The brouhaha of the week is about Scott Adams, the cartoonist creator of Dilbert, commenting on the results of a Rasmussen poll asking the question if it’s okay to be white.
You know there’s a problem when there is a double standard you can’t talk about. Suppose Adams, facetiously identifying as black, had said “And I would say, y’know, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to black people is to get the hell away from white people.” It would not have been newsworthy. If they even heard about it, many of both races would have quietly applauded. But he put it the other way around and hundreds of newspapers dropped his comic strip.
I think that the real news is that only 72% of whites think it’s okay to be white. Good Lord! That means that 28% of us have been so brainwashed that we are ashamed of our own people. Ashamed of our history, our accomlishments, and European civilization in general. We don’t want to have children. This polling result would have been inconceivable among any population in any prior era. The psychological operations people behind the globalist depopulation operation have been unbelievably successful.
The reader most fond of calling me a racist contends that there is no race problem where he lives, in Silver Spring, Maryland. I lived in a very white neighborhood in a westerly section of the same Montgomery County. Blacks who could afford it tended to live in his eastern part, or in Prince Georges or Howard Counties. It was interesting to read Steve Sailer’s analysis of Silver Spring’s uniqueness. Virtue signaling is his thing, and he has clearly chosen the right place from which to do it.
I recently bought some more ivermectin via a small-time supplier. He forgot to bill me on delivery, so we got to know one another as he called me to ask for the money.
My bet is that he would be flexible enough to send it to the USA. Maybe other such drugs, such as the recently difficult-to-get morning after pills, etc. His email is We did it by a bank transfer from my debit card to his hryvnya account. Don’t know how that would go internationally. He might be able to take credit cards.
It has been a quiet war for us over the past three weeks. Our power is so regular that I had to turn the thermostat down today – 73° was uncomfortably warm. Another couple of weeks and I’m going to dismantle the gas stove.
Not so quiet on the front lines. Bob Homans reports that the Russians are losing on the order of 800 men a day without gaining any particular real estate. Presumably waiting for better weather and more weaponry, the Ukrainians are in a defensive mode for the time being. The pundits are trying to figure out what comes next.
This big picture guy asks the question about Russia’s demographics. Even with 140 million population, they can’t afford this level of losses. They have burned through the minority populations that tsars always considered expendable – Ingushians, Tatars, Dagastanis, Buryats and the like. They have burned through their convict population. Pretty soon they are going to have to start using primarily ethnic Slavs, who might have better things to do with their lives than throw them away here. On top of that Russia is all the more committed to the Covid jabs, just as the rest of the world (Biden excepted) is growing more leery. The Russians didn’t even go through the motions of collecting data on adverse events, but their citizenry is catching on to the notion that they are not as safe as advertised.
Sam and Lawrence Freedman provide deeper war analyses about twice per week. Today’s article lays out what there is to be known, but concedes it is hard to guess what the next steps will be. There is a consensus that nothing Russia has tried recently has worked: destroying Ukraine’s power infrastructure, demoralizing civilians by bombing and shelling us, or the human wave attacks in Donbas. It does not seem likely that they will be able to mount a successful offensive from their current position, but on the other hand they may be hard to dislodge from what they now hold.
To repeat, my guess is that the Russian regime has been so weakened by this debacle that it would not survive in any case. Ukraine could afford an armistice even it it meant giving up some territory. But contrary to Freedman and others, I don’t see it happening. I hear nobody talking about compromise. We have been wrestling this bear for three centuries. We want him down for the count.
We are fortunate at the action is taking place a long way from Kyiv. Meanwhile, on the other front, more and more people are speaking out on the manufactured disease. Here is Woody Harrelson’s brief bit on Saturday night live. “The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel's drugs.” Six months ago you wouldn’t have seen this, much less on SNL. Per Shakespeare, sweet are the uses of adversity. Maybe the Covid situation will have resolved itself by the time Ukrainians get out from under this war and have to deal with the real world again.
The kids were home all day with some nondescript bug that caused a slight temperature. I was able to go to the farmers market by myself, by bicycle, which is a whole lot more efficient. I got the makings and tried Hungarian goulash for the first time.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the snow is gone and the birds are chirping. Things are looking bright.
It's a good thing that nobody knows what's coming next, and I am in the club. I don't know anything, so it will be a surprise when it happens. I think Ukraine once again is being wise about their strategy. I know people in Kyiv who are training for the Territorial Defense Force and they've been training for months. That's called preparedness. Russia right now is throwing untrained troops at the front lines which is abundantly stupid. Plus, it looks like the oil and gas sanctions are having a huge effect. Revenue last month was down substantially and Russia ran a $50 billion budget deficit. If Putin thinks that China will help, it's pretty clear that the sanctions against China would break its back in weeks. The first thing that the US would do is close the Straight of Malacca to Chinese shipping both in and out of the South China Sea. China imports 80% of its oil and most of that goes through the Straight between Malaysia and Indonesia. That act alone would shut China down.
I listened to a debate by the unherd late night crew on Friday night and my daughter came into the front room to try to understand why I was yelling at the computer. You got a bunch of warm comfortable people sitting around in a club eating and drinking their fill and debating what should happen in Ukraine. Some people said that the US should get Russia to the negotiating table and end this talk of a battlefield victory. China has since offered their plan. The problem is that none of them spoke to the Ukrainians. None of them really know what Ukraine or the Ukrainian people want. They're upset about 6% inflation and a GDP that might go negative next quarter while Ukraine fights for its existence.
Meanwhile, the same guy, Freddie Sayers, interviewed Fiona Hill about the Russian war. It's an hour long and you can find it on YouTube, and she explains everything about the situation with clarity, intelligence, and insight. She knows Putin; she knows what he's doing. Other people assume that he's willing to bargain and that if he gets what he wants the war will be over. Well, I'll tell you what Putin wants. He wants the US out of Europe, he wants no NATO at all, he wants to restore the borders of the Soviet Union and he wants to control Germany all the way to the Rhine. I don't think that there is one person in Europe who would agree to that.
Putin has two things, oil and gas, that everybody wants, and one thing that nobody wants: nukes. Without nukes, nobody would give a shit about him. He's a monster. I don't think that there is one good thing that he has ever done in his life.
"To repeat, my guess is that the Russian regime has been so weakened by this debacle that it would not survive in any case. " Wrt the Russian economy, I could be wrong but I shared my views
I think Harrelson struck a nerve. He said out loud the obvious that the left knows but cannot say. More and more folk are understanding how badly we have been treated. On the left where government can do no wrong, it's an awful cognitive break.
Adams now admits to his lust for attention. I squandered some $ for a framed Dilbert for my wall. Fine art to be worth less $ for my heirs.