never more than an illusion. The four horsemen of the apocalypse will come again to visit us and our children.
Evolution depends on adversity to sharpen differences in fitness among peoples. Its absence has had evolution spinning backwards for a couple of hundred years. If the masters of the universe are involved in a conspiracy to weed the garden of mankind, it may turn out to benefit my own seed if I have prepared them for the coming adversity.
Ordinary people have to soldier on in the same way our ancestors did. Have faith in our people. Prepare our children to be valued members of their communities and to find mates. And have faith in God that somehow it will all work out.
Those are the musings from Lake WeBeGone, where the men are strong, the women are good looking, and the children are responding positively to the push to make them above average.