I am no more than amused when people call me a Fox News, a Rush Limbaugh fan, or a Trumper. No, I never have been. Never voted for Trump. I was happy to see him win over Hillary, and I have long believed what is now coming out from every pore of the corrupt media about how Trump was cheated in 2020. That notwithstanding, in my opinion Trump simply did not do what his supporters elected him to do. I agree with early Trump supporter and now critic Ann Coulter that his time is past.
I also agree that the Republican Party is suffering because the people that run it simply don’t understand what the people want. Republican Party Animal David Cole gets it. The problem with the GOP is that the people in charge are corrupt politicians. They may not be as corrupt as the Democrats, but they are corrupt enough to get nothing done.
His article of yesterday is a wonderfully scathing attack on the ineptitude of the Republican electorate, their gullibility for being taken in by grift after grift promoted to convince the hayseeds that their gifts to moviemakers can change something. He has two paragraphs that talk directly to me.
Jared Taylor is not part of that Kabuki theater; the media establishment genuinely wants to shut him down. Ditto Peter Brimelow. They’re villains who must only be spoken of but never to.
Yes, I’m a pompous ass. But heed my words on this one, because I know these guys too well: Stop giving your money to these “change the culture” movie scams. If you have a few extra bucks, put ’em where it counts: Donate to AmRen or VDARE or hey—how about the site that’s given this pompous ass gainful censorship-free employment for eight years? (that would be Takimag.com)
By delightful coincidence, I have written for both Jared Taylor (here) and Peter Brimelow (here and here) at the above linked websites. My articles are about the pleasures of living in a traditional country in which white men are still acceptable because we are pretty much all there is.
I disagree with Taylor and Brimelow in the same way I disagree with Robert Malone. These gentlemen think that America can be turned around. I believe that can only happen after a complete collapse, and it is unlikely even then. These people are looking for salvation at a macro level – the American political system. I am looking at a micro level – the survival of my family. They want to return to an era in which things more or less worked in the United States. I want to find a niche where things come together for my family – in which they can support themselves, marry, and raise their own families.
The Kanye West affair encapsulates the problem. To American conservatives Ye has been the magic black man who would speak truth to power. To me he has been no more than a rap star who succeeded well beyond his native talent because he happened to be the right color in the right place at the right time. Tucker Carlson among many others naïvely looked for more than was there. David Cole called this one right, not once but twice.
This article encapsulates what’s wrong with the Republican Party. They do all the stupid things the Democrats do, only with a little bit less enthusiasm. That’s no way to win! The simpletons go for the enthusiasm, and the rest do not get excited by mediocrity. The article discusses the $1.7 trillion deficit. That sort of thing is unsustainable no matter whether shaking the magic money tree drops dollars on undeserving Republicans or undeserving Democrats.
On the subject of the corruption in American society, Matt Taibbi, simply by being an advocate for the truth, has earned the enmity of the American journalistic community. They are not interested in the truth, and they really hate being exposed for their cupidity and stupidity as is coming out in this Twitter fiasco. And yes, the Twitter fiasco does lead one to conclude that the 2020 election was indeed stolen from Trump. At a very minimum there were a lot of highly dishonest goings on.
The intelligence community appears to be at the center of the corruption. This happens everywhere. The KGB certainly wielded power in the USSR. The spy agencies seem to run the 5 eyes countries and much of Europe. The bad cat, who seems to be on top of everything, had a great article on the topic.
Mercola has an article on the way in which Fauci, who pretended to oracular knowledge of just about everything during the pandemic, seems to have developed total amnesia or dementia when it came time to testify under oath about what he did. I’m with Musk with regard to his pronouns. Prosecute/Fauci
Enough! If your inboxes aren’t overflowing with information such as the above, you simply don’t want to know. You can pray that God looks after children, fools, drunks and the vaxxed.
Meanwhile, the solstice is upon us. The kids have been home all week, demanding and getting quite a bit of attention. Eddie is relatively slowly getting into gear writing his book review of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I can’t get too worked up – other kids are enjoying a holiday. Eddie is also putting together a very intricate model car, 700 pieces entirely made out of wood, that Vitaliy Rulov gave me as a birthday present, knowing that I am impossible to buy for and that I would really appreciate something for the kids. Photo forthcoming when he finishes it.
Oksana has been taken in by a multilevel marketing company selling vitamins. She is intently working me over, trying to convince me that there is something special about their concoctions that makes them worth thousands of dollars. Those are my dollars. It is a tough fight. It is grist for the mill with regard to the speech I’m composing entitled “I need you” and the related article I’m writing about an how evolutionary psychology explains what women want. The company is Fitline / PM International, should you have any information about it.
That’s the word from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man’s patience is being tested by interruptions from every member of the family as I attempt to write this, the above average children are still much beloved in spite of all, and the good-looking woman has the good grace to hug and kiss despite strong disagreements about vitamins, microbes and stuff like that.
Today, you might want to know that Stanford University now considers the word "American" to be triggering bad vibes and so it should be replaced by US Citizen. After all, aren't Chileans Americans and Canadians Americans, in the sense that they are from the Americas? We live in a wonderful time when a garbage man is now a sanitation engineer and a hooker is a relationship therapist. And by the way, the Republicans and Democrats are both utterly corrupt. Which one is more corrupt than another. You know, not that long ago, I had a conversation with a young woman who works for the Ukrainian Rada. (For those unfamiliar with Ukraine, the Rada is the Ukrainian Congress or Parliament.) I asked her how many of the members she thought were honest and actually had integrity. We were walking through Berlin at night, the former GDR section of Berlin which was behind the Berlin Wall. She finally said she thought about 25 of the member of the Rada were truly honest. Then, we both agreed that most governments were probably about the same, mostly corrupt. And then I asked her, so you got the Covid shot because those people recommended it?
I pray for less vitamin discussions. Meet Christmas!