It was time to find out how real yet another danger they want me to panic about, 5G wireless, turns out to be. I bought a book. It led to a Toastmasters Speech / Book Review posted here on Rumble. Here’s what the blue-noses at YouTube think of it. If they don’t like it, it must be on target.
Radiation from cell phones? Protect yourself, but don’t panic
I recently saw yet another piece trying to panic me about the dangers of 5G wireless. It was time to read about it. I bought EMF*D, by Joseph Mercola, with whom I agree with on Covid and vaccіnes. I read it.
The biggest threats are your Wi-Fi router, your phone, and your microwave. Just about everything else electrical in your house and on the street emits a little bit.
What is the damage? Brain cancer rates are double in heavy cell phone users. Women who carry them in their bra get breast cancer. It may give you insomnia or cataracts. Children can get Leukemia.
They can’t prove it, just like we can’t prove that Covіd vaccіnes make athletes drop dead of heart attacks, but the correlations are very strong. Insurance company fine print excludes RF injuries.
How does it work? Your body is 2% calcium, used for structures such as bones and teeth. It needs only a tiny amount inside ordinary cells. Radiation lets cell walls admit excess calcium, where it interferes with the operation of energy-producing mitochondria. It creates free radicals that break up your DNA.
Cell phone sellers and carriers will tell you that they are “safe and effective” or words to that effect. They love the fact that customers spend all day with them, even sleeping with them. They love the folks whose status demands that they must have the latest I-gadgets - watch, phone, pad and computer. Nobody will get rich telling you they are dangerous. You should turn them off! It’s only books from eccentric cranks. People who wear tinfoil hats and receive messages from outer space.
The Federal Communications Commission, supposed to look out for the consumer, is staffed by people from industry and who hope to return to high-paying jobs in industry. They will never meet you, know about you, or care about you.
There is a pattern here. Through my childhood government pretty much agreed with the industry that smoking wouldn’t hurt me. They changed their minds in 1964, and I quit. My parents didn’t and died. The same kinds of shills persuaded us that the insecticide DDT was a miracle of science, thalidomide was a boon to pregnant women, GMOs and glyphosate are safe to eat, and oxycontin to address chronic pain wasn’t addictive. They made a lot of money. Their customers died.
American Progressives of a century ago had two mistaken ideas.
1) Government can prevent the common people from doing stupid things
2) You can trust government to look after common people
The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was supposed to protect the public against drug and improperly prepared food. State laws protected consumers against abuses by the banks, and employees from unfair labor practices.
Look at the world today. It is awash in drugs. Opiates such as Oxycontin were legal. Marijuana is legal, and marijuana psychosis is commonplace. Enforcement of laws against narcotics, cocaine and such is weak in the face of rampant abuse. We are still being poisoned as the weed killer glyphosate is slowly phased out. Big Macs are about the healthiest it gets when it comes to fast food. Consumers are awash with student debt, auto debt and mortgages that can’t be repaid, as rapacious “loan to own” lenders await car repos and mortgage default evictions.
You can’t legislate away stupidity on the part of consumers, cupidity on the part of industry, or complicity on the part of government. The revolving door is the reality. Industries and the government people who regulate them are one and the same:
· Banking
· Drugs
· Insurance
· Media / Communications
· Education
· Environment
They collude at the expense of the people they are supposed to protect. A person’s question when it comes to something like EMF radiation should be, cui bono? Who benefit? Our motto should be, sauve qui peut. Look out for yourself.
When I encounter a claim like this about EMF and 5G, I follow a checklist sort of like this:
· From my knowledge of science, does the danger claim make scientific sense?
· Who gets rich by assuring the public there is no danger?
· Which independent voices believe there is danger?
· How can I educate myself from unbiased sources?
My conclusions about RFID are:
1) It is real enough that I’m going to turn off my WIFI and cell phone when I’m not using them, and keep the kids away from the microwave. Turn off everything electric in my bedroom at night. Remember the inverse square rule that radiation goes down as the square of the distance from the source. Twice as far away is four times as safe. Keep my cell phone away from my body, and stand away when using the microwave.
2) The nature of the radio waves (frequency, strength) hasn’t changed much since the first cell phones. The changes are additive, not exponential. While I should be cautious, there is no need to panic
3) The stronger argument against being hyper-connected is privacy. Government and big tech can and do use smart phones and the Internet to intrude into every facet of your life.
4) My kids and I need a real life, not a virtual one. The social reasons to avoid EMF are strong.
In other words EMF radiation has to take its place among the many, many things people want me to worry about. Prioritizing Panics, here’s my list:
There are worries that I have investigated and found to be bogus, trumped up to make us afraid and other people rich
1. Global warming may be happening, but it is not fast, not caused by CO2, and a constant throughout geological history. Moreover,CO2 is driven by China and India. We could not control it if we wanted. Investors want to get rich on non-solutions such as solar panels, wind power and electric cars, none of which make economic or environmental sense. See books by Michael Schellenberger and Patrick Moore among many others, and my video.
2. Mass extinction is not happening, though loss of habitat is very real. Using the conservationists’ own numbers, about two species go extinct every year and two new ones evolve. See my video.
Among the many things we do need to worry about more are
1. Loss of Freedom of speech and government surveillance through RF technologies
2. The financial crash, and central bank digital currencies.
3. Adverse effects of vaccіnes, both childhood and Covіd.
4. Pesticides / herbicides such as glyphosate.
Mercola’s writings since this book came out in 2019 suggest that he would probably agree with the list above. The clarity and authority of the book allows the reader to put things in perspective.
As a physicist who dabbled in EM work, I can't find a way on earth to avoid microwaves. Whether they cause damage is unknown but it tends toward unlikely. The worst EM environment I have worked with involves the deck of a carrier. The sailors who work those decks are exposed to remarkably high fields yet data suggest they are not materially different in terns of health risk.
Where the risk is greatest are those living at altitudes or flying at altitudes where exposure to ionizing radiation is high. We do find evidence of perhaps more genetic mutations that persist among them, yet those living at altitude often live longer on average. The mutations may even be beneficial to humanity, no way to know in just a few generations of humans.
It is quite true that directed energy microwaves can cause discomfort and such tools were found useful in crowd control. We will avoid that discomfort. The same energy can be used to disrupt electronic equipment not designed to resist exposure. But electronic circuitry is not as robust as a human.
Women carrying cell phones in their bras? Quite a thought but I don't know any women who do that. I do carry my phone in my shirt pocket. Have no idea why it happens to always be the left pocket above my heart. I buy only phones I can fit in the pocket saving me from the larger models. I haven't worried much. Most people seem to be happy with larger phones that rarely fit shirt pockets (or in bras, I would think).
I just can't get excited as we a bathing in a sea of EM radiation. I assume humanity will adapt. Otherwise our neighbors in places with no radiation may return us to the age before such evils.
What about ham radio? In the US, we work with everything from milliwatts up to 1500 watts. The antennas that we send out that power to are removed from us, but they aren't, as a rule, several hundred feet away.