I wrote the other day about people being wrong on some things, right on others. I totally disagree with Katelyn Jetelina on the Covid vaccines. We probably disagree on the wisdom of abortion. I do, however, believe in “my body, my choice.” Mistake or not, a woman should be free to choose abortion. Especially if it is not a grizzly full-term, severed body-parts surgical affair.
Medication options
One option people have for an abortion between 0-24 weeks is medication. There are two pills used to self-manage abortions: misoprostol alone, or misoprostol in combination with mifepristone (known as the “combined regimen”). These two medications are the same medications one would use if they went to a clinic for medication abortion, and are FDA and WHO-endorsed. The WHO-recommended regimen for medication abortion can be found here.
Just as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are available here, so are these two medications for inducing abortion. They are amazingly cheap - $6.00 and $4.50. While I don’t want to be in the middle of any such deal, you should know it is available. Here are the links. Should be possible to do a deal by email using translation software.
Гинепристон таблетки 10 мг №1 $6.00
Гастротек® таблетки 0.2 мг блістер, №20. Джерело: https://compendium.com.ua/uk/pharmacy/?info_id=550030&drug_id=713256 $4.50
My bet is that you don’t have to come to Ukraine to get what you need. I’m sure that finding a way is not that hard even in red states, despite all the fear-mongering to the contrary. Anyhow, that failing, it is here.
Now that Russia has escalated the war, it is our turn to do the same. Most logical would be for the US to finally give Ukraine the 300km range HIMARS it has been asking for.
Russia depends on rail for logistics. My quick read of the map this morning indicates that there are four rail lines into the People’s Republics and Crimea. Ukraine’s latest offensive knocked out the most westerly. One of the remaining ones links Belgorod and Lugansk. Next is the Kersch bridge to Crimea. The one never discussed runs northwest up to Donetsk. My guess is that they would all be vulnerable to long range HIMARS. (Amended: a better map shows three rail links entering Lugansk, from the NE, E and SE. These would be just within 300km)
It could be there is no need for much action on the front lines this winter. Cut their supplies and let Russian troops starve and freeze without ammunition.
As for us, I think we had better prepare as well. The Russians are targeting civilian infrastructure. We could also be in for a cold and hungry winter.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the family remains asleep as I write this. I’m going to have to get busy stocking the larder.