Exceptional children? Learned helplessness. More evidence. The dual agenda with vaccines.
How do you know when you have an exceptional child?. Some children start solving incredible math problems and therefore five years old or start using unusually adult language early on. But such precociousness is the exception. Most kids don't reveal their capabilities until they past grade school. So I'm looking at my kids and thinking that they're all at least strongly normal, which is the best one could ask. Here is a short movie of Marianna and Zoriana. Their potential will unfold over the years, but I don't think we can make any dramatic predictions at the moment.
I, the father, never know exactly what's going on. It happened again yesterday afternoon. I was supposed to pick Zoriana up at the corner as another parent dropped her off kindergarten. Oksana tells me she had mentioned it yesterday. This kind of thing goes in one ear and out the other. I like things to be my responsibility or not. Picking her up at the corner is my responsibility. No argument. Figuring out when and where is Oksana's responsibility. At any rate it didn't happen and that's the way family life is. As I have noted before, we have several impediments to communication. Gender, native language, and my less than sterling hearing all play a part. I think that gender is the big one. Men and women never understand each other. Wisdom is recognizing that fact and laughing about it.
Grandpa Sasha has been in the hospital about two weeks now. Per the above, I never understand exactly what the issue is. He needs an operation. What for? I thought that it was to move the connection for his kidney dialysis from his shoulder down to his arm. That may be, and it may have happened. I haven't been told.
But there's a question about his legs. A couple weeks ago I heard that he had gangrene because there was no circulation at all. It was likely they would have to amputate. I heard a couple days ago that was going to be both legs. But now I hear that it's not.
I'll go with the flow on this. The women and the doctors seem to have it under control and they don't need my opinion.
The thing that does affect me is the fact that Sasha will quite likely live with us. It's more convenient to get kidney dialysis here in Kyiv. He already has trouble walking, and being an amputee certainly won't improve the situation. Our guestroom is on the first floor and that makes sense as a place to put him. It is big enough for two of them..
Oksana observes that neither of them has ever been aggressive about managing their own lives. It is a Ukrainian characteristic. In czarist days. their ancestors were serfs, tied to the land. They didn't have a whole lot to say about what they did. Under the Communists the government told them where they were going to work and live. Taking initiative could be dangerous and they didn't.
We are up against that mindset right now. Things will fall out as they will. Grandmother Nadia complains about taking care of the kids. On the other hand, she really seems to enjoy it. She complains likewise from time to time about too much work in the kitchen, but my observation is that it's hard to push her aside so I can cook something for myself. I think that she simply wants appreciation and I try to give her as much as I can.
Her 73rd birthday is on the fourth. Characteristically, she didn't make much ado about what she wants. She responded quite positively when I suggested that we have her favorite, salmon. We will also get a good cake from the bakery.
As far as a present goes, this family generally does not do much. Oksana wants to give her mom a smart phone more or less like her own. Something that gets the Internet so she can watch video. Absolutely fine with me – it fits the budget and will make Grandma happy.
The countries of the world are all over the map with regard to which medicines are permitted for treating Covid. Why any government should be involved is a pretty good question. But, since they are, it is comforting to see that Ukraine is more reasonable than most. They do not mention HCQ as one of the permitted medications, but it remains available over-the-counter.
I noted a couple of days ago that there were unlisted ingredients in the vials from American pharmaceutical companies. I also wrote that I liked Thе Еxposé as a source for information about what's going on. Today they linked to a very rich article about investigations being undertaken by Argentinian and Chilean researchers. Among the many links they provide was a 155 slide PowerPoint presentation showing pictures of microcircuits and graphеne oxide included by American, Chinese and Russian manufacturers.
The article says that these things self assemble into electrically active components that operate at the terahertz level. That's totally tiny – from ¼ inch down to a tenth the width of a hair. About a thousandth that of television. Perhaps not coincidentally, this is the frequency range of 5G wireless. It appears they will be able to track our movements. It will be totally ominous if they are also able to send electronic commands to our bodies. It looks like all governments are in this together. My man on Russia has a disquieting theory about why that is.
There have been weird discoveries from all over the world over the past several months. Start with the observation that the people running the pandemic response absolutely rejected any solution other than vaccines. Why was that? The other medical solutions seem to solve the problem. Some people observed that magnets would stick to people at the site of the injections. Why was that? A doctor in Spain observed that people showed up on his Bluetooth before they opened his door. Why was that? Prior to the above Argentine research, doctors in Spain and Chile had found unlisted ingredients in the vaccines from Pfіzer and Mоderna. Specifically graphеne oxide and metallic nanоparticles. Why was that?
The pieces seem to be coming together. It appears that they put those things in our bodies to make us electrically active. So that our bodies can communicate with the outside world on terahertz – Bluetooth and 5G wireless – frequencies. If you accept that that as the objective, then things that make no sense from a medical point of view make total sense.
The medical case for vaccinating children appears totally nonexistent. They don't catch Cоvіd, don't transmit it and never die of it. There is no medical case, but the drumbeat for vaccination is unrelenting. There must be another explanation. Yes, there is. Staring us in the face.
If we conclude that the establishment didn't tell us the full reason they are pushing the vaccines, it's a fairly easy transition to assume that they concealed other things as well. It is easier to conclude that the public health argument is bogus. If the jabs were unnecessary in the first place, why should we assume that they were created to keep us healthy?
The blue checks will tell you emphatically that this is all a conspiracy theory. How can you know otherwise? Here is what I recommend that you do:
1. Research the large number of sources from all over the world on unlisted ingredients, magnetism and the nature of the inclusions.
2. Look at the journals which publish the results. Have they been established long? Are the journals recognized as authoritative by experts in the field?
3. Look up the biographies of the researchers. The Internet never forgets. It would be close to impossible to fabricate and introduce on the Internet a curriculum vitae stretching back decades.
Ordinary people should be able to repeat two of the observations. Are you magnetized after getting vaccinated? The websites showed refrigerator magnets sticking to an arm. Try it with a strong magnet, and see if you feel a tug. Does your computer pick up a MAC code, as if you are a Bluetooth device? A negative result doesn't show that there's nothing there, but a consistent positive result would be highly suspicious.
If you accept the above argument, we have to say that there is a dual agenda behind these vaccines: making the population detectable by radio signals and something to do with health. The efficacy of the health argument is the only one being widely argued at the moment.
Once we come to the conclusion that this is not about public health, a lot of the arguments against the vaccines become moot. The agenda requires getting a shot in every arm. We need to call the game for what it is.
The worldwide nature of the program, encompassing China, Russia and the West, is concerning. Who could orchestrate such a global push? The only plausible organizations are worldwide: the WHО, the WТF, and the UN.
It is interesting to examine the governments that they have not incorporated. North Korea, obviously, Belarus, and a number of African countries. It has been noted that five high ranking African opponents of vaccination died mysteriously, being replaced by more malleable people. Still and all, the overall rate of vaccine uptake in Africa has been only 7%. Probably not coincidentally, the incidence of Cоvid 19 and vaccine related deaths in Africa is remarkably low. Nobody wants to investigate this correlation.
On an up note, the Canadian truckers are holding strong. They held a news conference and expressly excluded the mainstream media. I was lazy yesterday. I should have included a link to the translation of Edith Piaf's stirring revolutionary song, Ça ira. Here it is. Six different translations. In English, from totally literal to more fully capturing the spirit of the anthem. Also in Russian.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong men are spending far too much time on this issue, to the annoyance of the good looking women. And to above average neglect of the children.