Draft of material on how Covid will impact society
First draft, soliciting comments if anybody is interested
Why project how Covid will impact society?
At this point in my life my mission is to raise successful children. In this, like most previous generations, the criteria for success are the ability to support themselves, marry, and raise children to carry on the bloodline and the culture.
I write "most previous generations" because the idea of having children, and have them perpetuate anything, has largely been lost. As I write in the chapter on the rationale for having children, this generation has no such rationale. If my children are to be successful they will have to adopt or construct such a rationale.
Work, courtship, marriage and child rearing will be significantly different in the post Covid world. My objective in this chapter is to describe that world as I see it, as a foundation for future chapters on how to prepare my young children to cope with that new world.
Impact of Covid and vaccine Adverse Effects
Covid itself has already had a major impact on society. The disease is credited with killing large numbers of people, disproportionately skewed toward the elderly. I write credited because there are strong arguments to the effect that government policy, and particularly government dictated treatment regimens, led to far worse outcomes than if the doctors had been free to practice medicine as they wished.
Specifically, the government dictated that there be no early intervention despite the fact that many researchers had found that early treatment with well-established small molecule antiparasitic drugs was highly effective. The government likewise dictated that victims be put on ventilators, which very frequently exacerbated the situation. The government dictated that the newly developed, patented, expensive remdesivir be used exclusively, to the exclusion of the small molecule medications with a half-century record of safety.
Many writers are addressing the adverse effects of the Covid 19 injections – biological agents. There are many mechanisms by which the vaccines could impose adverse effects. mRNA vaccines were never successful in animal trials going back more than a decade. Those adverse effects were predicted well in advance of this rollout. Many investigators have reported the presence of unlisted ingredients in the sera. The unlisted ingredients appear to be inconsistent among batches – the manufacturers may not be producing uniform products.
Adverse effects appear in different time frames. It is convenient to chunk them into weeks, months and years. Heart ailments such as periocarditis often show up within hours of an injection. Miscarriages, stillbirths and the recurrence of existing cancers and autoimmune diseases show up in a matter of weeks. Increased susceptibility to other diseases, and new cancers may show up in a matter of years.
The authorities have had differing levels of success in vaccinating different populations. Moreover, there are geographic differences in the formulation of vaccines. India, Russia and China developed their own, presumably without much collaboration with the Western manufacturers. Adverse effects may affect different countries, and different segments of society within countries, differently.
Adverse Effect Timeframes
Let's project what happens to society if the prognoses are correct with regard to the effects of the biological products being injected as vaccines. The effects can be categorized as immediate – within days and weeks of the injection; intermediate, emerging just now in a timeframe of months after the injections; and long-term, projected but not yet visible.
Many deaths are attributed to Covid 19. It is widely conceded that there is an agenda on the part of the vaccine manufacturers, public health agencies, media and others to exaggerate the problem. Testing for Covid 19 was highly imprecise, seemingly on purpose, with the intent of generating a large number of positives. Any person who died of any cause whatsoever would be considered a Covid death if they had tested positive – or of Covid was even suspected.
The number who died from Covid was probably somewhat in excess of the number who die of the seasonal flu every year. Not, however, by very much. It has been noted that in 2020 and 2021 very very few deaths were credited to the ordinary flu.
Early, appropriate treatment of Covid 19 cases will minimize deaths. However, this article is about the long-term changes in society brought on by Covid. The disease itself is not a major factor. This article concerns itself with the far more important impacts of the measures taken in the name of controlling the disease – masks, lockdowns, mass inoculations and the like.
At this writing there have been 40,000 deaths reported worldwide as "adverse events" following vaccination. As a SWAG (Sophisticated Wild Ass Guess, the best we have) they are underreported by a factor of 40, which would put the worldwide toll at about 1.6 million. Everybody concurs that this is vastly more than any vaccine in history. Whether or not these injectable biological products are vaccines is a subject of debate.
