The 10 day forecast has a temperature of 20°F on March 18. Consistently below freezing all the while in between. Global warming is a bust just when the Russians need it! I don't know what kind of heaters they have in their tanks, but I am sure that they don't work when they are out of fuel.
This is a blissfully quiet morning. Headline is "Zelensky Ready To 'Discuss & Find Compromise' On Crimea, No Longer Insists On NATO Membership." He should absolutely do it. End this war. We have proven we don't need NATO in the first place, and as Russia licks its many wounds the Crimeans themselves can decide what they want. They could do worse than to become sovereign as the "Autonomous Republic of Crimea," their appellation when they belonged to Ukraine. They could reestablish friendly relations, electricity and water connections with Ukraine, and go on about their business.
The fact is that Crimea and the Donbass were economic and political liabilities. Let them go to Russia if they want!
Fact checked. I got this in my email
More BS Graham
Like I said your batting average on race wars, while supremacy.
relative safety US vs Ukraine, the invasion, Mortality in vaccinated
vs unvaccinated is exceedingly low.
Think twice before spreading dangerous lies.
Following the link, the following shows up on my screen
I'm in awe! Such profundity! How could I have doubted?! Reuters is so sure of themselves that they need not even cite sources. If they say so, the world must believe!
Sorry, buddy, the "believe it because the authorities said so" era is over. Time to start to believe your own eyes instead of the holy scripts of NYT, WaPo, Financial Times, Guardian etc.
You didn't mention biolabs this time. It is not your style to ever admit to being wrong, but when Victoria Nuland starts throwing up lies to defend the biolabs in Ukraine they kind of become hard to deny.
There is a vast asymmetry here. I cite facts, analyze numbers, provide links, and am not emotionally invested in this. You woke folk do just the opposite. This is a religious war, and you are the modern Torquemada. You frighten me.
Covid is off the table. First it morphed into a nothing called Omicron, then into a nothing, as in nothing. Fallen from 16,691 reported cases (however they count 'em) on Feb 26 down to absolutely zero today. Of course, the country now has more serious things to think about.
I have written that I don't want to leave the country. Many friends and acquaintances have. We turned down an opportunity two days ago to flee to Moldova in a Volkswagen van with a family of three. I could not imagine ten people in a car like that, and I certainly would not want to try to find accommodations. Friends report hearing from refugees in Moldova that they can't find comfortable places to stay or good food. The Moldovan attitude is that if it is good enough for them, it should be good enough for Ukrainians. Moldova is the reason that Ukraine can only call itself the poorest big country in Europe.
Oksana was attracted to the idea but didn't put up much of a fight when I said absolutely not. I looked once again at the map of Kyiv and still cannot see any reason why the Russians would push through this neighborhood. The 5 mile stretch of railroad to our east sits atop a steep 30 foot embankment with no vehicle crossing between the Dnieper Bridge 2 miles to our north and the main highway into Kyiv 3 miles to our south. To the west is the river. We are not on the road to anyplace.
If artillery wants to set up to shell Kyiv – and they are not making a whole lot of progress toward doing that – they would do it from the banks of the river beside that highway 3 miles south of us.
Gary reports from London that yet another general, a guy supposedly fairly close to Putin, was killed in Kharkiv. Very mysterious. Either Ukrainian snipers have very good intelligence or the Russian troops have taken up fragging.
Substack is experimenting with embedded videos. I managed one, but it now doesn't work. Here's a short clip of Marianna with the new bunny. Babies and bunnies – how can you resist?
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the men are strong, the women good-looking, and the children getting more than an average amount of sleep.
That is a sweet video.
As to your email, I have no compunction about getting rid of trolls like that, especially people who write "Think twice before spreading dangerous lies." As for "yet another general, a guy supposedly fairly close to Putin, was killed in Kharkiv", a friend advanced the hypothesis that Putin was having them done in... They screwed up, they pay. I'd be mightily embarrassed if I were Putin, because his intelligence services made some major blunders as to road conditions in general - and this time of year - and then the massive flooding - see - and then the mud. Oooops.