The US national debt stands at about $31 trillion. Roughly $100,000 for each of the 320 million people in the country. How many of those people could come up with $100,000 if you held a pistol to their heads? 3%? 4%?
The good news is that the budget deficit is scheduled to come down. Covid 19 appears to have been contrived for many reasons, one of which may well have been to destroy the economy. At any rate the deficits have been 3.1 trillion for fiscal 2020, 2.8 trillion for 2021, and 1.4 trillion for 2022. It makes the 1 trillion for 2023 look pretty puny by comparison.
Only a trillion? A bit over $3,000 for every man woman and child? Piece of cake. I don’t believe it.
Today’s news is that 15 million people are no longer being guaranteed health insurance coverage. Legislation passed during coverage required that insurance companies not drop them. We have heard about the vast increase in group life insurance claims since the rollout of the Covid vaccines. Excess mortality among people working for the larger corporations, usually the safest bets in insurance, is up significantly. Life and health insurance premiums are certainly going to follow.
The rent and mortgage payment moratoriums put in place on account of Covid – preventing evictions and foreclosures – are coming to an end. Human nature being what it is, since they didn’t have to give it to landlords or banks, people spent the money on other things and are not in a condition to pay it back. It’s likely to be a banner year for homelessness.
Those people who are dying and having health problems on account of the vaccines? They aren’t going to be paying as much in taxes. I expect that the income side of the national budget is being inflated by wishful thinking. It is somewhat offset by the fact that just like dead men don’t vote (GOP, anyhow), they don’t collect Social Security.
Speaking of Social Security, it is going up 8.7%. I should see it tomorrow. That will certainly more than offset savings due to recipients having died. My cynical opinion is that the government has stuck to the $1 trillion deficit figure just to put a fig leaf over the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that just passed. I expect something unexpected – it is always unexpected – to push it above last year’s $1.4 trillion deficit.
The Russians have changed tactics. Our infrastructure appears to be too well defended. We are shooting down too many of the rockets they shoot at our electrical grid. They are now shooting at hotels, hospitals, schools and other soft targets. It is of course totally reprehensible, but reprehensible seems to be a part of the Russian moral vocabulary.
The upside is that the house has been back up to 68° for a week. I learned from this the function of warming up before you work out. When the temperature was in the 50s it would take 15 minutes on the exercise bike before I was up to speed. At 70 it takes only five. As a consequence I just now had my best workout since last summer. Sixty-six revolutions per minute, something I’ve achieved only about five times overall.
I was wrong in offering the opinion that Gonzalo Lira had changed his tune about Russia. Nope – it is just that his recent YouTubes were hard to find. The Unz review is beating the same drum. Just for the heck of it I read one of their many such articles today. Entitled "The Ukraine War Is Going to End in 2023—and the Russians Are Going to Win," the strongest point that it made was that repeated claims the Russians were running out of rockets appear to have been wrong. Vox Day wrote the book “Social Justice Warriors Always Double Down.” Somebody should inform Putin fan Vox that they are not the only ones.
As you saw, I posted my review of Ed Dutton’s “The Past Is a Future Country” here this morning. I am waiting to hear back from him – and you - before I post it on Amazon. Meanwhile, I have reworked my piece on The Evolutionary Psychology of What Women Want to include appropriate quotes from him.
In pulling together references, Igor Chudov showed up twice. The first is a piece about the reality of falling birth rates and rising all cause mortality. I have seen a great many articles on individual countries like Britain, Canada, US states, Israel, Sweden and elsewhere. Chudov pulls it together. His question has been whether or not this is a planned depopulation. In today’s piece he presents his evidence that it is long planned.
Margaret Anna Alice agrees. Today she presents Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice, a long poem about this sinister story, embellished with hyperlinks in every strophe. And anger. I am swept away by the righteous fury of the female Covid warriors I follow, including Jessica Rose, Celia Farber, Stephanie Seneff, Judy Mikovits and of course Margaret Anna Alice.
Jessica Rose among others has been writing for two months now about the IgG4 antibodies. Since we didn’t have the shots,until today I didn’t take the time to delve into what they are. Heather Heying and Brett Weinstein do a good job of describing it at the 59 minute mark of their Dark Horse podcast. The short story is this. Antibodies are necessary for fighting disease. However, they can go overboard, get confused and excited and mistake elements of your body for foreign material to be fought off. Therefore there is a kind of off switch to tone down their response. IgG4 tells your body to be not so vigorous.
Repeated boosters of the Pfizer mRNA injections convince your body not to be quite so vigorous in fighting off Covid. Perhaps other stuff too. They project that’s the reason that the multiply injected seem to be multiply infected as well. Other mechanisms have previously been reported whereby these injectable biological products crater the immune system, but this is a recent wrinkle since the boosters. Brett and Heather say that they don’t know enough about immunology to say what this portends. They conjecture that most immunologists also don’t know. But turning the immune system off doesn’t seem like a great idea.
I’m not bothering to read the revelations spilling out from Twitter. I am very glad that Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald are on top of it and will summarize it. My summary would be in the words of Lily Tomlin from some decades ago “No matter how cynical you get, you just can’t keep up.”
The Russian percussion played Kyiv again this morning – waves of Iranian drones, most of which were shot down. Nothing nearly as powerful or close to our house as New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Otherwise, this is been a quiet day. No school, no kindergarten. Eddie is playing with his friend Artem. Tomorrow will be the same, and then Wednesday it’s back to kindergarten. Eddie’s friends will be off all month. They rearranged the school calendar so the schools can remain unheated through the coldest part of the year. It will be a challenge to get him to keep his nose to the grindstone.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the good-looking woman and the housebound children have been exceptionally easy to get along with today. Hope it’s a portent for the whole new year.
This just in. Japan's excess mortality. Frightening charts.
Oh dear, I just made the mistake of looking at The Unz review.
Apparently, the war in Ukraine is a Talmudic, neo-Con, Anglo-Imperialist, Zionist conspiracy organised by Bill Gates, the Ukrainians are Nazis, the Polish army is in combat in Ukraine and the Russians are going to win because they are fighting a defensive war. And the commentators are all praising the article. The mind boggles.