More deaths are due to heart problems such as myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks and strokes than anything else. However, there is a range of palsies, neurological problems, digestive problems and so on that have also cropped up within days after the injections. The greatest incidence of deaths is within the first two days after injection; it is hard to deny causality. The number of permanent disabilities is somewhat greater than the number of deaths. Although adverse reactions such as fever, weakness and so on are fairly common, most people recover and get on with life. A sufficient majority of people who take the shots report no problems at all, and go on to extol the virtues of being protected.
infection with Covid 19 is credited with a number of long-term adverse effects. It appears to trigger the recurrence of other diseases such as cancer, renal failure, liver disease and the like. As these consequences will most likely manifest themselves in older and immune compromised people they will not be considered as long-term effects on society for the purpose of this paper.
Problems immediately following the shots are only the tip of the iceberg. Many scientists theorized even before the rollout, and evidence strongly supports the conclusion, that these biological agents have an adverse effect on the immune system. The first line of defense in the immune system - B and T cells - is disabled or severely weakened by these injections. As all the shots target the spike protein, it applies to all manufacturers. However, since the mRNA mechanism has your own body create spike proteins, they seem most likely to cause harm.
The observed impact is the resurgence of cancer and autoimmune diseases and other conditions that had previously been successfully suppressed. Evidence of Antibody Dependent Enhancement – ADE – is accumulating. Not only do people catch mutations of Covid other than those for which the concoction was formulated, but the infection is more severe because their immune systems have been compromised.
It is impossible to conclusively tie the recrudescence of pre-existing conditions on the vaccines. The most meaningful metric is excess deaths. How many more monthly deaths appear overall in the time since the rollout of the shots? The number of deaths attributed to Covid in almost every country spikes in the months after the beginning of widespread vaccination campaign. The only interpretation must be that inoculation-induced deaths are being counted as Covid. The number invariably settles down. Whether to credit the shots or herd immunity – the virus having already affected everybody who was vulnerable – does not need to be answered.
The significant thing is that a few months after the peak of the vaccination campaign the levels of Covid itself generally fall back to a background level. An increase in the overall mortality rate, called excess mortality, must then be attributable to something else. Most countries do witness excess mortality on the range of 10% to 30%. The most significant variables that are present in just about all countries are Covid itself and the vaccines. It isn't Covid, what else could it be?
Long term
We do not yet know the long-term consequences of infection with Covid 19, but we can project that they will not be dissimilar from the long-term effects of the ordinary flu. In other words, minimal. The biological products being injected as vaccines are a different issue.
The most cogent argument is that the inoculations weaken the immune system. Knocking out the first line of defense, B-cells and T-cells leaves the body open to every other kind of but infection, from colds through hepatitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and so on. This is in addition to hindering suppression of pre-existing diseases such as cancer. Weakened immunity subjects a person to different strains of Covid itself through antibody dependent enhancement. Weird, rare disorders such as prion disease (mad cow) show up.
The people are being are succumbing to diseases that they already had prior to getting vaccinated, but were under contact being held under control by the immune system. Another effect is stillbirths the information is anecdotal, but hospitals in Israel and Canada have reported far higher than usual incidence of spontaneous abortions and stillbirths.
Adverse effects on childbearing
Despite the fact that such women were excluded from the clinical trials of all the manufacturers, the jabs have been recommended – forced – on pregnant women and lactating mothers.
A significant number of women reported the loss of babies in the first trimester as adverse events following their inoculation. Inasmuch as these events take place within weeks of vaccination, and the vaccination rollout started in late 2020, it is well documented. The numbers recorded in the VAERS system are subject to the usual limitations. Certainly not all miscarriages will be reported – spontaneous abortion is a common occurrence in early pregnancy and mothers may not have made the association with vaccines or been told about the reporting system.
Statistics on pregnancy and births will not tell the full story either. 2020 was an unusual year in many ways. Fewer women wanted to get pregnant because of the uncertainties. The miscarriages are part of the story, there are other explanations for the decrease in fertility.
The first cohort of babies to be conceived after the beginning of mass vaccination is just being born. There are a number of reports of increased numbers of stillbirths. These are probably due to later term inoculations. Babies who were damaged by first-term inoculation would most likely be spontaneously aborted and show up as miscarriages.
Because stillbirths are a phenomenon that occur in close to full term pregnancies, there will naturally be fewer within the timeframe of the inoculations down there will be of miscarriages. Moreover, it takes weeks or months before the anecdotal evidence reported by delivery room nurses and obstetricians to come together into reliable statistical reports. However, the evidence is stacking up that significantly more pregnancies are ending up in stillbirths.
