It's a month since I gave up booze. Acid reflux doesn't bother me at night. I still have twinges of gout, but not as bad. Quitting was easy, and I don't feel any strong desire to go back to it. I do sometimes wish I had something to calm my system in the evening, and I have to tell myself that alcohol is not the trick. Whatever my level of consumption was, I don't think I would be able to write this quite so nonchalantly had I been real alcoholic.
My winter crud is mostly gone. I've had a light cough last couple of days. I feel normal, but a bit weak. In this I am just like the rest of the family.
I will be going back to our ArtTalkers Toastmasters club next Saturday after a two-month absence. I just learned that Kyiv had been downgraded from code red – checks everywhere for vaccination status – to code yellow on December 9. It's a measure of how little impact these things have that nobody in the household knew and nobody outside bothered to tell me. Anyhow, it looks like I won't have any trouble getting on the Metro or in the restaurant.
I watched the remainder of Robert Malone's epic three hour interview on Joe Rogan this morning. In the last half hour he goes into my issues. Yes, the spike protein will be with you for a long time, probably forever. Yes, it is poisonous. Autopsies on people who have died from the vaccines show rampant damage in multiple organs, especially the heart and brain . If they get around to doing biopsies of living people who have had the shots I expect they will find the same.
In today's news, the president of AmericaOne insurance, a big company with 130 year history, said that excess mortality for the second half of 2021 was 40% ahead of the expected. 10% excess mortality is a three sigma event – one in 1000. Matthew Crawford, one of the guys I mentioned on Substack, has a diagram of how extraordinarily rare that would be, statistically speaking. Somewhere in the one in a quadrillion range.
It was probably dangerous for him to say that much. He was cryptic about the cause, saying only that it was not Covid itself but other things. Other commentators quickly figured out that the list of other things jibed pretty well with the list of adverse effects occasioned by the injections.
That's it for a short post today. I've gotten in the habit of writing every day, but I do have other things to do.
And that's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the men are once again strong – one of them has been dispatched to the grocery store to get shrimp for a quiche, as this one baked the quiche shell – the women are feeling well enough to give the mirrors a good workout, and the kids enjoyed their last day of New Year's vacation.