Yesterday in my discussion of the graph of Covid jabs here in Ukraine I mentioned that the injections degrade the immune system. How they measure that is an interesting question. The best source, with an article just about every day, is The Daily Exposé. Here is today's article. A search through their posts for the past week will more than satisfy any remaining curiosity.
Not everything is equally susceptible to measurement. What they can compare and measure is the likelihood of getting infected with Covid if you are triple jabbed versus unvaccinated. Those are the figures they present. It appears that being jabbed increases the likelihood of contracting other types of infection such as tuberculosis, and the likelihood of the appearance or resurgence of dormant cancers and autoimmune conditions. Those things do not so readily lend themselves to measurement. When the Daily Exposé writes "With official data showing that even 18-to-29-year olds are now down to the last 30% of their immune system capability" you have to appreciate that this is only in the context of Covid itself.
Many American conservatives view the war in Ukraine as Putin's fight against everything they detest about their own country.. They suppose that Putin represents opposition to The New World Order, the World Economic Forum, the Covid hysteria, central bank digital currencies and the like.
Edwards Slavsquat debunks those fond dreams. In addition to initiating a pointless war characterized by the same kinds of atrocities that Russian soldiers have been known for throughout history, Putin is just as dangerous as the corrupt leaders of the free world. Yesterday's piece is long, but the perspectives he offers are simply not available elsewhere.
People I know personally, relatives of friends here, have told stories of Russian war crimes in southern Ukraine. Even though they live in areas in which the Russians want to stage fake referenda to demonstrate support for their invasion, these people have been looted and abused. Everything the Russians do convinces them that life under Russian rule would be brutal. Refugees have been telling us that this has been the case for people in Crimea and Donbass over the past eight years.
The atrocities taking place in Mariupol are not as well documented because journalists get killed there. The sheer number of civilian casualties is almost beyond calculation. The atrocities that have taken place on the outskirts of Kyiv are better reported because Ukraine once again controls the settlements where they took place.
I am attaching here a post that my wife picked up on Facebook. It is not verified - I don't know how it could be. I am passing it to you because it seems to ring true. Gostomel, just remind you, is the home of a Ukrainian Air Force base on the Northwestern outskirts of Kyiv.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong men, good-looking women and above average children join in prayer before every meal to thank God that we have been safe so far and to pray that this senseless war ends soon.
Here is the message that Oksana received. Automated translation from Ukrainian.
The world must know the truth! THE BLACK SUN OF GOSTOMEL (Written by me from the words of Mrs. Nina - the mistress of the house, which became a lifeline for many Gostomel residents) Gostomel was bombed mercilessly, incessantly.
Our house is one and a half kilometers from the airport, so the home basement, where seventeen people were hiding, was shaking from each explosion.
We did not just hear the explosions, but felt them in the literal sense of the word in every cell of body and soul.
The children cried, shouted, were afraid.
Here, in the basement, we slept and cooked.
They did not even have the opportunity to go outside.
Our men, of course, went out because they had to bring water or something from home.
They moved around the yard under bullets.
And then they came… On the first day of the war, we could not believe our eyes - at first more than thirty helicopters flew over our street.
And they flew so low that you could see in the cabins of the military - their faces, machine guns, clothes.
I grabbed my grandson by the arm and rushed to the basement.
Then our neighbors came running to us.
It was the beginning of a horror that no one could believe and that no one was ready for.
It got worse and worse every day.
On the second or third day, their tanks appeared on our streets.
They destroyed my fence near the house.
They fired, drove and fired again.
Later we lost countdown - we knew neither the day nor the number.
The first Russian landing party in Gostomel (2,000 landed and 50 survived) came to our house.
It was such a horror! Just unbearable.
The Rescuers pushed us out of the basement by force.
The men were immediately undressed.
They were standing in front of the occupiers only in their underwear.
It was minus six on the street.
They started checking their phones and looking for SIM cards.
"Don't shoot us." We are civilians.
- We came in moderation.
We only need your President Zelensky.
"Three days - we will take Kiev, and everything will be harasho," the soldier answered me.
But with each passing day, the Russian military became more and more brutal.
They just satanized.
Their army suffered heavy losses, and they did not expect it.
The first time the house was searched for a long time, everything was turned upside down.
They took what they wanted.
A day or two later another brigade arrived.
If the previous one treated us even more or less, we can say we are tolerant.
Because they were young conscripts, who, according to them, were sent to study (sometimes they even cried and apologized to us).
The other was quite cruel.
And the third and fourth - especially.
There were fewer and fewer people in our basement.
One woman died.
We buried her in the garden during the bombing.
The other could not be buried - she remained lying in the barn in a cellophane bag.
Because we were no longer able to get out due to continuous shelling.
By that time we were left without water, light and heating.
But in the basement I had food, canning.
