Some names are toxic. A couple of years ago I lost some readers when I even mentioned Alec Jones and Infowars. Yesterday I received feedback from a couple of people about Judy Mikovits. One described her as a whackdoodle.
That raises the question, how do you know? I am quite sure that the people who canceled me over Alex Jones had never watched Infowars. They had been told by media not to do so because he was an evil right-winger. I suspect the same is true Judy Mikovits. Her reputation precedes her, spread by the mainstream media, and that replication is poison.
At any rate, there is a name for this kind of attack. It is called ad hominem. Attack the person not the argument.
I presented about ten points that came out in the movie with which I agreed. I also pointed out one with which I did not. Ironically, Judy Mikovits, takes the mainstream position that HIV causes AIDS. I have been doubtful of that since reading inventing the AIDS virus. In that Judy Mikovits is a bit more mainstream than I am. Nobody addressed the points themselves.
This warrants a discussion of the systematic differences between the people I follow and the people who believe in the establishment.
Yes, there are a lot of people who might be described as whackdoodles. There is the Nobel prize-winning surfer Kary Mullis who was a thorn in Anthony Fauci's side starting in the 1980s. Same as Judy Mikovits. While Mullis spent his time teaching at the Scripps Institute of oceanography and surfing and being a playboy, Anthony Fauci doggedly built a career at the National Institute of Allergy and infectious Diseases NIAID.
There are other supposedly crazy people. One of the geniuses in the late 20th century died last month. EO Wilson was the father of sociobiology. Here is a link to a wonderful recollection by another such quirky genius from our own age, Ed Dutton. EO Wilson didn't really care what people thought. He wanted to get the truth out. And he was a constant antagonist of the resident Marxists scientists at Harvard, specifically Stephen J Gould and his disciples Stephen Rose and Richard Lewontin.
Amazon's automated censor would not post my review of Lewinton's "Not in Our Genes". I used my anonymizer, presented to you a couple of issues ago, to make the text undecipherable. And it got posted. I expect the same would work for your posts on Twitter and Facebook, until somebody ratted on you.
There was a pitched battle in the 1980s between Wilson and the above-named Marxist trio. On the other hand, one of the greatest forces for truth and light was Steven Pinker. He expertly dodged and weaved to write the classic The Blank Slate in 2002. He described the vicious tactics used by the forces of the left. They foreshadowed the tactics used by the powers that be to shut down dissent about the treatment and prevention of Covid 19.
Pinker's battle is largely a thing of the past. Genetics, anthropology and evolutionary psychology have so firmly established the differences among the races of man that there is no viable dispute in scientific circles. This is one of the places in which science and what is taught on campuses differs widely. The social justice warriors see one truth, science points to another. The two will not be reconciled. See my reviews of Blueprint and The Neuroscience of Intelligence for what scientists think. For what it’s worth, I sometimes get slandered as an anti-Semite. All these authors I have named - both sides - are Jewish. Go figure. Same for many on the next list coming up.
Maybe it takes a whackdoodle not to be intimidated. The people I follow on Substack are not normal folk. They had the cojones to leave steady jobs instead of submit to censorship. Let me name the ones that I follow, paid and unpaid, on Substack:
Matt Taibbi
Glenn Greenwald
bad cattitude
steve kirsch
unreported truths – alex Berenson
celia farber
matthew Crawford
abitail shrier
Jessica Rose from the unforgiveable
Margaret Ann Alice Through the Looking Glass
Dr. Toby Rogers
Robert w Malone MD
Quoth the Raven Fringe Finance
I love these whackdoodles precisely because they won't be intimidated. I may be a bit of one myself. I certainly haven't followed a conventional path through life, and as you readers frequently write, I don't hold uniformly orthodox views.
The last two big items in today's news come from the last two names on my above list. Robert Malone was dropped from Twitter despite 500,000 followers. He did a three hour interview with Joe Rogan and quips that he lost a half million and gained 50 million. Quoth the Raven has an analysis of how earthshaking this is.
This follows blockbuster interviews by Dr. Peter McCullough on Joe Rogan and elsewhere, such as Part Two of the one I sent yesterday.
The dam is busting. Finally there are lots of people talking about how dangerous and unnecessary these injections are. Pretty soon they will start to get to my topics, the long-term effects on the human body of having taught it to create spike proteins on its own, the resulting effect on human populations, and what role my children will play in the world as it will be.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone. For all that we are living in immensely exciting times, life here is pretty tranquil. My biggest concern is whether my pizza dough will rise in time for dinner. This man is feeling stronger, the good looking women have things under control, and the kids got to watch 101 Dalmatians today. All is well in our world.