Data on postnatal problems are likewise going to be slower to emerge. Newborns are usually given an Apgar test to see if they are neurologically normal. There have been some reports of evidence of subnormal in intelligence in the most recent birth cohort. There are reports by delivery room nurses and increased incidence of birth defects, among them undersized male genitalia. It will take time for the statistics coat to collect. More than that, they delivery room nurses who have spoken have done so anonymously, stating that their jobs would be at risk if their employers knew that they were talking about the problem. It may be a while before good data is available.
Researchers in Japan found that the spike proteins from mRNA injections concentrated in the ovaries of rats. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, one would have to assume the same happens with women. This cannot be good for a woman's fertility, although determining the degree of the impact will require statistical analysis over a longer timeframe than these injections have been in use.
IVF clinics have reported significantly decreased success in laboratory -induced pregnancies. Egg donors and surrogate mothers who have long records of success in the past are now failing to produce viable embryos.
Fertility has lower priority
Dropping fertility is not a widespread concern. Before Covid became an issue it had been noted that male sperm counts had fallen by half over the past few decades. Such a large decrease should be a matter of widespread concern, but it is not. Pthalates, ubiquitous in plastics, has been indicted. So has glyphosate (RoundUp). These findings are not widely known, and have not inspired a great deal of research. We can expect that the fertility of injected women will be a smaller concern than spontaneous abortion and stillbirths, and these will be in order of magnitude lower than the concern about deaths due to heart problems. And, as has been widely noted, the pharmaceutical companies are extremely busy at the moment simply denying causality with regard to the latter.
Industry failure to recognize the fertility problem
The proponents of vaccination – the pharmaceutical companies, government, big media, the healthcare industry, and the billionaire class as a whole continue to argue that the vaccines are safe and effective. Any Internet search will turn up sites like this supporting these claims. These make no sense to me. To claim something is safe requires that one demonstrate that it is not dangerous. Proving a negative is hard – it takes a long time just to conclude safety is probable. We assume that hydroxychloroquine is safe because it has been in use for six decades without any significant number of adverse reactions. We absolutely do not have enough experience with the Covid 19 inoculations to conclude that they are safe.
It is easier to conclude that something is dangerous. People are dying after they take the Covid 19 inoculations, and stillbirths are being reported. The most that can be claimed is that cause and effect have not been proven. The claim that of safety is premature by many years. We absolutely do not know the long-term effects.
Measurement of the fertility problem
The decrease in fertility cannot be measured statistically until we have more time. We are seeing fewer births in 2021 and we did, but that could be attributed simply to the upheaval to the dislocations caused by Covid 19. Whether it is attributable to biological factors is something that will have to wait to be seen.
The decline in fertility will probably not be the same between men and women. The mechanism for decreased fertility in women has been better described – the inability of fertilized eggs to implant themselves in the uterus. The incidence of endometrial (uterine) cancer has grown dramatically since the inoculations began, certainly not a good portent.
Some right wing wags note that if the suspicions are true, young men uncontaminated by vaccination could be in for a lot of fun.
The impact of the various Covid 19 mutants
There are five Greek letter names associated with the strains of Covid 19: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron. They skipped Xi in deference to the Chinese premier.
The vaccines were developed to combat the Alpha, Beta And Gamma versions. Therefore, it was not much of a surprise when the Delta variant proved capable of "breaking through" to infect vaccinated people. The Omicron version appears to be even more capable of doing that.
On the upside, each successive variant of the virus seems to be less dangerous than the preceding. Scientists note that this is the evolutionary course that most viruses follow. The most successful evolutionary strategy for a virus is to become more contagious but less dangerous over time. Not that they have brains, but that is how Darwinian natural selection works.
The original strains
At this writing the Omicron version is displacing the Delta version quite rapidly. The original strains alpha through gamma are no longer much in evidence. Exactly as a number of virologists, notably Geerd VanDen Bossche predicted, the rollout of vaccines in the middle of a pandemic served only to hasten the evolution of the virus strains.