They ate baked cakes in the neighbor's rough.
One day a Russian soldier came and said that he needed a mistress.
I was just giving my husband injections.
She went outside.
He led me under the barrel of a machine gun into our empty dark house and forced me to find him panties, toothpaste and a brush.
I looked for them on the shelves, gave them away, and he put them in his pockets.
Then he says to me: - Aunt, sit down, I need to talk to you.
I was very scared because there was no one near me.
All in the basement.
He held me there for a few minutes and let me go, advising: "You need to get out of here." - I lived my life here… We were building… We tried everything for the family.
Where to go? This is my home! At that time it was half-destroyed.
A shell hit a neighbor's house and completely razed it to the ground.
This wave tore down our roof, knocked out the windows.
- Where to go? - I ask.
- To Russia.
Don't you know? Although our people do not live like you.
Much more modest.
The soldier constantly asked for alcohol.
Quite often the "liberators" were drunk.
- Give me something to drink.
We tell them we don't have bread, not to drink.
And they: - There is no bread for us.
But everyone has a drink.
How come you don't have it? We wandered around the houses here, there is such a drink that in Russia we didn't even separate.
Do not be afraid, we will not kill you.
We even fed a hamster here in someone's house.
And drunk is terrible.
Soldiers, officers - all drank.
In this state, they forgot our packages with all the phones they took from the neighbors.
Then we quickly gave them to people.
Even the batteries were removed from the TV remotes.
It got to the point that they began to evict the owners from their homes and settled there.
Went to the neighbor.
His house seemed suitable for snipers.
He was told to pick up his family and leave.
They could not be read, because the consequences could be unpredictable.
Neighbors covered the car with a white sheet, drove only three meters, and the Russians shot them.
The man died.
There is nothing left of the woman.
Nothing to remind a person.
Only the ear.
Only the daughter-in-law and the child survived, because they bent down in the car, and the son, who was injured.
Our other neighbors recently gave birth to a baby girl.
She was only 14 days old at that time.
Then we collected a few cans of condensed milk for the young mother and brought her so that she would not stop lactating.
That's how they saved the baby.
And another young family was rescued while traveling to a nearby village.
The couple is now safe.
Reached Vinnytsia region… We were given three days of the "green corridor".
But we were afraid to go.
Because before that, our people, wrapped in white sheets, went to the gathering place.
With children, older people.
But the transport for evacuation did not arrive.
The citizens of Gostomel were surrounded by a ring of soldiers with machine guns, who gave them two hours to get out of the city on their own.
Then the people fled as best they could.
The next day, 28 buses were to arrive for the residents of our city, and only 8 arrived.
You would see this picture! Frightened women with children, older people, wanting to escape, pushed, rushing into the vehicle.
When the convoy of buses moved, they were all shot… the Russian military did not spare anyone.
16 days of war have passed.
We realized that everything… If we do not leave the city, we will all perish.
We got in the car and left.
They did not have the opportunity to change clothes, change their shoes or take anything with them from home.
Unwashed, unshaven… When I took off my hat, a handful of hair remained in my hand.
And this was no longer a hurry, but the last resort.
On the way we saw something that will not even dream in any of the worst dreams.
Dead people lay on either side of the road.
Many dead.
Just on top of each other.
It is probable that they fled and were shot.
Mothers with charred babies in their arms.
Strollers, things, toys were lying around.
Lots of trolleys.
It was impossible to look at it.
Black handles and heads protruded from the carts який And what a horrible smell! I can't describe you in words.
We didn't know where to go at first, because all the signs were destroyed.
They wandered a little.
We were stopped at every Russian checkpoint.
Moreover, on each of them lay mountains of dead people.
They were deliberately not removed in order to "finish off" Ukrainians morally.
Children's bodies… How many of them there were! What a horror! Phones were confiscated from everyone who had not yet been taken away.
We didn't know then whether we would survive… Later, a column of cars formed, which split into two.
One went in the direction of Vinnytsia region, the other - to Rivne.
On the way we managed to save someone's abandoned dachshund dog.
We settled in one of the cities of Rivne region.
Thanks to this cozy and hospitable town, its good residents (including Shidlovskaya Tatiana Vladimirovna) for the reception, clothes, food, care.
We are quite well here, but we want to return to Gostomel, to our home, as soon as possible.
Even if it is destroyed, even if only the foundation remains.
We will rebuild our home for our family.
Our granddaughters in Rivne region meet their peers, communicate, draw.
Only paint mostly in dark colors.
Today the sun is still black… Thanks to Vita Levchuk, Lyudmila Gerus, Neonila Dybiak, Iryna Marach for their support and assistance.
Not sure what to make of this. Russian political leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky has died aged 75 ''He claimed to have had eight Covid-19 vaccinations. He contracted coronavirus and died''