Just by the nature of the blogs to which I subscribe, my mailbox is flooded every day with articles to convince me that the Covid vaccinations are bad news. I already know that. I am glad that I avoided the jabs. My family avoided them, and most people here in Ukraine did.
My plea to these authors would be to cut to the bottom line. How many people overall are injured, how many died? What’s the prognosis? Although the governments keep statistics, they do it in a fashion such that the most interesting numbers are obscured. It takes a little sleuthing.
The Beauty Myth’s Dr. Naomi Wolf (a PhD in comparative literature, not an MD) is one of the few people brave enough to take it on. I love her honesty. Speaking of Steve Kirsch, she writes:
“I empathize with Kirsch’s ire. He and I both come from, and are now distanced from, the worlds of the privileged, intellectually self-regarding bicoastal Left. It’s surreal to spend decades in those circles as a respected voice, thinking that we all agree on basic post-Enlightenment ideals such as open debate and the critical examination of fact-based evidence, only to find that once you cross that tripwire of asking basic questions about a just-rushed-into-production mRNA vaccine, you go in an instant from having been a thought leader to a nutcase — for doing just exactly what you have done for decades: examining the data.”
At any rate, I think you will enjoy reading her analysis of the big question. How much damage have these things really done? Another article that I immensely enjoyed was her analysis of the damage that the Covid jihad did to our society, totally apart from the virus. In her small town they set neighbor against neighbor. She writes:
“Because an emotional massacre has taken place in these little towns. And now we are expected to act as if — this never happened at all. But psychically, emotionally, there is blood flowing in the streets; and bodies are stacked up, invisible, in front of the candy stores, the high end wine stores, the pretty memorials to the World War Two dead; outside the farmers’ market on Saturdays, outside the tapas bars.”
As in every time of great social unrest, there is a lot of agitation against the Jеws. There is something unique about them, characteristics first brought to my attention by the 1940s novel What Makes Sammy Run? By, of course, a Jеw, Budd Schulberg. Jеws have a higher average intelligence than the rest of us, though I am comfortably more intelligent than most of the Jеws I have known. However intelligent Jеws often have a level of energy, a persistence and an non self-questioning confidence that I lack.
Such certainty is a bad thing in people such as Karl Marx, Robert Strauss, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg and the like. They arrogantly assume they know better than the rest of us how the world – and our lives – should be managed and run roughshod over us. On the other hand, is a blessing to have people like Naomi Wolf, Steve Kirsch, Simone Gold, Harvey Risch, Celia Farber, Alex Berenson, David Cole, Glenn Greenwald and many others doggedly ferreting out the truth, selflessly protecting the rest of us.
Glenn Greenwald writes, using the term liberal where I might use Jеws, that
“If one really believes, as millions of American liberals do, that the U.S. faces two and only two choices — either (1) elect Democrats and ensure they rule or (2) live under a white nationalist fascist dictatorship — then of course such people will believe that media disinformation campaigns, censorship, and other forms of authoritarianism are necessary to ensure Democrats win and their opponents are vanquished. Once that self-glorifying rationale is embraced — our adversaries do not merely disagree with us but cause harm with the expression of their views — then the more suppression, the better. And that is exactly what is happening now.”
The Jеwish Ron Unz paradoxically hosts a number of writers who are strongly anti-Jеwish - Andrew Anglin, Mike Whitney, Pepe Escobar, Philip Giraldi and Paul Craig Roberts among them. Former contributor and my correspondent Linh Dinh likewise. They correctly observe their overrepresentation in the State Department, banking and treasury. They correctly observe that Jеws were very much at the center of the Russiagate hoax.
However, singling out this group ignores other groups of real monsters. I have written about Russia. What about the New World Order, WEF crowd? Predominantly descended of European Christians, they include names such as William Gates (II and III), the Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab and Maurice Strong. It is true that Jеws in pharma and banking make money by joining in league with them, but the original impetus seems to come from people with bloodlines much like mine.
I look at it from an evolutionary psychologist’s point of view. Intelligence, temperament and behavior are Jеwish characteristics. They do what they do because of who they are. It is certainly tribal – they support other Jеws because they understand one another, and they rightly expect to find more people with the traits that they respect among their fellow Jеws.
There is certainly an in group – outgroup ethos at play with people such as Bob Strauss and George Soros. Sometimes their animosity to us Goyim comes to the surface, as in the writings of Susan Sonntag and Howard Zimm. These clearly resent and exploit us traditional Europeans. But for the most part, though they recognize an otherness about us, Jеws bear us no animosity.