Whereas public health officials had spoken confidently of eliminating Covid 19, it appears that it will now become endemic just like the seasonal flu. However, like the seasonal flu it will also become quite manageable. Many say that it already is, and that it is time for the panic to end and normal life to return.
Vaccines provide less protection against the omicron version than to the older strains for which the inoculations were developed. Some such as British undertaker O'Looney are even venturing that the omicron version, with all of its different varieties, is not a reality. Their thesis is that it this simply a way to characterize a grab bag of negative reactions to the biological agents themselves.
There is a competing theory that the omicron strain of the virus was developed in a laboratory and released intentionally. The claim is that it has a great many hallmarks of an intentionally manipulated biological product. Whatever the story, this version appears to be more easily spread but less dangerous than Delta and the preceding strains. It appears to easily circumvent existing vaccines. The degree to which it confers natural immunity remains to be seen.
The record-keeping is haphazard and there is an obvious desire on the part of the authorities and the vaccine maker is not to want to attribute the problems of failure to the inoculation program.
Covid and vaccine impact by age group
There is total agreement that Covid 19 hospitalizations and death are highly skewed towards the elderly and those with comorbidities. Children have hardly been affected by the disease itself. The only questions concerning children concern immunization.
There is now a widespread effort to roll the vaccine out among children. This has met with some resistance, including a demurral from the World Health Organization itself. Some US states, and some countries, will be successful in forcing the injections on children, but it appears that they will not have the same level of uptake as they have among adults.
When and if these prognoses are correct, there will come a time at which it is generally recognized that the vaccines are dangerous. Other parts of the world may follow the example of the Scandinavian countries and stop requiring or even recommending them. At that point, the countries of the world, one at a time, will regroup and assess where they demand of their citizens.
It can be expected that the elder populations will be the most highly vaccinated. These people are the pensioners, the nursing home residents and so on, who are expendable, in the sense that they are not economically productive. They are already the useless eaters that are said to be targeted for elimination. It's quite likely that as more and more these people fall ill, with the depleted immune systems, the system will be temporarily overwhelmed. At least until they largely expire. There will not be places for them in nursing homes. We will see more and more, do not resuscitate orders. There will be a form of triage under which they will be allowed to die. Government funded health programs will simply not have the wherewithal to take care of them. Those who do get treatment will more and more frequently be people with private means.
While watching beloved older people lose their lives is tragic, or heart wrenching, it is not germane to the question of what kind of world my children will live in as adults. That generation – my generation – will be gone in any case.
Covid and the vaccine mandates affect different groups within society differently. The paragraphs below do not represent a dissection of society into distinct classes, as Marx would do, but a description of groups that have been and will be affected differently going forward.
Healthcare workers
Healthcare workers had early in widespread exposure to the deadly initial strains of Covid. Quite a few died. Those who did not by and large have natural immunity or immunity acquired by surviving the infection.
Healthcare workers also had the best opportunity to observe the effects of the injections, both during clinical trials and after the rollout in December 2020. They have been whispering about the adverse effects among each other and sometimes talking to alternative news media as whistleblowers. So-called "vaccine hesitancy" on the part of healthcare workers might be better labeled "believing the evidence of their own eyes." Those who have seen and heard about the heart attacks, palsies, stillbirths and the like up close are not going to risk their own lives. A great many had the courage to quit instead of subject themselves to vaccination. Encouragingly, a great many health maintenance organizations backed off of their initial policies of mandatory vaccination.
There is already a shortage of healthcare workers. This will be exacerbated by the surge of illnesses across the population. They will simply not be enough facilities, or enough people, to meet the need. More and more people will need to be treated at home. This will be a benefit for those who have some family to take care of them. It will be a disaster for those who have no family – they will simply be orphans within the system, untreated and left to die. This is already the case to some extent. Elderly indigents already get poor care as things stand.
The underclass
The underclass may come through better than their betters. Such citizens are not so responsible at to get the shot without being forced. Blacks and Latinos are more suspicious of the shots in the first place. The unemployed would not be have been forced to get the shots. They could be forced to get them in as inmates in prisons and jails – it varies by jurisdiction. However, overall the least productive members of society may be the least damaged by innoculations.
