The news today is that Big Pharma has secretly paid $350 million in royalties to top bureaucrats in the United States National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration. Tony Fauci received more than 30 payments; Francis Collins at NIH got 16. With wonderful understatement, the Republican opposition party says that these might lead to a conflict of interest. No duh.
Do you suppose that this might explain why the NIH and FDA were so unenthusiastic about alternatives to Covid vaccines? Why the media, whose biggest advertiser is Big Pharma, rolled over for them?
Could you have seen it coming? In fact, Judy Mikovitz did exactly that two years ago in her movie Plandemic. The establishment jumped all over Ms. Mikovits. One of you subscribers called her a "whackadoodle," a description I was pleased to adopt for myself. The movie goes into detail on how, back in the 1980s, the bureaucrats got Congress to amend the laws allowing government scientists to own patents and thus receive royalties. Anthony Fauci had done that with AIDS treatments.
Since there would be no royalties for out of patent drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and no treatment necessary if people took zinc with vitamins C and D and didn't get sick, the health agencies steadfastly refused to recommend any treatment regimen, and persecuted doctors who prescribed these small molecule drugs. State governments, under pressure from the feds, revoked the medical licenses of many doctors who did. This is corruption at its finest.
Ronald Reagan warned us that the most dangerous words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." He did not say that the government would knowingly kill you. But, as Toby Rogers' piece yesterday tells us, that is what has been happening. Bobby Kennedy Junior's book The Real Anthony Fauci describes it pretty well.
I would not have paid to see 2000 Mules, about the vote theft in the 2020 elections. As you readers may recall, I was convinced that the time that there had been massive fraud, but it wasn't an issue I wanted to invest my time researching. I doubt that Dinesh D'sousa will be terribly disappointed to learn that his movie is available for free on Bitchute. Thanks to subscriber Rob for the link.
The very brazenness of this election theft, the shoplifting, the killings of police, the unwillingness of district attorneys to prosecute and so on makes me skeptical that the United States will be able to turn things around. To put this in the context of my own issue, it is not a good place to raise kids. My belief is that the generation that would implement the turnaround is too small, too brainwashed, too badly educated and not conservative enough to handle the task. I don't feel any obligation to support my position with any argument beyond the fact that I am raising my family elsewhere.
David Cole, the Republican Party Animal, often writes about the systematic problems within American conservatism. The ways in which they so often defeat themselves, and even in victory seldom come through on their promises. His latest piece is on how the abortion issue may blow the November elections despite the vast outpouring of stories about deep corruption in the other party.
Subscriber and longtime friend Dan Feltham called my attention to this article by Kharkiv book publisher Kateryna Volkova. She tells how their business has coped with their city being destroyed by the Russians, of the Ukrainian book market, and the immense propaganda content in books being published in Russia.
Streamfortyseven posted a comment yesterday to the effect that we should get some chickens to eat the bugs in our backyard. The next-door neighbor who moved a couple years ago did have chickens – they sometimes got over into our yard. I don't know or want to know anything about them, but I will mention the thought to Eddie and his mother. Maybe somebody else in the family will be interested.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the men are strong, the good-looking women are justifiably fond of mirrors, and the children are loving the summer weather.
"The very brazenness of this election theft, the shoplifting, the killings of police, the unwillingness of district attorneys to prosecute and so on makes me skeptical that the United States will be able to turn things around."
As for the election theft, the legislatures in *all* of the states which determined the election and in which fraud pretty obviously happened, were and still are controlled by the Republican Party. And the legislatures determine how the elections are run, if mail in ballots are used, and so on - and they certify the results of elections. So the Republican-controlled legislatures could have acted to ensure the fraud didn't get a chance to happen - and when it was exposed, they could have refused to certify the results, so that the election would have to be re-done. They did neither, and judges tossed the (really weak and stupid) lawsuits, because it's not supposed to be judges who set rules and certify results, it's the legislatures. So actually the Republican Party organizations set things up so the election could be stolen, and then certified the fraudulent result. All the hullaballoo on the "Right" was a carnival of grift, those people knew about the role of the legislatures - and that of courts.
The conflicts of interest in the NIH are awful. They favor high priced drugs developed via US joint patents because their budgets go higher and researchers get a share. Perhaps these revenues should go into the general fund.