Anti-Semitism is therefore to me not a useful worldview. Though it is certainly the hardest of things to do, we have to accept people as individuals. Stereotypes are a useful mechanism for deciding in whom to invest time getting acquainted, but we have to attempt to get past them as quickly as we can in favor of seeing the individual as he or she is.
There have been two distinct groups of Jеws in my world, those whom I know personally and those that I know through my reading. The ones I know through their intellectual output tend to be quite independent. The list is far too long to list here, but I can start with Steven Pinker, Noam Chomsky, Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky, Robert Trivers, Brett Weinstein, Norman Finkelstein, David Cole, S. Fred Singer and of course the people I name above. Maybe a quarter of the 550 books I have reviewed on Amazon are by Jеwish authors. These people take pride in their intellectual independence and it is almost certain that no two of them would agree on every major point.
Many of the smartest ones seem to regard their Jеwish identity as merely incidental. My mother often mentioned editing for Hyman Minsky and Erving Goffman when they were at Berkeley. I was a graduate student for Robert Mislevy at the University of Maryland. Intellects such as this are passionately wrapped up in their work and don’t seem to have time to indulge in grievances.
The Jеws I have known in college and professional life are more inclined to the cookie-cutter thinking that characterizes American academia. Most instinctively rally to causes such as school busing, climate change, species extinction, ESG, EDI, gay and transgender rights, open borders and so on. They can be intimidating in their unity and their hostility to anybody who challenges their worldview. Although most Jеws do not find themselves at the extremes, many do remain silent when the extremists start to rant. Few will rise to defend my freedom to speak my mind. More dangerous than the threat to me, they rise to shout down the more accomplished Jеws who do try to find the truth. I see things the same way as Naomi Wolf and Glenn Greenwald, above This group is hypersensitive to perceived racism and anti-Semitism, and absolutely blind to the fact that the way they behave certainly invites it.
These cookie-cutter liberal Jеws do not see nuance. They do not see how I can reconcile my appreciation of the intellect of a Thomas Sowell or a Clarence Thomas with the belief that big-city crime statistics accurately reflect the situation on the streets. They are overwhelmingly afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and inclined to falsely accuse me of being a Fox News fan, despite my being overseas and having a well-known aversion to television.
You readers know that my concern is the future of my genome, through my children and people like me. All in all, I view secular Jеws as a spent force, only a temporary threat. Neither the very smart nor the average are reproducing themselves! Not only do they believe I should not have children, but they have convinced themselves they should not either. When they do have children, they dogmatically defend the right of those children to live their lives anyway they choose. An inordinate number choose to be gay, celibate, transsexual, swingers and anything else that does not lead to grandchildren.
I warn my children not to be persuaded by their arguments, and generally not to support their politics, but aside from Antifa and the like I don’t see these groups mounting much physical threat. I will encourage my children to befriend orthodox, even Haredi Jеws, whose customs and beliefs are closer to what I would advocate.
Oksana has taken Zoriana to the doctor. I doubt she is sick, but she has had something of a low-grade cough for the last month or more. My explanation is that kids are like that. I doubt the doctor can do anything, but I likewise doubt that he will say as much. We will get a couple of bottles of cough medicine and Oksana will be convinced that it had an effect. Oh, well. It isn’t expensive, it keeps them out of trouble, and there is just the slimmest outside chance that there might be a treatable disease at play.
Eddie and I went to the ArtTalkers Toastmasters Hallowe’en meeting today. We continue to have a fairly good turnout – 15 remained for our group photo. All of the clubs have similar problems. A significant number of members went abroad on account of the war, and many who are left have higher priorities than self-improvement.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the men are strong, the women are good looking, and people tell us, as is their obligation, that our children are above average. And we love to hear it.
It's not a tell, it's a fact. There is a great deal of disdain for "rednecks," "deplorables," "red staters" etc. etc. afoot in the United States. Jared Taylor writes eloquently about it. Unless we can recognize the facts we cannot come to a resolution.
The Chishinau situation involved tens of people. The Holodomor, led by Lazar Kaganovich, killed several million. It is a credit to Ukrainian good nature that they can elect a Jewish president less than a century later.
People who are tribal, like a lot of Jews, tend to act towards those who are not members of the tribe in ways that invite prejudice. They maintain their separate identity at a cost. Those who choose to go outside the tribe do so at a cost as well. I recall an event 25 years ago, when a Jewish friend who went outside the fold politically was told, in my presence, "You are a bad Jew. I'm going to put your name on a list and you will regret it...", by one of the leaders of the local Jewish community. Although he was a contributing editor for several national conservative/libertarian publications, he never prospered nor did he get much if any of the limelight.