The blue-collar class
Public safety forces, the police, the firemen and emergency medical technicians, were already under stress through Black Lives Matter, defunding the police and other social currents. Many quit to avoid vaccine mandates.
We can expect that law enforcement will continue to suffer in the general chaos. Public safety will take a major hit, as the still healthy underclass, with no income and diminished welfare benefits due to the due to inflation, becomes more and more predatory. As urban areas become increasingly dangerous, we can expect to see the trend of solvent citizens to move out of cities become even more exaggerated, fleeing the lawlessness, general chaos and economic collapse of the cities.
There may be a change in the notion of law enforcement, with the rural and largely white suburban areas more able to stick with traditional law enforcement. Big city progressives may no longer able to effectively impose their social justice notions outside their jurisdictions. Individual communities may be able to take back responsibility for their own welfare.
Unionized tradesmen were not under as much pressure to get vaccinated. Their unions by and large stood up for them, and their employers are often small enough businesses that they were not affected by the mandates. Even the large and largely unskilled membership of the Service Employees International Union, SEIU, were fairly effectively protected against mandatory vaccinations.
One must be cautious. Any predictive model of what society will be like post Covid 19 is bound to be even more ludicrously flawed than the models of Covid itself coming out of Imperial College. These are only guesses. Your mileage will vary.
Covid itself had a relatively minimal impact on the military. The initial wave did sweep through ships at sea and certain bases on land. However, since the military is primarily composed of young people there were not that many hospitalizations or deaths. The major impacts were in the reaction to the pandemic – many ships remained at sea for months on end in order to avoid contact with the virus.
Adverse reactions to the vaccines, to the extent they are real, will have an effect on military preparedness. It will differ among countries. The Chinese and Russian vaccines are more traditional and presumably would have a different effect on the overall immune system, perhaps not as severe, as that used by the United States.
These countries were already more serious about the military than the US. The US military has been so concerned with equity issues, gender and race, that it significantly diminished its effectiveness. However, wonderful, America's military technologies have been put in the hands of people who cannot manage them. Diversity, and now vaccine mandates, have driven out the heart of the traditional military, rural southern whites. Those who remain are demoralized, simply hanging on until retirement. The top ranks of the military are people without principles, willing to bend with the woke times.
Witness the decreasing effectiveness of maritime maneuvers with the gay, pregnant and trans sailors. The incidence of mistakes and poor seamanship seem to have gone up. Air accidents doubled from 2019 to 2021, and a submarine ran aground on a seamount. The Russians and the Chinese don't believe in these dysfunctional social justice dogmas. And they probably have not compromised the health of their armed forces as significantly through misbegotten vaccination policies.
Effects on Society
The above-named effects of Covid and the vaccines, and many not mentioned here, will have a profound impact on society. Predictions are always hard to make, as Casey Stengel said, especially about the future. At this point the long-range effects of Covid itself, and especially the vaccines, are only matters of conjecture. How these effects will play out in society is a double-jointed conjecture. If climate scientists were modeling it they would be sure to get it wrong. Since I am not pushing an agenda I am a little bit freer to try to guess what might happen. Since nobody is paying me I'm not bound to any conclusions. And since my readership will be small, the impact of mistakes will be correspondingly small.
Diminishing likelihood of war
One would think that the chance of war would diminish. Diminishing populations means diminishing number of soldiers. In any case, the inability or lack of the ability or the will to dominate other people to take over their territory. Quite simply put, land will no longer be at such a premium if there are fewer people to share it.
The institutions that benefit from war are already losing their credibility. The looming financial collapse is undermining faith in the banking sector. The huge number of falsehoods that have been spread in the political arena and about Covid itself have destroyed the credibility of the press. The woke military has destroyed itself, getting rid of the most capable and patriotic soldiers.
With fewer people beating the drums for war, and more skepticism on the part of the public, one can hope that the chance of war diminishes. One might add as well that people will once again be focused on earning enough money to survive and raise families. With the collapse of public safety, personal security will become a higher priority than national security.
At this point in history, society depends a great deal on credentialing. A person cannot get a job unless properly credentialed, except in a few fields where talent is visible and depends more on skill than on training, such as in computing.
Darwinian evolution affects social institutions in the same ways as biological evolution affects populations. Institutions adapt to their environment.
Hierarchy of credentialing
The proper University credentials have become the "union card" throughout academia and in corporations as well. This resulted in a hierarchy of credentialing schemes throughout education. A child has needed the right ACT and SAT scores to get into college. The key to scoring well was thought to be the right schools, so there was a testing and credentialing regime associated with prestigious private schools. The competition today to get into top-notch New York City kindergartens is frightening.
Race-based preferences intersect with the credentialing process in odd ways. A secondary school student of one of the preferred minority races can literally write his own ticket in higher education. Conversely, the traditionally strong races – Jews, Asians and ordinary white people – find themselves at the back of the line.
A debased currency
The result is that the credential, I documents which should give credence to the talents of the bearer, no longer does so. A minority graduate from a top-notch school may be great, or may not be highly talented. The downside of hiring a less than talented minority on the basis of credentials is that they are difficult to get rid of. No employer can afford to be called racist.
Like debased coinage, debased credentials find less and less acceptance in the marketplace. Today's debased system has persisted on the strength of an extremely long status quo in the world of academia and the ability of business to survive despite treating unequal employees as if they were the same. Warren Buffett has a saying that when the tide goes out it reveals who is swimming naked. Companies that are unable to recognize actual talent will find themselves overtaken by competitors who do.
In this I speak from my own experience. I left IBM in 1979, only a few years after we nativeborn white men had definitely fallen out of favor. I found clients who would accept me on the basis of what I could do. IBM has blundered on with myriad preference policies of, and endured a 40 year downhill slide, recently under mediocre female and favored minority chief executives.
Public Education
We can expect the quality of public education will continue and even accelerate its rapid descent.
Teacher Cadre
The teachers' unions – the NEA and AFT are among the those that were most strident about expressing their fears of Covid. Both unions have come out in favor of inoculation of both teachers and students.
Their members, as good liberals stressing the fear of Covid, probably have a higher vaccination rate than most professions. They also experience quite a bit of pressure from the school administration and local government to get vaccinated. So we can expect that the ranks of the teachers will be disproportionately thinned to the extent that adverse reactions are real.
The ranks of teachers are already being reduced by retirement and attrition. Minority students are now a majority in American schools. They are harder to teach and more inclined to be dangerous. Not only that, they generally do not provide the tax base needed to support generous benefits. Many teacher retirement plans are underfunded – likely to go broke.
Home Schooling
Another force at work will be homeschooling, which surged during Covid. Children were squeezed into online learning, which was not as effective a tool for instruction as classroom instruction. Parents figure, logically, that if they're going to be home with the children they might as well be teaching themselves. Also, the lockdowns gave the parents a better look at the process. Many became quite vocal in their rejection of the critical race theory and other socialist notions propagated by public education.
Student Population Declining in Numbers and Quality
Fewer children are being born. Those who are being born will be more damaged by the Covid vaccines, not to mention the traditional childhood vaccines which appear more and more closely associated with autoimmune and autism spectrum disorders. The kids who show up for school will be less capable of learning and require more resources. More kids will have left for homeschooling, and the cadre of public education teachers will declined further. We can expect the role of schooling to be filled to some large degree by online learning and homeschooling.
Curricular changes
The liberal dogmas of Howard Zinn and rain forest math will also fade away. We can expect the entire global warming phenomenon to disappear, to fade away. Not that that the problem will be solved – it wasn't a real problem in the first place – but other concerns will have higher priority. It will simply be forgotten, as other such hysteria is such as fluoridation of water and so on past.
The industrial model of education, dating back to the Prussian system of the 19th century, as long been obsolete. Having children study seven subjects per semester in one hour blocks throughout the day was set up for the convenience of the teachers and administrators, not the students.
Having an entire class of students move at the same pace was once again for the convenience of the system. The system could not easily accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates.
Homeschooling and online education, even when several students are learning together, will resemble the one room schoolhouse of the 19th century more than factory education. Students of different grade levels will work together and can be expected to help each other, just as they used to. We will again learn that teaching is a very effective way of learning. With online coursework, or soft copy textbooks on their own computers, students will be able to work at their own pace.
Educational assessments – testing and grading – have been being phased out for the last couple of decades in the name of equity. The schools have not wanted any systems that would produce evidence that different populations of children differ in ability. Online education may be the deathknell for grades. Children can simply measure their own progress against the answers in the back of the book and judge for themselves whether they are ready to progress. People with a genuine stake in outcomes, such as parents, will have to judge whether the children are actually learning. Given that social promotions have made school grades meaningless in the first place, this will hardly represent any change at all.
College and University
University level education will likewise move online. It is absurd to pay $50,000 a year to study online. It is doubly absurd when the education consists for the most part of indoctrination that is antithetical to the values of the parents.
The effect to spend that highly talented students have had no arena in which to demonstrate their skills. A system which cannot recognize any student as mediocre likewise has a hard time recognizing an outstanding student. The traditional inducements to hard work, such as valedictorian or a Phi Beta Kappa key are simply no longer effective. The paradoxical outcome may be that such proxies for real achievement will be abandoned, and only actual achievement recognized.
College Admissions
Instead of a system such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test or American College Test, now ACT, the student may be asked to take entrance exams for individual online courses. Major universities have been abandoning the standardized tests for years, once again in the name of equity
Online education does not recognize national boundaries. I can use American curricula in Ukraine just as easily as an American in Idaho. Ukrainian college students can use the materials that the University of Georgia and MIT have placed online.
The education itself is international. Assessment and credentialing, however, will have to remain more or less local. It will increasingly be up to an employer to determine whether or not a potential hire has the educational background required. A professor will have to decide whom to accept as a graduate student on the basis of the student's portfolio and an interview rather than tarnished credentials such as the GRE or a college grade point average.
The essences of classroom instruction can be redistributed. Lectures can be moved from the lecture hall to videos, a move that is already well underway. One on one teacher – student instruction can be done online or in distant locations, such as low cost countries like Costa Rica and Ukraine. Conversations with teaching associates and/or peers can be done via teleconferencing. The upshot will be less cost and more competition for students, presumably leading to more honest instruction unless indoctrination.
Energy Usage
Also, our use of energy will decline as there are fewer people, and as those people get older and as those people travel last for work and vacation. We will simply use less.
The corporate world
The same can be said for a lot of a lot of professionals people working for the big corporations. They worked hard to get in their positions and they recognize that there are many others who could replace them. One of the visible aspects of credentialing has been the replacement of American men, who had a tendency to think for themselves, with the foreign nationals, especially Indians. It is no surprise that Indians now lead some of the major American companies and in Indian American service as the chief health officer of the this Murthy chief chief health officer within the United States and in Britain. The Indians are simply rather malleable and they will do as they are told. Somebody else is pulling the strings. That's an unfair generalization for all Indians – some of them have indeed stood up in the front lines of those fighting the Covid nonsense – but the Indians by and large are more reliable in following orders and not asking questions than white Americans.
In contemporary America and Western Europe you get credentialed, you take your place in the corporate break bureaucracy, you keep your nose clean and do as you're told, and you rise. Your rise in fact, to a position where you tell others what to do passing recent knowledge received from above, down, down to the lower echelons.
It is this is kind of Third Reich mentality of just following orders that has been absolutely essential in fulfilling the Covid agenda. In fact there were, it is said that in Plandemic, the movie, that they noted these human behavioral characteristics and dependent on them to implement the plan.
How will the perception of the unvaccinated change as the dangers become more and more evident? The unvaccinated have been demonized by everybody from the president on down as irresponsible. They have been cast aside. The unvaccinated are tossed in with the deplorable's. Probably a higher percentage of deplorable's remain unvaccinated than woke, the good people. There has to be a seachange. What do's was coming to an end anyhow. It was it had overshot and was had generated a backlash. Vaccination status the wrap them with this backlash. Conservatives who have resisted the jab will come out okay.
Medical impact
If the projected impact on health becomes a reality, health insurance will become unaffordable. It will and may report revert to the fee for service. The likelihood is that people will be forced back forced to rely on their own devices. They will certainly put a premium on taking care of your own health.
The model that we have followed, the unsuccessful model, of the pharmaceutical solution for every problem for every lifestyle problem will simply become unsustainable. The real problems will overwhelm the imaginary problems such as depression and ADHD and so on and how real biological problems.
Real problems will displace simple lifestyle problems such as acid reflux and the so on. Whatever the case, it will be certainly be a premium put on taking care of yourself. There will also be a we can expect a premium also on Internet sources of health advice. The doctors have been captured at this point pretty much by the American Medical Association, the other medical associations, and they in turn by big Pharma pushing their expensive solutions to chronic problems induced by lifestyle.
Online medical advice
If people can no longer afford to health insurance or seeing a doctor of online advice, such as now provided by Web MD, the Mayo Clinic and others will become more more valuable. One more people will take responsibility for their own health, if they take responsibility at all. One would think that the institutions, the health maintenance organizations, the insurers and the like would lose relative power as individuals as work become scarce, the shortage of nurses and doctors becomes acute, you will have more bargaining power and ability to simply go work on their own.
Medical Credentialing
Likewise, licensing and credentialing less important. The mandate that college students get vaccinated is consistent with the liberal dominance of colleges. It may wipe out an entire generation of putative elites. Young people who avoid going to college – hack their own education will come out ahead. The parents who believed that that credentialing was essential will be disappointed see their young ones get killed by the vaccines, or at best, simply dulled by a useless and expensive education..
Medicine has been taken over by credentials. That's the reason that the doctors went along with AIDS and the reason that they go along with Covid dogma. Because they have worked hard to get credentials. Their credentials earned them a good living, and they do not want to jeopardize it.
Geographical Impact
What's going to happen to the United States? The East Coast – New England and New York and Pennsylvania have been most enthusiastic about mandating boosters mandating shots for the population. This is in the public sector, the universities, and even private industry. This applies also to California and to some extent Oregon, Washington. Florida and Texas and most of the red states have been much less reluctant to impose these conditions.
Data demonstrate that the masks are useless. The requirement of masks is an indication that the people are not serious about controlling us about epidemic, but simply enforcing conformity. The ineffectiveness of the vaccines demonstrates the likely ineffectiveness of the booster shots. The vaccines have proven ineffective, as even the authorities show. They have not even tested the boosters to see if there are effective. To give them is foolhardy. The evidence that there is shows that the pernicious effects of the vaccines are cumulative. The more of the spike protein and associated chemicals – aluminum particles, magnetic material, whose name I forget, and so on, the more likely you are to have problems. If the prognosis is correct, these will be spared. It will result in a fairly significant political shift over time.
Nations of the World
This is also true on the nationwide basis. The nations of Europe of continental Europe excluding Scandinavia have been most enthusiastic for forcing vaccines on people. Scandinavia has not been so severe. There may be different survival rates. The Visagrad countries have not pushed it that hard. Vaccination in Ukraine seems to be about the lowest in Europe.
Russia and China
Then there's the question of China and Russia, who have their own vaccines. From everything I read these vaccines use the spike protein is the vector, so they should suffer some of the same defects in the same risks as the three American vaccines, Pfizer, Madera and Johnson & Johnson. However, we do not read so much about adverse reactions. They are a dead virus implementation, and they may have done it differently. These countries are both acutely aware of their of the threat of depopulation and one would expect that they would be more careful about rolling out a vaccine that would endanger the on fertility of of of their women and would threaten their populations with adverse events such as heart attacks. It is curious that there simply is not much information publicly available about the adverse effects from these vaccines.
If, per the Spanish researchers La Quinta Columna, much of the lethality of the vaccines produced by American manufacturers is due to unlisted ingredients that appear in not all batches, and
Per Craig Paardekooper, the lethality varies incredibly widely among batches by American manufactures, and
If the major long term liability with the baseline serum is in the mRNA components' tendency to reprogram the immune system, to a greater extent than other vaccines, then
It may be that the Chinese and Russian vaccines, without unlisted ingredients or mRNA, might not damage their populations to anywhere near the extent that the American population is damaged, which might mean that
The American producers have conspired to reduce the American population, and the Chinese and Russians are smart enough to dodge the bullet.
Other Vaccine Safety
An interesting upshot of the Covid 19 phenomenon is the re-examination of safety of all vaccines. The industry has not been enthusiastic or diligent about following up on the safety of routine childhood vaccinations.
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